Main Seminar Index Page
Password Assistance
How do I change my User ID?
How do I register for the seminar?
Seminar Enrollment and Payments
How do I access the Seminar Journeys?
Live Audio Feed
Streaming Option
Download Option
Final Edited Seminar Journeys
Welcome to our Seminar Online Questions page that contains answers to some commonly asked questions about online seminar access. If your questions are not answered below, feel free to email us using our Guestbook feature.
Password Assistance
Change Password: You can customize your password by going to the "Change Password" link in your Member's Area. This allows you to create any password you want, one that you can easily remember in the future.
What do I do if I lose my password or my password doesn't work?
Remember your password is case sensitive; use upper and lower case letters as indicated.
To change your password, log in and click on the "change password" link and follow the instructions.
If you lost your password, go to the Member's Area, then click on "lost password." You will be sent an email with a link you can click on to set up your new password. You may want to print out your password for future reference, or record your password in a safe place.
How do I change my User ID? Your User ID is your email address. If your email address changes, please be sure to notify us so we can update your User ID.
How do I register for the seminar? You will add the seminar you want to participate in to your shopping cart and check out just as you would do for a normal product. Please be sure to indicate if you are participating by coming in person, or attending remotely, online.
You will need to create a member's account as part of the check out process, if you haven't already done so. When you log-in, after you have paid in full for the seminar, you will have access to any seminars you have enrolled in, once the seminar is underway and the audio journeys have been posted. View and use links to enroll in DaBen's upcoming seminars here.
Luminous Body Seminar Enrollment and Payments: Go to the web page with the current seminar. You will see two options for the Luminous Body seminars: Deposit $125, or Pay in Full $575; choose one or the other option. Please also indicate if you are attending in person, or remotely, online. If you choose to pay the deposit of $125, you can make payments toward the seminar cost of $575 by logging into the Member's Area, and going to "Order History and Seminars." Here you will see any balance due. If you click on the balance due amount, you will come to a web page that will allow you to make payments toward the seminar. You will need to be paid in full by the beginning of the seminar to attend in person, and to have access to the seminar journeys if you are participating remotely, online. Note: The $125 deposit is non-refundable but can be transferred to another seminar or used to order products.
Light Play seminars: You will need to pay in full to attend. Please be sure to indicate if you are coming in person or attending remotely when you register.
How do I access the Seminar Journeys? Log-in to the Members Area and view the seminar journeys under "My Downloads and Seminars" The seminar meditations will show up only after the live seminar starts, around noon of the first day of the seminar.
Live Audio Feed: During seminar times you can listen in real time to DaBen's journeys and Duane's talks.
Streaming Option: This option works best with a high-speed connection or through your mobile device. If you do not have a high-speed connection, this can result in stopping and starting (also known as "buffering"), based on Internet congestion at the time of listening. Our streaming is done at 128kbs, CD quality audio. About 12-14 weeks after the seminar ends we will repost the seminar, with all the talks and meditations digitally edited, (coughs removed, etc.). At that time a zip file will be available of the entire seminar, that will also include a PDF of the transcripts with notes of what music used during each journey. Streaming is useful if you are listening on a computer other than your own and do not want to download the journeys to someone else's computer. However, if you have a slower connection, you will need to download the journeys to be able to listen to them.
Download Option: You can download the journeys to your computer, using the "Download Now" button. Once the audio is on your computer you can listen using your computer's media player, and not need to be on the Internet to listen. Downloading the journeys and putting them on your computer will eliminate any interruptions of the audio as it plays, and can sometimes give you a better listening experience.
Final Edited Seminar Journeys: About 12-14 weeks after the seminar, we will have digitally edited seminar journeys, with coughing and other sounds removed, and a general clean up of the background noise and other editing done. The seminar journeys posted immediately during and after the seminar will be replaced with the new edited journeys and a note will be posted on the download page to let you know that the edited journeys are now available.
Seminar Online General Help and Information
Schedule and Times of Seminar Journeys
Suggestions for taking the seminar online
Answers to commonly asked general seminar questions
Seminar FAQ downloading information.
General FAQ General Downloading Information
Information on data plans and data usage Check your data plan for costs. The live audio feed, downloads and streaming audio all use data.
Transferring MP3 Audio Files to an Audio Device