Aligning Your Personal Will with the divine Will of Spirit
Divine Intention
Divine Motivation
Divine Commitment
Divine Willingness
PLAYSHEET to Strengthen Your Will to Receive Your Higher Good

Chapter 9 Strengthening Your Will to Receive Your Higher Good 5/11/12
I align my will with the divine Will of the Self. Every intention I set is aligned with this Will of infinite Good that holds the blueprint of divine perfection for my life. I am motivated and committed to unfolding the divine plan and purpose of my life and experiencing the divine perfection that is possible, and I am willing to do all that is necessary to bring this about.
You can strengthen your will to receive by consciously aligning your personal will with the Will of the Divine Self, which I will call Divine Will. With this alignment, everything you feel guided to create will fulfill the divine plan and purpose of your life and be in harmony with the universe and all life. This applies to the simplest things that you want to create to the grandest plans that you can imagine.
Divine Will is the Will to Good
The Will of the divine Self holds the perfect pattern of all events, circumstances, relationships, and activities. It includes the divine blueprint and plan for all life, including yours. Aligning your will with Divine Will brings reward beyond measure. With this alignment the actions you are drawn to take and the goals you set will bring about your highest good and also make a contribution to everyone around you.
Aligning with divine Will reveals the perfection that is possible for you to experience in every area of your life. It brings you the vision to know what to create, when to take action, and what action to take. Opportunities will come to you and new paths will open up. Will itself lovingly and gently nudges you in certain directions and makes you more magnetic to all that is divine in nature. Linking your will with the Will of Spirit is like joining an upward spiral where everything you do takes you higher and opens up the potential for even more good.
As you align with the Will of the divine Self, It feels like your will.
As you align with the Will of Spirit, you are aligning with a source of pure Good. It does not feel as if an outside force is acting upon you. Instead, your personality desires begin to reflect the higher Will for your life. This Will expresses itself through your heart, drawing you to do those things you love and want to do, activities that bring you joy and inner satisfaction.
As you consciously align with the Will of the Self, Its Will becomes your will and feels like what you want to do. What you then desire from the depth of your being are those activities, circumstances, relationships, and things that reflect your true purpose and the divine plan for your life. It will not be an effort to want these, for you will not want anything else.
Pause for a moment and ask for an alignment with divine Will, so that everything you draw to you and create will be aligned with the divine plan, purpose, and perfection that is possible for your life. Let divine Will flood your being, bringing you closer to your divine Self. Its Will to good becomes your will, strengthening your will to receive all the good that you can imagine and even more. Let any limit to the good you can receive dissolve.
Know that simply asking for this alignment and intending to align your personal will with Divine Will is all that is required for this alignment to take place. As you think of an area you are working on, and align your will with the Will of Spirit, know that everything about this area is coming into alignment with the Divine plan and blueprint of your life.
You do not have to work hard
to strengthen your will to receive.
As you align with the Will of Spirit you no longer resist doing those things you know are good for you. If you want more intention, motivation, and commitment to create something, align your will with Divine Will and ask to have your will strengthened to bring these changes about. If these are truly on your path, you will have more energy, insight, and enthusiasm to create them. If they are not on your path right now, the energy to do them will fade. You may need to do something else first, increase your contact with the Self, or take other steps before it is time to work on an area you want to change, but feel you lack the motivation to do so. Or, it may be time to stop and change course completely. You will recognize that forcing yourself to do things, struggling, and telling yourself you “should” do something but then avoiding it are all signs that you have not aligned what you are doing with the higher Will.
With this alignment you are strengthening your will to receive all that is divine, beautiful, and an expression of the highest good that is possible. From this awareness you can create circumstances, relationships, activities, and goals that bring you joy and fulfill you. As you link your will with the Will of Spirit, you become a transmitter of it to every area of your life and to everyone around you, offering all life a higher vibration, a more positive outlook, and an increased potential for Good.
You can know you are experiencing the Will of Spirit as your will through your increasing intention, motivation, commitment, and willingness to create harmonious conditions, unlimited abundance, unconditional love, enjoyable companionship, joyful thoughts and feelings, and deep inner peace. You no longer have to work at creating uplifting conditions, feelings, and thoughts. Your increasing oneness with Spirit and your alignment with Its Will strengthens your will and ability to bring about beneficial circumstances.
