Transcripts of DaBen's Light Body Seminar
Seminar Journeys (J) and Talks (T)
We are providing these transcripts as a way to assist you in understanding DaBen's instructions. The spoken word is different than when it is presented in writing, and these are not intended to take you into the light body spaces. We do not guarantee that these are perfect transcriptions of the journeys, nor are they intended to be. The journeys and talks given at the seminar will be posted as transcribed by our transcriber. Transcripts when complete will be put into PDF format several months after the seminar, and can be downloaded so you can read it on your computer or print it out.
Directory of Programs
Program 01 LB966QE_01T Duane: Talk Question: What is Next for You as a Teacher
Program 02 LB966QE_02T DaBen: Talk
Program 03 LB966QE_03J DaBen: Being a Teacher, Preparing, Being, Holding Energy
Program 04 LB966QE_04T Question for Teachers: How to Describe the Light Body to Students
Program 05 LB966QE_05T Duane: Duane: Connecting with Students
Program 06 LB966QE_06J DaBen: Students, Finding Degree of Connection
Program 01 LB966QE T Duane: Talk Question: What is Next for You as a Teacher
Sanaya: DaBen is going to lead the journeys, but I have some questions for you. How many of you here have not ever taught the light body, but are thinking of teaching it?
Okay. How many of you here have taught the light body, stopped teaching, and are thinking of teaching again?
And how many of you are actively teaching the light body right now?
Sort of? We do have a light body Facebook page, teachers Facebook page, I was informed.
I would like to ask you to just get quiet for a minute. What would you like to get out of this evening? What is the shift that is next for you around the potential of teaching the light body, continuing to teach the light body, or getting back into it? Just go within for a minute. What do you want to get out of the next two hours?
Make that your intention, whatever shift is next for you. And I would like to ask you to share with us, maybe in a couple sentences, what you would like to not just get out of this evening, but what would you like to do next as a potential light body teacher, as an active light body teacher, what do you want to get out of this evening.
Who has the courage to go first? Vi?
Vi: I would like more continuity between my courses and between my students.
Participant: I would place a call into this energy to reach out to students (inaudible).
Sanaya: You want to use the energy tonight to reach out, to place a call to your students, your future students, and to strengthen that, and work with the gridwork. Good. Everybody can use that.
Participant: What came to my mind was to clarify if teaching light body again is really in alignment with the flow of my Divine Self right now.
Sanaya: So to see if teaching the light body again is in the flow of your life and your connection to the Divine Self. That’s good.
Participant: I would love to have confirmation about the steps I think I need to take towards forming a group of people I can teach the light body to.
Sanaya: So a confirmation of the steps you need to take to form a group, what you need to take to form a light body group. Okay. And why don’t we have you come up and say it on the mic, if you don’t mind.
Participant. I would like to get structure of how to present the light body online, not necessarily a business, just a contribution, so that other people understand what it is.
Sanaya: Well, we are going to give you a challenge around that later. Not just you. Who else?
Participant: I would like some information on how to support myself financially while I’m teaching the light body.
Sanaya: Okay.
Participant: And I’m looking for inspiration regarding the timing, and the lineup, and cleaning up the things in my life which take time that I don’t really need to do anymore.
Sanaya: Good, transitions.
Participant: I would like to get energetic change in my personality to be more in the flow instead of my ego and get rid of all these ideas and fears about teaching and trusting my inner guidance.
Sanaya: Great ideas everybody has.
Participant: Similarly, I would like to understand the right timing for myself, and also the balance between sticking with the purity of the program and also where my creativity comes into it and understanding that balance.
Sanaya: Everybody is bringing up such good points.
Participant: Connections is what is important to me, understanding the connections between myself and the student, and how that can be more clear, how it can be easy, how it can be joyful. Connections.
Participant: I basically want to learn more about trusting guidance on actually teaching and building a really deep relationship with my guide.
Sanaya: Good one. Guides do have a role in this.
Participant: Hi. I am fairly new to light body, but I really enjoy teaching, and I feel like I’m being guided to explore the option of teaching light body, and I would like to offer it to the part of the world where I live, in Kimberley, BC, the southeast corner of British Columbia.
