Light Body Teacher's Manual
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Series Title: Graduate Light Body Teacher's Guide
Type: Booklet
Journeys By: LuminEssence
Product Number: LBT
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Welcome to our Light Body Teacher's Guide.  Teaching means that you are teaching by making the sounds of the centers as DaBen does. 

You can download the PDF Light Body Teacher's guide for free by clicking on the link.

Note:  This guide is meant to accompany the six-part light body course taught by DaBen and Orin (LB111-LB116) or a light body teacher. It comes with the Radiance: Transmitting Light (LB851) Teacher's Course.  In addition to this manual, you will need to have taken the audio course either through LuminEssence or a Radiance: Transmitting Light teacher.

This guide is included with the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course.  Please read about qualifications to teach the light body at the link provided.  Good information about being a teacher can be found in our welcome to new Light Body Teachers USA, and New Light Body Teachers International

Links to Graduate Light Body Courses

You are considered to be a light body graduate when you have completed DaBen and Orin's 6 part Awakening Your Light Body course, either through LuminEssence, or through a light body teacher. For suggestions on courses to take after you graduate from the six-volume basic light body course, and the order to take them in, you can view the Awakening Your Light Body Study Path chart.

View I'm a Light Body Graduate, What is Next?
View DaBen's live seminars.
View Graduate Light Body Courses by Series
View Graduate Light Body Courses by Course

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.

Copy/Share Information for Light Body Students

Feel free to share this course with others once you have completed all six courses in this series (Parts 1-6) and are an Awakening Your Light Body graduate. However, permission is given for you to share these light body journeys with one other person who is a partner, spouse, special friend, or loved one who wants to take this course with you at the same time.

We ask that you do not copy this course onto any format for sharing. You may not post these audio journeys on the Internet. Please do not copy or transfer these copyrighted journeys to other people via audio listening devices, other digital media, file sharing programs, or other methods. Please review our Copyright and Permissions page. 

We have repeatedly found that when people are ready for the course, their soul, higher self, guides, and the Divine within will provide them with all the resources they need to take this course.  Our experience teaches us that those who purchase or make an investment in the course not only value the course, but finish it as well. Thank you for assisting and supporting us in keeping the work out in as pure a form as is possible.