The qualities that strengthen your will to receive, including divine Intention, Motivation, Commitment, and Willingness, increase your ability to receive all other qualities. As you call upon and work with the qualities presented in the following chapters, you can ask for the quality of divine Intention to strengthen your intention to open to and experience the divine qualities for which you are asking. You can ask for the quality of divine Motivation to increase your motivation to have the divine quality upon which you are calling. You can ask for divine Commitment to commit to sustaining whatever quality you have requested. You can ask for divine Willingness to be willing to experience these qualities, act upon them, and to allow your higher good to reveal itself in every part of your life.
As I align my personal will with the Will of Spirit, I ask for and receive all the qualities of divine consciousness that strengthen my will to create whatever is aligned with the divine perfection and plan of my life.
Divine Intention 5/11/12
Open to Divine Intention to strengthen your intention and ability to bring about the highest and best outcome, in alignment with the Will of Spirit.
Ask for divine Intention so that your intention for everything you do or create is to bring about the highest good and the perfection that is possible. It is the divine Intention for your life that you experience the all the goodness and abundance that is possible, know your spiritual power, live in the light of truth and beauty, and recognize your true identity as a divine being.
As you align with divine Intention you are strengthening your will and ability to bring about the best possible outcomes, activities, and circumstances, because this is the divine Intention for your life. As you open to divine Intention, the Universe begins to rearrange itself to bring you what divine Intention intends for your life —the opportunities, connections, resources, and all you need to create the best possible circumstances and outcomes.
When you align with divine Intention, you are opening up to a powerful energy that strengthens your will and ability to create abundance, well-being, beautiful forms, loving and lasting relationships, and to feel increasing love, peace, and joy in your heart. When your intention is aligned with divine Intention you are setting a trajectory that will allow you to create highest and best that is possible.
Pause for a moment and ask to experience divine Intention right now so that you are aligned with the divine Intention to unfold unlimited good in your life. You intend to bring about your highest good and best possible outcome for every situation, in alignment with the divine plan and perfection of your life. It is fine if it feels like you are using your imagination. All you need do is picture or imagine that you are aligning with divine Intention for this to happen.
As you think of any specific area you are working on, imagine aligning it with divine Intention. With this alignment, make a statement to yourself that reflects your intention for this area. As you ask for divine Intention, you are creating a new and even better outcome. Know that the universe is rearranging itself to bring you what you intend in this area. Divine Intention wants you to have this, and is working with you to bring it about.
Divine Motivation 5/11/12
Ask for divine Motivation to have the motivation, drive, and enthusiasm to do those activities and create those things that reflect the Will of the divine Self for your life, to let go of those that do not.
Divine Motivation comes from Spirit and provides the motivation, drive, energy, and all you need to create and draw into your life whatever is for your highest good. It is motivation that strengthens your will to do those activities and accomplish those goals that express your heart’s desires. It is like the engine that starts a vehicle and keeps it going. You can know you are experiencing divine Motivation in those areas of your life where you are accomplishing your goals with energy and enthusiasm, and enjoy what you are doing.
You can strengthen your will to receive what you have asked for through experiencing divine Motivation. Asking for divine Motivation stimulates the energy you need to start and put into motion those activities and undertakings that bring about your higher purpose and unfold divine perfection, to release those that do not, and to know the difference.
Allow the quality of divine Motivation to flow into your consciousness. Relate to it as living energy that inspires and moves you forward into more light and into many expansions of consciousness. Listen to your heart and believe that you can have a life filled with activities you love to do, that you are inspired and motivated to do. Feel divine Motivation lifting up your entire life, filling you with energy, enthusiasm, and joy.
Let this quality move out into your life, touching every part of it and flowing out to every connection you have. Imagine waking up each morning with so many wonderful things to do and create that you move joyfully from one inspiring activity to another with a sense of eager anticipation.