Sanaya: Great,
Participant: I taught the light body once a long time ago and haven’t done it since because I keep thinking I have to be more, and I have to be different. So I want to see what I have to give, and just trust that I will attract the students who want what I have to give, and that seems like a really big shift for me to do that.
Participant: I would like to help other people who are ready to awaken their light bodies, some of them who have been searching along their life path, and who want to explore their inner self, and who need help mainly with awakening their light bodies. So the people who are basically ready to awaken, that’s who I want to meet and to help.
Sanaya: Well, that helps if they’re ready. In this one they need to be ready.
Participant: The first thought that came to mind was to love. But really I work with the elderly, and they just need some support spiritually, and I just wish that I would be guided to be able to hold that space for them, not necessarily formally educate, but those who are magnetic to it, for them to be able to receive.
Sanaya: Beautiful.
Participant: I’m trying to make the Chinese version of awakening your light body, and it’s still in the process, and I hope that it can have a place, and I hope that the products and all the teachers can help more people to be successful in awakening your light body.
Sanaya: She is making the light body albums right now in Chinese.
Participant: My name is Doug, and I’m a recovering academic. I need some support in some inspiration from my guides in order to teach much more from my joy rather than the heaviness of my knowledge.
Participant: What do I want from tonight? Inspiration to just do it, just get up and do it. I think everything is in place, it’s just a matter of taking that step.
Participant: Probably similar to Peggy and several people here. I’ve sponsored people before and provided support online for other people who are doing it independently, but I’ve never quite made the step into teaching, so I really need to work out how to reorganize my life so that that can actually happen.
Participant: Also similar to what some other people have said, the first word that popped into mind for me was timing, so the right timing and creating the time to make this happen.
Sanaya: Okay. So a lot of it is about being in the flow.
Participant: Tonight I would just really like to go back to that magnetizing and finding and connecting to all those people who are at this point ready to awaken their light bodies. And also I’m teaching the radiance, self-exciting, and so also those people.
Participant: At the time I was teaching around the millennium there was a lot of energetic support for teaching the light body, and all of the light body courses teach so well. So I’m just delighted to be here tonight and see this. It’s wonderful.
Sanaya: We realize how important you teachers are because you’re going to take the work out after we’re gone. We’ve got you, and then the people you teach are going to learn to teach, so some of you will be teaching the teachers and forming a group around that.
Participant: I’ve taught light body consciousness twice, and my intention for this evening is to ask permission of Duane and DaBen to teach luminous bodies in order to bring my students to the next step.
Sanaya: Have you taught the Infinite Being series, the conversing with your guides and you as a focus of consciousness?
Participant: Yes.
Sanaya: Okay. And there is a path as a teacher, like Wendy said teaching self-exciting, once you teach and meet the teaching requirements and you’ve had a couple experiences with the group, the self-exciting agreement allows you to teach another level, and then when you have completed light body consciousness there is a teacher’s course. So we have courses that you can take, and you can teach the whole path.
Except we haven’t really formalized anything around the last two series, but that is sort of an individual thing based on you will know if you’re ready by the time you reach that level of teaching.
I thank all of you for coming up.
Participant: I would like to know my future step to teach light body, because I would like to enter in a new dimension of teaching light body, new dimension in my own teaching, a more profound connection with students in France. And it’s not always easy to connect and to teach light body in France for many reasons.
Sanaya: Yes. You not only had to learn the body, you told us you had to learn English to take the light body. That’s very impressive.
Okay. We’ve got more questions for you, but I will let Duane handle the next level.
Program 02 LB966QE_02T Duane Talk
Duane: Well, if I was listening carefully enough to your sharing as to what you hope to learn tonight or get insights into it’s basically around students and then preparing.
We will do in a little bit a journey, probably two journeys, to look at both of those issues.
It has been a long time since I’ve taught the awakening your light body, and many of you who have shared your experiences teaching the awakening your light body in some ways it has gotten easier in that your students get it in a quicker way, and that the concepts are not quite as far to reach for them. We will look a little bit in one of the journeys at gridwork and some of the things that have made that possible.
