Seed Group Purpose and Agreements

Purpose of the Seed Group
Duane: The Seed Group and your participation in it is making a vital contribution to the consciousness of humanity. As we expand into the luminous body energies, we as a Seed Group have larger opportunities to contribute to opening new, higher energies and bringing them to earth plane consciousness, opening these energies for all life on the earth plane. With the energies of the luminous body, we as a Seed Group accept the challenge of expanding our consciousness to levels rarely experienced on the earth plane and to elevating human thought forms. Doing this will be a challenge and a stretch for all of us.

As in the past, the purpose of the Seed Group will be to assist in "seeding" and then exploring the new energies and spaces DaBen is bringing through. You will assist in developing and opening energies at the light body and luminous body levels through to the earth plane level.

We are assisting in discovering the ways to open the doorway for new options for a more enlightened humanity. The energetic doorways we are opening, now and in the future, make it possible for higher energies to be available to ourselves and to humanity.

Part of your purpose as a member of the Seed Group will be to find an evolving and deeper basis of your expression, choosing to express, committing to becoming as conscious as possible to the luminous nature of that expression, more aware of the underlying and infused source and connections. You will evolve into new ways of thinking, free of your search for answers, but instead an expression of your improving focus on the details of pure knowing. As you do you will discover much about your presence, purpose, joy, and beauty on the earth plane. You will assist in creating perspectives from other planes and dimensions that will be required to open and hold the energies you will be exploring.

Another part of your purpose as a member of the Seed Group will be to use the connection to the Seed Group as an opening to delve deeper into creating, discovering, and experiencing the nature of connections, resonance level, and beyond time that is the earth plane. From your gained "understanding" you can open to the flow of the energy from the light body and luminous body energies and when you are drawn to, "share" at an energy level with any areas of human and earth plane consciousness that you choose.

These will be new energies that are next for humanity, that at this time do not easily exist as consciousness, or as a choice for humanity. The function of the Seed Group will be to create or discover ways to focus these new energies outward, taking energies that have not yet come into the consciousness of humanity, and solidifying them so they can appear as consciousness and energy available to humanity and of course, to yourself.

You will be the recipient of the energy as it comes back, and become a conduit of the new energies, controlling the flow of it as it goes outward and opening to receive all the consciousness and light that will come back to you. This should bring many rewards of consciousness for you and for others who are now, and will be in the future, playing in these realms.

The Seed Group can go to levels that are beyond what we have been able to accomplish with our current range of energies and skills. Many incredible, wonderful spaces lie ahead.  A quantum leap and a whole new level of growth are possible for each of us during this next cycle.

I look forward to our continued growth together ~ Duane 

Seminar attendance requirements for Seed Group members
To remain in the Seed Group, Duane and DaBen ask that you commit to coming in person to the Main seminars as well as the Seed and Discovery Group meetings.

To participate as a Seed Group member, we ask:
During the seminars you may be asked to assist in a few seminar support activities, including assistance with morning registration. You will also assist DaBen during his meditations to help hold the energy for the larger group as a part of your training in the new skills you will be learning.

Seed Group Agreements

  1. You commit to using the light body and luminous body skills and spaces in your daily life.
  2. You commit to solving your personal problems without bringing personality issues into the group or to LuminEssence staff or to Duane and Sanaya. While it is fine to have "challenges," you will be expected to handle them using the light body and luminous body skills you have, and to contribute flowing energy to the group when we meet.
  3. We ask for your commitment to support others, both at a personality level and at an energy level. We ask that you be willing to hold a space and open up the energies in the meditations and teardrop for those who lose their spin, drop out of the experience, or lose the rhythm of the group meditation. Your skill and willingness to do this will determine the group success as well as your own ability to experience the energies that are being offered by DaBen and other beings of light we will work with. The ongoing success of the Seed Group will increasingly become a function of your willingness to sponsor others, both energetically and at a personality level.
  4. At a personality level, you will be expected to continue to be inclusive, noncritical, and able to support each other in a process of growth, challenge, and transformation.
  5. We ask that your motivation for participating in the group meditations is not just for the personal spaces you can experience, but also to expand your skills of holding the group stable, riding the flows, opening space for others, and contributing to the ability of others around you to go to the Oneness and Immense Spaces. As you learn how to do this, you will be able to expand yourself and experience more levels of Oneness and the Immense Space more thoroughly.
  6. You agree to not teach any of the skills you will learn at these Seed Group meetings, as well as at the Main seminars until you are notified otherwise, and to not sponsor others through sharing your audio journeys unless you have asked for and received permission to do so, or been asked to do so as part of sponsoring new members. DaBen's journeys are just for those of you who are enrolled. The audio talks and journeys may not be shared through iPods or similar types of listening devices with non-seminar participants. Please do not share CDs that you may burn or other methods of copying and sharing audio files with others who are not registered for these courses.
  7. You are aware that most notification about group events and schedules will be made by Email, and you will provide an Email address, and inform LuminEssence should that address change.
  8. If there is a reason why you cannot come in person, please let us know in advance. We assume you will take the seminar remotely in that case, and we understand that emergencies do arise. Your presence in person is important to the success of the Seed Group, and we appreciate your commitment to coming in person.

The schedule below is for the Main seminars. 
The Seed Group meeting is Sunday after the Main seminar ends, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.
The Discovery Group meeting is on Monday following the Main seminar, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.