You can recognize those goals and activities that are not aligned with divine Will as those where you have no real motivation to do them, even though you have judged them important to do. Rather than experiencing a strong will and drive to accomplish something, you avoid it, procrastinate, struggle with it, or try to force yourself to accomplish some goal or fulfill a task. These areas are not part of your path right now, or at all, or you would not feel this way about them. You can still create those things that are not divinely motivated and inspired, but the results will not bring you the peace, harmony, and joy you seek from creating them.
Divine Motivation draws you away from activities that are not on-purpose and not for your higher good by pulling the energy out of them. You will find that you no longer have the desire to do them, or even to force yourself to do them. Let these old activities and goals go, freeing up your time and energy to draw to yourself more of the infinite bounty of the universe toward which divine Motivation always guides you. When you are divinely motivated, what you create will come from your heart and will bring you joy and lasting fulfillment, and you will get the results you hope for, or even more.
Divine Commitment 5/11/12
Ask for divine Commitment to strengthen your will to commit to doing whatever will bring your highest good into your daily life and experience.
You can strengthen your will to receive through asking for and opening to divine Commitment. This quality keeps you steadfastly moving toward accomplishing goals that fulfill the divine plan and purpose of your life until they appear in your life as wonderful forms, events, and activities; loving relationships; and unending expansions of consciousness.
When you ask for divine Commitment, you are asking for a quality that strengthens your ability to commit to whatever will bring about divine perfection and to know what that is. The Self demonstrates the quality of divine Commitment through Its never-ending commitment to you. It will always be with you, available to you whenever you call upon It. It is eternally committed to your awakening so you may experience Its consciousness as your own and know your true identity as a powerful, loving, and wise being, and thus claim all the riches of consciousness that lie within you.
Imagine how your life would change for the better as all the riches of the Self become yours — the consciousness of abundance, well-being, good health, wonderful companionship, infinite resources, and having all that you need in every moment. Divine Commitment strengthens your commitment to expand your inner illumination, act on the truth of your being, and develop the ability to hear and follow the still small voice of Spirit within you so that you can have all you ask for and even more.
Ask for and receive divine Commitment, filling yourself with this quality. You are filling up with the steadfastness, determination, and dedication you need to unfold your highest potential for every area of your life, including the area you are working on.
After asking for divine Commitment, notice that you may have greater clarity about what you want to commit to, or what you want to let go of. If you find after asking for divine Commitment that you do not experience more commitment to some goal, let go of it for now. Divine Commitment releases you from commitments that do not serve you. When you ask for divine Commitment you are asking your divine Self to help you clear out undone, incomplete projects, agreements, and old obligations that are no longer appropriate or on your path. If they are right for you to do at some point, they will come back into your life again.
Divine Commitment strengthens your commitment to those activities, thoughts, and actions that are expressions of the divine within. Look for improvements in your ability to be committed and focused on doing those things that call to your heart.  You are committed to be open to fulfilling the will, intention, and motivation of Spirit and to let go of anything that stands in the way. It is a commitment to yourself, so that you may become all that you can be.
Divine Willingness 5/11/12 (too long?)
Ask for divine Willingness to increase your willingness to do all that is necessary to bring about the results you seek, in alignment with the divine plan of beauty and perfection that exists for your life.
Willingness is an attitude that says, “I am willing to do whatever is necessary to bring about my higher good and divine perfection. I am willing to let go of preconceived ideas, attachments, and anything that might stand in my way. I am willing to trust and act on my inner guidance; I will do whatever I am guided to do as I align my personal will with divine Will. I am willing to do things that require extra time and energy if they are indicated. I am willing to be open to new ways of doing things, to listen to what is needed rather than imposing my will on the situation. I am willing to cooperate with the Will of my divine Self.”
Willingness is an important quality to make your life work in higher and better ways. Utilizing the consciousness your divine Self is sending you requires a willingness to do all that is indicated and necessary to bring about the success you desire. It is a can-do attitude that brings great forward progress and opens the way for even more spiritual gifts of awakening from your divine Self.
Willingness is readiness and even eagerness to do whatever you need to do to bring about the infinite Good that awaits you as you align with the divine plan and purpose of your life. You are you willing to face every situation in your life with love and understanding rather than fear or denial. You are willing to do what ever it takes to bring about the results you seek and to let your divine Self guide you in doing so. You are willing to increase your ability to accept and work with current conditions to lift them, rather than complain about them or feel like a victim. Your willingness to work together with your divine Self and to accept the results, even if they do not meet your expectations, is important to bring about divine perfection in your life.
