Awakening Your Light Body
Parts 1 and 2 Frequently Asked Questions

Hello from Duane and Sanaya!
We hope you are enjoying the energy and flow that is possible as you work with the first 3 Centers of the vibrational energy bodies of DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body course. Sanaya and Duane are aware that you have enrolled in the course, and DaBen and Orin will be with you throughout the course.

Studying the light body is a way of awakening to higher consciousness, the consciousness of yourself as an extraordinary Divine being. It offers expansion after expansion into higher awareness that can change your view of your life, the way you live your life, the way you interact with others, and how you think and feel about the world.
We have compiled some information for you about the light body course and frequently asked questions that may be of assistance to you now that you have started the course.

DaBen and Orin have called those of you to the light body course who are leaders, teachers, and healers. They have called you who are capable of holding and radiating the light of your awakened light body to many. You have heard the call, and have begun to awaken your light body with this course.

DaBen and Orin can observe the increase in your inner light as you work with this course. Whether you are aware of your greater light or not, whether you have just worked with the Nu'a and Dinia a few times or many, you have added light, flow, harmony, and radiance to your aura and energy. DaBen and Orin recognize your commitment to your spiritual path, to your world service, and to becoming a source of light. They are grateful for your willingness to take this step and for the contribution you are making to humanity as you radiate more light.

As you awaken your light body you are on a path of enlightenment. Enlightenment is a process, not a destination. There is no limit to how high, centered, aware, conscious, loving, peaceful, radiant, and clear you can become. As you awaken your light body, you are in the process of keying your subatomic level to a higher note, to a new vibration. This inner note can bring you a greater ability to experience balance, clarity, harmony, love, compassion, and many other qualities. As you increase your vibration, many things in your life will be transformed to reflect your higher vibration. 

Remember to read the booklets that come with your light body course! There are many tips and much assistance available in the booklets. We hope some of the answers below will assist you in getting the most out of the light body course.~ Duane and Sanaya

Frequently Asked Questions
I'm finished with Part 1: Building Your Power Base. what's next
I'm finished with Part 2: Opening Your Heart Center what's next

I am not sure I am getting the Centers, should I keep working with one before moving on to the next?
I need help locating the Nu'a and the Dinia

Should go on to the next album even though I have not mastered the one I am on yet?
Taking my time and going slowly, is this OK?

How do I know if I am doing it right?
I am not sure I am experiencing anything
My experiences are not like other people's experiences I am reading about

I need help or extra energy
I need to talk to someone about my experiences

I am not very good at visualizing. Or, I cannot visualize the Centers as DaBen describes them
I am not sure I understand DaBen's instructions or I am not sure I am following DaBen's instructions in the correct way
I had a great experience before, now I do not feel I am experiencing anything
I am not sure this is real, I am not sure what the practical value is in doing this
My mind will not be quiet, what should I do?

Encouragement from DaBen and Orin

I am finished with Part 1:  Building Your Power Base. What's next?
You will want to spend enough time with the Nu'a, Dinia, and Leow Centers to build sufficient power and strength in them to be able to experience and work with the next center, the Ranthia that you will learn about in Part 2: Opening Your Heart Center. As you work with the Ranthia, you may find, as many people have, that you are able to be more detached and neutral; to not take on other people's negative energy; and to have a new level of calmness, peace, centeredness, and joy. You will learn what being centered feels like and how not to react to other people's space and energy.

I am finished with Part 2:  Opening Your Heart Center. What's next?
When you are ready, we think you will enjoy Part 3: Activating Your Higher Energy Centers. You will learn about mental fluidity and also experience deeper states of physical and emotional flow. You can work with these new Centers to find creative solutions to everyday situations, expand the way you think, and have new perceptions and ways of looking at your life. These Centers help you stop mind chatter and much more.

I am not sure I am getting the Centers, should I keep working with one before moving on to the next?
Remember, you do not need to master every journey and light body space to go onto the next journey. Keep progressing through the course. Do not worry if you sometimes have a good experience and at other times you experience mind chatter, or do not have as deep an experience as the time before. Even when you listen to the same journey you will find that you have different experiences. Continue with the course; it is not necessary to "get" each center in the way you think you ought to before you continue with the next journey. As you continue, your ability to see and experience the energies will increase. Every time you work with the energies you gain a new level of consciousness. You do not have to master any of the Centers to move onto the next center. In fact, as you continue you should find that your experiences of the first 3 Centers deepens and they become easier to experience.

I need help locating the Nu'a and the Dinia
You do not need to find the precise location of the Nu'a to have the experience of this center and to use its energy as you are first learning the Vibrational Energy Bodies. What is important is as you find the muscle and subtle energies with your awareness, that you notice some changes in your breathing and a sense of heightened whole body awareness while you are running the energies. As you master the Nu'a you will refine its location for you based on your experience of the energy of the Nu'a.

The Nu'a location, relative to the prostate area in men, is just underneath the skin about halfway between the anus and the scrotum. This muscle location will probably become more and more refined and smaller as you refine your ability to contract this muscle and your ability to sense the energies.