An additional sort of thing that maybe makes teaching now compared to many years ago perhaps a little harder is that as all of the energies from higher aspects of light body are there and become available in some of the spaces that you’re at, and so you’re also dealing with your students and tuning into or are able to tune into higher energies as well. So you need some background in what those possibilities are, what avenues, what they will be finding.
Even in a couple instances today people came up and said I was experiencing this, is that okay. And what they were doing was already tuning into a couple journeys from now, or from then.
So that’s that openness that is there in these various levels, and it presents a little bit more of a challenge because they’re going to see, oh, I’m here, but I know there is this, I want up here. And you’ve got to sort of slow them down enough, because without some of the basic skills, “up here” is not going to last very long for them. So it’s that balance back and forth.
Preparing to be a teacher. I guess the simplest way to state that, and there are courses, we laid out a course and criteria and so on, you should meet that as general guidelines.
But the most important thing is that you want to create a shift for students, so that as you do that, as you prepare to be a teacher, make sure that that’s why you’re doing it.
Don’t get too caught up in the business aspects. But that’s important, and you need to be smart about the way you do the business. So that it’s not just the fun, there is enough profit to make the fun continue. And don’t do it just for the profit. There is no way that anybody could pay me enough to do the light body, to teach the light body. It has to be something that I want to do. Because there is so much energy that goes into it that you have to want to do that.
Now, having said that there is a lot of energy that goes into it, if you want to create that shift, or more appropriately if you want to create the opportunity for your students to shift with the light body, then that’s most of the preparation right there, because then you will do the rest yourself. You will make sure that you’re ready, make sure that you understand the material.
And for some of you who are looking at that and not sure you’re ready, perhaps you will find this statement reassuring or not reassuring, you will never be ready until you actually do it. You can think about being ready forever.
Almost every seminar that I prepare, this one in particular, and you’ve done so well it made it seem that, gee, this is too easy, but there is a place as I start to put the energies together and what DaBen said to do, and try to sequence journeys, and what comes before this, how much to include, and so, there is a part of me that says what made me think I could ever teach this. It’s too involved, too complicated, requires too many leaps of consciousness to do it.
You may find that as well. So that in some senses you are never ready. And once you start, once you get into that space, once you have students there that you really want to create the opportunity to shift, there will be a part of you, and also through your guide, a part of you that the answers will just come.
At the break some of you asked some really insightful questions. Every once in a while there will be a question that I hadn’t even thought would be a question, but it’s a good question. And the answer will just be there.
So as you prepare that’s a large part of it. So in some senses you are ready when you have a mastery of the material. You want to make sure you understand for awakening your light body each of the vibrational energy body centers, each of the light body centers, some of their connections.
And you’ve done that, and you need to just remind yourself what your experience was, because you are really teaching your experience. So let that part of your preparation be your experience.
Often the difficult part is finding language, because you have your own experience, but then it’s trying to put it into language that your students may understand. That will come to you pretty easily just by wanting to create the opportunity for them to shift. That’s sort of the preparation that is there.
And you will never be fully prepared from a left-brain sense. Yes, self-exciting, holding some of the spaces for the awakening your light body really get much easier, and really you should have self-exciting to do that, so that you have those spaces.
For awakening your light body one of the challenges is to hold a space as the pure energy as possible. So you need to have some mastery of the material. But don’t wait until your left brain thinks that you have perfect mastery, because that will probably never happen.
One of the things that we did this seminar that DaBen wanted me to do is to realize that we’re bringing the luminous body energy into the vibrational energy bodies and the centers. So we spent some time the first day doing that.
I realized that there are all sorts of aspects to those centers that from the luminous body you don’t notice right off. So you will notice more and more as you teach. But you need at least some mastery of that so you can hold the pure energy.
That is probably another challenge that you will have teaching now rather than very early in the light body process, is your students are going to pick up not just what you’re transmitting but what your experience is. So you sort of need to learn to transmit the pure energy and keep your experience of the transmitting sort of hidden or behind, so that what they’re getting is the pure energy. Otherwise they are going to learn some of the centers as you were experiencing them at that moment rather than as the pure energy.