You have the confidence of knowing that you can move through all apparent obstacles because your divine Self is with you. You know that Spirit is always working for your higher good, opening the way, and bringing you all the wisdom and power you need to create your highest future. An attitude of willingness opens the way for your divine Self to give more to you, for you are willing to be open to and use the guidance it is offering you.
Think of an area in your life in which you are asking for your higher good. Or, let an area come to mind that could use the quality of willingness, or some area that would shift if you were more willing to follow your guidance, to accept the situation without resistance, or to do whatever it takes to move forward. Align your will with the Will of Spirit and set your intention to have divine perfection unfold in this area, with the motivation and commitment to bring it about.


Merge with the quality of willingness being sent from your divine Self. You know that Spirit is always working for you and you are willing to accept whatever happens and trust that it is for your highest good, even if you cannot see why at the time. Ask for this quality that releases any potential resistance to doing whatever you need to do to create the most positive outcome and that removes all barriers to success. Complete this sentence, "I am willing to........" Let come to mind any insights about what steps you can or how you can more fully cooperate with the Self to bring about divine perfection in this area of your life. Feel your willingness to take your next steps of cooperating with the Will of your divine Self. What would change in this area with the quality of willingness? Feel the peace in your body and the release of stress as you allow the quality of willingness to permeate your being.
With divine Willingness, you intend to cooperate fully with Spirit in bringing about the divine plan of your life that is already in place in the higher realms, just waiting for you to recognize and act upon it and have it appear in your life as wonderful outcomes, activities, and circumstances. You are willing to listen to your heart and follow your guidance.
PLAYSHEET Strengthening Your Will to Receive
Think of an area you are working on to ask and receive.
Connect with the divine Self as you have learned to do.
Imagine you are aligning your personal will with the Will of the Self, so that everything you desire and want to create is in alignment with the divine plan and purpose of your life.
Ask 3 questions of the Self (Perhaps we do want the how to receive inner guidance before this section)
1. Where in my life and in what ways am I already experiencing my will linked with the Will of Spirit? Think of simple, small ways, or large ways.
2. Where in my life would strengthening my will to receive make the most difference? Where would it be useful? Ask for the qualities that will strengthen your will to receive and imagine them transforming this area.
3. In the area I am working on, how might it be different if I strengthened my will to receive?
Aligning with the qualities that strengthen your will to receive
You can think of the area on which you are working as you ask for and receive the qualities below that strengthen your will to receive. You can also open to having these qualities appear in every area of your life where they are needed.
Ask for and open to experience:
  1. Divine Intention: I ask for Divine Intention to strengthen my will to receive divine perfection in this area so that everything I say, do, and create unfolds the divine perfection that is possible and brings me closer to the Divine within me.
  2. Divine Motivation: I ask for divine Motivation to have the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to bringing about the highest and best outcome for the area I am working on, and for all areas of my life. I open to the quality of divine Motivation that brings me the energy I need to start and complete those tasks that will fulfill the divine perfection of the area I am working on.
  3. Divine Commitment: I ask for and receive divine Commitment to commit to bringing about divine perfection in every circumstance, relationship and activity in my life.
  4. Divine Willingness. I ask for the quality of divine Willingness to assist me in being willing to do whatever is needed with joy in my heart to bring about the divine perfection that is possible in my life.
When you first call upon these qualities it may seem as if nothing happens. Know that the universe begins to rearrange itself the moment you ask for divine Intention, Motivation, or Commitment. You open up possibilities that were not available before. Some new aspect of divine consciousness is born within you, expanding your ability to be your true Self through your thoughts, words, and actions. You immediately gain a greater ability to express divine Qualities and to take actions that bring about better and more harmonious circumstances. Your inner illumination grows, allowing you to more easily create divine perfection in your daily life and circumstances.

Missing from this draft: (or not missing, depending on your view)
  1. Metaphors
  2. When to call for this quality (list of 5-8 things from earlier drafts)
  3. How this quality feels as it first comes about.
  4. In-depth linking with this quality, how it feels