For women the references are consistent in the audio journeys and in the booklet. Again, as a woman gains experience with the Nu'a energy the location will be refined and probably become smaller.

As you progress with the centers you will be able to find the energy of the Nu'a and the whole Vibrational Energy Body energies without contracting the muscles of Nu'a or the Dinia in a physical way. When you have reached this point don't continue to contract the muscles on a routine basis. You may occasionally contract the Nu'a to explore new energies and learn more of the Nu'a from your expanding awareness.

I am not sure if I should go to the next album, I have not mastered the one I am on yet
You may want to consider continuing with the next part before too much time has passed. It is not necessary to master every journey and space to go onto the next journey. It is not necessary to be skilled with a vibrational energy body center to move on to the next center. As you explore the next center you may find, as many people have, that it becomes much easier to have stronger experiences and a better understanding of the lower center. As you work with them, each center brings you more consciousness that allows you to better understand and experience the other centers.

I am taking my time and going very slowly, is this OK?
It is important to listen to your inner messages and take this course at a pace that is comfortable to you. There is no right or wrong way to take this course! Part of the growth and learning is to trust yourself to take those steps that are good for you, and make yourself the authority of your life.
It is important to grow at a pace you can handle. You do not want the pace to be too fast or too slow. Imagine walking on a path up to the top of a mountain, with the top symbolically representing enlightenment. There are many routes to the top. One path goes straight up, and while it is the shortest, you might need mountain climbing skills to take that route. The penalty for falling off the path "going all the way back down to the beginning, or being injured" might be a greater risk than you are ready for. Another path is a slow, winding one. While it is the easiest, requiring hardly any work, it is also the longest. There are other paths as well that are somewhere in-between the fastest and the slowest route. However, all routes eventually take you to the top! It is important that the path you pick is the best one for you, that offers you the right amount of challenge and growth, and also offers time to enjoy the view and the process.

How do I know if I am doing it right?
Many of you judge your experience, wondering, "Am I doing this right? Is this the experience I am supposed to have?" Let go of the right and wrong aspect of any experience. There is only your experience. Many people do not have clear, recognizable experiences of these centers as they work with them. As they kept working with the journeys, in time they were able to experience these energies very distinctly. We encourage you to keep going even if you are not sure you are having the experiences you think you ought to have. With each volume your experiences become higher, more recognizable, and easier.

I am not sure I am experiencing anything.
Some people stop working with the course because they feel they are not experiencing the energies as well as they think they should, or feel they have not experienced anything. If you have put this course aside because you are not experiencing the centers as strongly as you would like, or if you are not having recognizable experiences, continue to progress through the course. Many people do not have clear, recognizable experiences of these centers when they first start the course. As people continue working with DaBen's journeys, in time they are able to experience the vibrational energy and light body centers more distinctly. We encourage you to continue if for some reason you stopped, and to keep going even if you are not sure you are having the experiences you think you ought to have. With each volume your experiences become higher, more recognizable, and easier.

DaBen tells us repeatedly that what is important with the light body is to not get into your head and to let go of trying to have a certain experience. Stay away from judging your experience, and be open to whatever happens during the journeys. Do not try to intellectualize about your experiences or compare yourself to others. Simply enjoy the centers and the spaces they take you to. Trust that you are gaining more consciousness as you work with them and let any experiences you are having be the right ones for you.

My experiences are not like other people's experiences I am reading about.
Everybody's experience with the light body spaces is unique, and we suggest that you let whatever you are experiencing be the perfect experience foryou . Do not compare your experiences to other people's as an indication of whether or not you are doing well. There are as many different ways of experiencing the energy as there are people. Each one of you will be using these energies and states of consciousness for your own unique higher purpose, so let your experiences develop naturally rather than trying to have experiences similar to those other people are having. There is no right or wrong way to experience these journeys, onlyyour own unique, perfect way.

I need help or extra energy.
Remember that DaBen and Orin are holding you in their awareness and transmitting light to you on an ongoing basis as you take this course. You can call upon them for extra assistance whenever you need it. For information on how to request extra energy. Or, you can listen to an audio meditation in Orin's Meditation Room on requesting extra energy. If for any reason you are feeling "stuck" or having problems going on to the next volume, let us know and we will hold an extra focus of light for you. Some suggestions to help you get out of "stuck" places: Play with the Nu'a until you find the exact muscle that when contracted causes a change in your breathing. Open the cone of the Nu'a more and angle the plane of the Dinia slightly upward. Doing these will bring in more energy and should intensify your experience of the light body.

I need to talk to someone about my experiences, I have a lot of questions.
You can call our office and ask about your light body experiences.  Remember not to get too mental and try to figure things out.  The most important thing about studying the light body is to enjoy whatever experiences you are having, and not try to figure out what you "should" be experiencing. There really is no "standard" experience to compare your experiences to, as each person's experience of the light body will be uniquely theirs.