But other than that there is really not a lot of additional preparation. Some degree of mastery. And then to recognize that this is not a, what. It’s not mathematics that you’re teaching. There is not a right answer or a wrong answer often. There are spaces that you can hold for your students that will make it easier for them to get to those spaces, but they have their own unique experience.
And one of the phrases that you should learn very well and readily call up is your experience is what you experience, and that’s perfect for right now. So that as you play there you let them have their experiences. You assist them then in opening further, but having their experiences. So that becomes the sort of behind-the-scenes area that you want to make sure of.
And other thing is to remember the sort of two, and these are in some of the teaching material courses, remember the two ways that you can sort of go wrong in holding and doing a journey.
The first one is that you are so intent on them getting that space that you push. You try to really make sure that they get that space. That will sap your energy really quickly, and you won’t be teaching well. You’ve got to hold the space and let them get it, let them come up. You can’t push them into that experience.
And the second one is sort of the opposite of that problem. If they get it really quickly, or they get it really strongly, or several of them get it really strongly, the energy in the room will take off, and that will fry you equally well.
The first two journeys that we did in this seminar I hadn’t anticipated that you would be doing so well. And the first two journeys nearly got me. That’s why we have this triangle arrangement, to help me dissipate that flow, because I can’t handle all of you deciding, wow, we’re going into this high state here. I can’t keep up with you, and I can’t handle the flow. It just literally starts to overheat.
Those are the sort of preparation things that you ask. We will do a journey around that.
And then the next question is students. Obviously to be a teacher you need students of some kind. You might start with sponsoring. That is where you spend some time with them, with your student or students, just sort of sponsoring them while they go through the awakening your light body courses, answering questions they have, maybe doing a journey with them. However you might want to structure it.
And then that is maybe an introductory step, it’s not necessary to do that, and then finding students, and then organizing a class. That is very individual. It depends on your students, how often you meet, that sort of logistical thing.
So how do you attract your students. We will do a journey on that. Start with your circle, your circle of people. If you don’t have an established set of students, then start with your circle. Start with people you know.
The best way to attract students to the light body will be word of mouth. The shift that that student got will be what they talk about to their friends, and that grows, and that grows, and that grows. So that’s the best place to start.
If your business mind has kicked in and said oh, well I want to start with 100 students, and you’ve never taught before, it’s not going to happen. It just won’t happen.
For Sanaya and I many years ago we had a private practice of hundreds of people, and we attracted a select group of those, and it grew from there. But it didn’t start out with 100 people, or hundreds of people.
If you want to reach that sort of size and teach that many then your teaching skills need to start with smaller groups, because teaching larger groups is a different game, a different set of skills, a different set of energies entirely.
As you get above maybe 20 it’s hard to maintain an individual personality connection to carry them along, and so you’ve got to maintain an energy connection. And we can talk a little bit about that for larger groups.
But initially it will be you and the students trusting you, experiencing your energy, and wanting some of what they’ve experienced that you have that will draw them to you and keep them coming, and so on. So that they are creating the shifts, or your space that you are creating is creating the shift. So that’s sort of that student area.
Now, being more attractive to students. When you talk about the light body, and we may play a little exercise later on as to what is the light body, how would you describe it to a friend.
Many of you are still connected to a broader group of people out there, and there are certain people that you don’t even mention the light body to. It’s too far out for them. They can’t handle it. And then there are others that you sort of make an offhand remark to and they’re interested, they are instantly interested. Like well, wow, I want to do that. And then there are all those people in between as well.
So sort of find a way to begin some of the conversations. But be clear on what the light body is and what they might get from it. That always begins with what you are getting from it. Not what you got from it, what you are getting from it, what it is for you right now. Your memories of what you got from the light body are not going to be nearly as powerful as what you’re getting right now. So begin to find words for that.
I think many of us, unless we’re thinking of teaching as you are, but many people that come to the seminars are not really thinking about that anymore. They just know that they are getting into those spaces. They have not felt like that before, they have not had those opportunities of being in those spaces before, so they don’t think about what they’re getting from it anymore, they just know there is value there.
I am always grateful and just amazed that some of the original seed group members from ’89 or something like that are still in the group. So that means there is value there, that there is space that is opening. But you have to be able to articulate that.
