Discovery Group Purpose
Discovery Group Agreements
Registration Quick Links for You:
Enroll in the April 27-29, 2018 Friday - Sunday Main Seminar Becoming Luminous Light
Enroll in the May 1-2, 2018 Tuesday - Wednesday Seminar Living Your Light Body Seminar
Enroll in the April 30, 2018 Monday Discovery Group Seminar
Seminar Times and Posting Schedule
All Seminars Index Page and 2018-2019 Seminar Schedule.
You are invited to participate in DaBen's and Duane's Discovery Group. This invitation is because others in the group have recommended you, or Sanaya and Duane have noticed your participation in many past seminars and want to acknowledge your skill with light body spaces. You have studied DaBen's Infinite Being seminars (LB961-LB971) in addition to other light body courses, and DaBen feels you have the consciousness and light body skills to join the Discovery Group for the upcoming seminar cycle. Go here for 2018 seminar schedule.
The Discovery Group seminar takes place on Monday following the main Luminous Body seminar. In this seminar DaBen offers 8 additional meditations and talks, to expand upon what was taught in the main seminar. Cost is $125. Please read about the Discovery Group purpose below.
To become a Discovery Group member, we ask that you make a commitment to participate in each of DaBen's April and October Luminous Body: Becoming Luminous Light seminars plus the 1 day Discovery Group meeting the Monday after the Main seminar. You may come in person or attend remotely. Participation in the Living Your Light Body courses that follow the Luminous Body seminars is optional and may be taken live or remotely. Refer to Discovery Group Agreements below.
As you may be aware of, DaBen is offering two seminars in April and October taught back to back. He tells us he needs the additional time to offer you a more complete shift. The Luminous Body seminars are Friday through Sunday, the Discovery Group seminar is Monday, and the Living Your Light Body seminars will be taught through Wednesday. All seminars will teach luminous body skills.The Living Your Light Body Seminars are not required to remain in the Discovery Group.
The Luminous Body seminars on Friday - Sunday will focus on expanding into new luminous body spaces for the pure joy of expansion, without an earth plane focus.
The Living Your Light Body seminars that follow the Luminous Body seminars will be more focused on expressing luminous and light body energies into your earth plane life. Both teach and use luminous body energies. Participation is optional. You can take this seminar at any time as well as right after the Luminous Body seminar.
Seminars will take place at the Rogue Regency Inn and Suites in Medford, Oregon, USA
Seminar Times
Main Seminar starts Friday at 9:00 AM and ends at 1:00 PM Sunday afternoon.
**Discovery Group Meeting is from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday following the main seminar.
The Living the Light Body seminar starts Tuesday at 9:00 AM and ends Wednesday at 5:00.
View Luminous Body, Discovery Group, and Living the Light Body seminar times.
Friday Registration for Discovery Group Members
Starting time of seminar for Discovery Group Members
Registration: 7:00 - 7:25 AM Friday morning. We ask that you pay in full prior to each seminar, as we will be eliminating Friday morning registration in October.
First Discovery Group meeting: 7:30 AM Friday morning
This meeting is to assist you in preparing for the main Seminar and your special role in it as a Discovery Group member.
Inner Planes Meditations
We have enjoyed our connection with you on the inner planes in between the seminars through the meditations on Tuesdays at 7:00 AM -7:30 AM, and Thursdays 7:00 PM –7:30 PM with DaBen. These meditations have been a wonderful experience for everyone and a time for all of us to join together on the inner planes. During the weeks preceding the upcoming seminar, DaBen will be transmitting during these times to assist in your preparation for the opportunities that will be offered at the seminar.
Purpose of Discovery Group
The purpose of the Discovery Group is to explore the new energies and spaces DaBen is bringing through. You will assist in opening and holding energies at the light body and luminous body levels through to the earth plane level. These energies will be intimately involved with creating openings and opportunities for yourself and others to discover and open to the energies and spaces you will explore. We are opening the doorway for new options for a more enlightened humanity. The energetic doorways we are opening, now and in the future, make it possible for higher energies to be available to ourselves and to humanity.
As a Discovery Group member you will be the recipient of the energy DaBen is transmitting as it comes back. You will become a conduit of the new energies, controlling the flow of it as it goes outward and opening to receive all the consciousness and light that will come back to you. This should bring many rewards of consciousness for you and for others who are now, and will be in the future, playing in these realms.
Another part of your purpose as a member of the Discovery Group will be to use the connection to the Discovery Group as an opening to delve deeper into experiencing the nature of connections, resonance level, and simultaneous time that is the earth plane. From your gained "understanding" you can open to the flow of the energy from the light body energies and when you are drawn to, "share" at an energy level with any areas of human and earth plane consciousness that you choose.
These will be new energies that are next for humanity, that at this time do not easily exist as consciousness, or as a choice for humanity. The function of the Discovery Group will be to focus these new energies outward, taking energies that have not yet come into the consciousness of humanity, and solidifying them so they can appear as consciousness and energy available to humanity and of course, to yourself.
These are the agreements to participate in the Discovery Group
To be a Discovery Group member, you agree to participate in each of DaBen's April and October Luminous Body: Being Luminous Light seminars plus the 1 day Discovery Group meeting Monday after the Main seminar. You may come in person or attend remotely. Participation in the Living Your Light Body seminars that follow the Luminous Body seminars is optional and may be taken live or remotely. These seminars will include luminous body energies, and will be about expressing these higher spaces in your daily life.
During the seminars, if you attend in person, you may be asked to assist in seminar support activities. You will also assist DaBen during his meditations to help hold the energy for the larger group as a part of your training in the new skills you will be learning.
We ask that you note and agree to the following commitments in addition to the above:
- You commit to using the light body and luminous body skills and spaces in your daily life.
- You commit to solving your personal problems without bringing personality issues into the group or to LuminEssence staff or to Duane and Sanaya. While it is fine to have "challenges," you will be expected to handle them using the light body skills you have, and to contribute a smooth, flowing energy to the group when we are meeting together.
- We ask for your commitment to support others, both at a personality level and at an energy level. We ask that you be willing to hold a space and open up the energies in the meditations for those who lose their spin, drop out of the experience, or lose the rhythm of the group meditation. Your skill and willingness to do this will determine the group success as well as your own ability to experience the energies that are being offered by DaBen and other beings of light we will work with. The ongoing success of the Discovery Group will increasingly become a function of your willingness to sponsor others, both energetically and at a personality level.
- At a personality level, you will be expected to continue to be inclusive, noncritical, and able to support each other in a process of on-going growth, challenge, and transformation. We want to encourage sharing of experiences and even more time to talk to Duane and DaBen to understand this new undertaking, both on an experiential level, and on an intellectual level.
- You agree to not teach any of the skills you will learn at these Discovery Group meetings, as well as at the Main seminars until you are notified otherwise, and to not sponsor others through sharing your audio journeys unless you have asked for and received permission to do so, or been asked to do so as part of sponsoring new members. DaBen's journeys are just for those of you who are enrolled.
- You are aware that most notification about group events and schedules will be made by posting the information on our website.
Many incredible, wonderful spaces lie ahead, and a quantum leap and whole new level of growth for each of us. We thank you for all you have contributed to bringing these incredible spaces to humanity by learning them and by using them in your life. ~ Duane