I am not very good at visualizing. Or, I cannot visualize the centers as DaBen describes them.
Do not worry if you cannot picture the centers as DaBen describes them. One of the reasons that DaBen does not offer drawings of the centers is that they appear differently to each person, and can change as you work with them. If you do not have any visualizations, that is fine as well. Some people "feel" the energies, have a sense of them, or simply feel very relaxed. Some people sense the energies as texture, color, or as a sort of "black void." Any experience you have is fine. Even though you are not seeing or visualizing the energies you still gain the benefits of working with them.

I am not sure I understand DaBen's instructions. Or, I am not sure I am following DaBen's instructions in the correct way.
 Enjoy whatever experiences you are having during a journey. Do not focus on what DaBen is saying, but focus on what you are experiencing. DaBen says that it is not his words that are important; instead concentrate on what you are experiencing and enjoy the energy that DaBen is transmitting. If you try to figure out the instructions at a mental level you may find yourself getting too much into your mind, which can pull you out of your experience. Try relaxing into the energy and letting yourself enjoy and ride upon whatever experience you are having.

DaBen tells us repeatedly that what is important with the light body is to not get into your head and try to understand the centers intellectually, but instead to get into the experience of the centers. He feels it more important toexperience the light body than to understand it intellectually. In fact, DaBen feels that the more people try to intellectualize the centers, the harder it will be to experience them. Simply enjoy the spaces you are being guided to, and let any experience you are having be the right ones for you.

I had a great experience before, now I do not feel I am experiencing anything.
Sometimes you will have incredible experiences with a journey, and other times you will have ordinary experiences--nice ones, but not spectacular ones. Sometimes you will feel as if it is all coming together, and at other times you may feel as if you have dropped way back in your skills, your thoughts get in the way, and so on. You will get better and better at being in these spaces, but there will be times in which it is as if you never knew anything about them or how to get there. As you continue to get into these higher states your ability improves, gets more polished, and you get smoother at getting there. If you find you are not having the experiences you think you ought to have as you do these journeys, do not try to figure out why. Remember that growth is not linear. You may have a wonderful experience one time, and a very ordinary experience at another time. This is fine and normal.

I am not sure this is real, I am not sure what the practical value is in doing this?
One of the ways your mind can stop you from growing is by giving you thoughts such as, "This is not real, I am not really growing, I do not see the value in this, I really do not have the time for this," and so on. Your mind can create doubts that time spent on your spiritual growth is worthwhile. It can create distractions so you are too busy to meditate or do those things that lift you higher. It can create self-doubt or make you think you are not doing it right. Your mind may use self-pity to tell you the path is too hard or that you are going too fast. It can make you doubt your inner messages or question your intuition. It can tell you you are not worthy, you do not have what it takes, you are not as good as others, you are on the wrong path, you should be doing something else, and on and on and on.

Remember one thing with your mind there is no winning! Don't argue with it, resist these thoughts, or give them that much importance. Spiritual growth involves a series of what we call the "little deaths" of the personality. Your Higher Self is moving into your mental, emotional, and physical energy bodies. It transforms every aspect of your being. Sometimes the "personality self" is not sure it wants these changes. As your Higher Self moves in, your mind and personality can feel like they are dying. They only need to be loved and reassured. If you are experiencing any of these thoughts or doubts, you may want work with Orin's Subpersonality Journey on Program 4 of Part 1: Building Your Power Base. You can also ask your Higher Self if your desire to stop or slow down is coming from a soul desire or a personality desire. Spiritual growth is a process of death, rebirth, renewal, and life. Your personality as you know it is being transformed.

My mind will not be quiet, what should I do?
If your thoughts are getting in the way of your experience, do not try to eliminate them. Instead, talk to them and give them a new role. Tell them to help you become more aware of the experiences you are having. Then, play with and fine-tune the Nu'a, Dinia, or Leow and notice if doing anything differently changes the way your thoughts occur. Often you can quiet your thoughts by changing the way you are using these centers.

As you work with the vibrational energy body centers you are beginning to add fluidity to your mental body. You are untangling your emotional and mental energy bodies. This may create a reaction from your mind as it begins to realize that its familiar routines may be changed. These reactions are common to any spiritual path you may be on whenever you reach a certain level where your mind is starting to come under the influence of your Higher Self. Not understanding that these changes will be for its own good, your mind may try to stop you.


Encouragement from DaBen and Orin
As you continue to awaken your light body you should find most of the challenges we have talked about becoming resolved or easier to handle. You begin having more understanding of the light body and more recognizable experiences of the light body centers. You are setting the energy for your life to become increasingly joyful, abundant, and more wonderful than anything you have even imagined. You can experience sustained well-being and aliveness. As you awaken your light body you may find yourself becoming spontaneously radiant–having moments when you are spontaneously in enlightened states of consciousness. These moments will increase in their frequency without your running the energy or doing anything to create them.

We congratulate you on coming this far, on listening to your higher voice, and on committing to your spiritual growth. You have much ahead on this journey of growth and transformation–so many wonderful surprises, abundance, love, and joy as you follow your path of light.~DaBen and Orin