So it’s playing that balance. You are an individual. You have your unique energy. You will attract your unique students. Just know that. You’re not attracting somebody else’s students. They are your students.
I guess from a business standpoint if you have a student and they decide that another teacher they want to explore that, be extremely gracious, so that you are sponsoring them, you are holding what’s best for them in that space, so that you have that openness. We are not in competition. So that we have this opening.
And out of the many thousands of people that have taken the light body or will take the light body, we have billions on the planet. There is no shortage of potential students, so you can find your own. So we are shifting consciousness sort of one student at a time type of game.
Okay. Let’s do a journey on preparing first, on becoming a teacher, or being a better teacher. Let’s look at that.
We will look at awakening your light body, but as you play we will look at awakening your light body, and you’re at the level now where you have so much in-depth understanding, such a skill with the energies, I don’t want you to hide that. You don’t necessarily want to transmit it per se as energy, but don’t hide it. You can open spaces. Open those spaces. Teach the awakening your light body but open those spaces. You’ve got skills to open those spaces.
If you have not taught before it may take you a little bit to realize how to hold the energy. When we first started we were just talking transmitting. Well, yes, we’re transmitting, and you will be transmitting because you want to get the pure energy. But part of the space that you will be in will be luminous body. Hold that space open.
I’m sure that all of you with just a little bit of practice, maybe we will even try that at the end of the journey, could open the space for the size of this room just like that. The skills aren’t hard. From luminous body now you could open that space easily.
You want to open the space, but you don’t want to transmit, and it will take you a little bit. When your students start talking about levels that they saw that you know have nothing to do with the Nu’a, say, then you weren’t being restrictive enough in what you made available to them. You opened the space so that it is smooth and easy, so that it’s even easier to get to the Nu’a. But what you are and I will use the word transmitting, but what you are letting them in on is just the Nu’a in as pure an experience as you can get.
Now, another skill that you have now having taken the luminous body that the early teachers didn’t, and hopefully the teachers that are teaching now, I’ve heard from a number of you, you’re teaching really holding the space of luminous body, but you’re transmitting and you’re holding also the pure energy here.
One of the things that we didn’t emphasize in the beginning was the you have many points of consciousness, so you can have one for each student, and then as you gain skill, as you realize what you’re doing, you can have a whole bunch left over, so that you’ve got sort of this focus, and this focus, and this focus, and then you’re holding this pure energy, and you’re holding open a space. So lots of things can be going on all at the same time, so it’s not just one transmission.
Pretty easily, even for those of you who are first starting, let’s say that you have 10 students, you somehow created a group that large fairly early on, you should be able to transmit or hold each of their experiences in your awareness all at the same time. It’s not hard, with your skill now it’s not hard.
As you do that you begin to realize what we say, and I’m not sure how many people believe it, but between DaBen and I we can hold each student that is going to be taking the course individually and watch what’s happening. I can’t see what their thoughts are, I can’t see what their personality is going do with the experience they had, but I can see to the degree that they’re getting that experience, the degree of openness that their energy has, the amount of flow, the way that they are noticing connections or not noticing connections, the speed at which they move from one space to the next, the opening there. It just is there.
So in that regard you’ve got many more advantages now coming from luminous body or even the prior courses than the early teachers had. So don’t dumb down your skill to teach because you’re teaching the basic. Teach the basic, but from the highest level you can reach, so that you have that opportunity.
If you have a smaller group, say under 30 or so, even if the room takes off you should be able to handle it, but handle it by disconnecting just like that. I’m staying here. It’s nice, but I’m not going to watch them. It’s great, they will tell me about it, I’m not going to watch them.
Part of it is that being in touch with each of you individually while you’re doing the journeys, if you all take off at once I can’t respond quickly enough. Because it means, to use a computer term, it would be like dumping all those connections all at once. I can’t break it that fast. So for smaller groups you should be able to do it pretty easily. But definitely don’t push and be prepared for it taking off.
Now, you should have as you teach in that higher space you should have it taking off more often, even for something very simple. Let’s say you’ve been teaching and you’re up to the Ranthia. For yourself you are up in the luminous body space. As you saw in what, the second or third journey yesterday, the Ranthia and love and the luminous body are all very similar energies, and they start getting in sync the room will just lift. So you’ve got that avenue as well.
Okay. Let’s just see what DaBen has in terms of preparing to be a teacher or being a teacher, or these sorts of things. Okay, get comfortable for a journey.
Program 03 LB966QE_03J DaBen: Being a Teacher, Preparing, Being, Holding Energy
DaBen: Welcome.
It is our pleasure to watch each of you, to explore. We welcome you into exploring the opportunity of opening the space for people to shift, to be in these light body spaces. We cannot think of a better way to increase your skill level, of your being, ability to be in these light body spaces than teaching.
And recognize that your teaching the light body, your sharing of your experience, of your beingness, and your sharing your guide’s beingness, and the connection you have to your guide, and the way in which you hold those spaces and energies, the unique way that you hold those energies will attract a certain type of student, your student to start. And as you gain more skill, then you can broaden out that range of energies of who you are.
And to begin to look at what the light body is, what it has meant to you, and what it is, so that you can talk about the light body not from, gee, I was in this wonderful space sort of thing, but in intellectual terms to start, in emotional terms to start. So that you have that sense of openness and genuine experience.
For really all that you on the earth plane have, and all that your guide has to transmit through is your beingness. So out of that beingness be as true to your experience as you can. And to the degree that you can be conscious of it always be in touch with your experience in an area that you’re talking about, to make sure that you are talking from experience, as close to experience as you can.
Not something that you have experienced and is now something you believe, but from your experience. That becomes most magnetic, for even though you are communicating in words, you are communicating at lots of other levels as well.
So part of preparing to be a teacher is deciding whether or not you want those connections, whether you want that opportunity. That is something that only you can decide. You and your connection to your guide, and that sort of opening that the two of you create.
Another part of preparation is that your connection with your guide will change and grow. So you are not doing it just as you, or even as your focus of consciousness. You are doing it as your focus of consciousness enhanced by your guide, open to your guide. And depending on your guide and their interests and their skills you may find a great deal of insight into each potential student, or each student.
So preparing as a teacher then becomes in first making that choice. And if you make that choice that yes, it is something you would like to do, then just overcome any of the obstacles that may be there. And use the whole light body skills that you have in bringing that energy to bear, bringing manifesting to bear at an earth plane level, so that it becomes something that you do.
In the regard the best preparation is having made that decision, then just doing all the things that you get are necessary to do to teach, and to recognize that from the very first journey that you do, from the very first time that you play one of our journeys and hold that space for them, that you are holding that space open, that the potential for shift is large.
Now, we should share that the shift that you are creating is not just for them. That the shift that they undergo creates a shift for you as well, creates a shift in your consciousness, in the way in which you are noticing or able to notice connections. So that as you explore here you are opening that.
So in many regards your real reward is the shift that they took. The opportunity you provided them, the open space you provided them, that they took advantage of, that they shifted, also created an opening for you in your consciousness, added a breadth and depth to your consciousness that might not be achievable in many other ways.
At an earth plane level and all the logistics and organization that are required, it is work. And it is work that you can notice you are doing in preparation to opening a space. But just recognize that a part of it does involve those logistics. And that is perhaps the part that they can pay you for of opening the space. Your payment, as it were, is the shift that they undertake, and that is payment beyond measure in terms of the shift that they got.
Good. Let us look to see if there are other aspects of your questions or your energy right now that we might mention.
For many of you one of your challenges will be, particularly if you are teaching in a different culture, a different language, yes, but with each language comes sort of a shift in culture from the place in which we originally taught from.
So as you teach, one of your challenges in those circumstances will be adjusting the way you talk about the light body and the spaces that they will learn, or that they are learning, will be to shift the context, to shift the language, the concepts to match something that makes sense in that culture.
And remember that as your students learn the light body many of them may be coming from other disciplines that they are quite attached to. The light body is not replacing those disciplines that work for your students.
You can make the statement that if they have a discipline that is working for them the light body will enhance their experience of it. It does not mean that discipline will always work. For them it may lose some of its value as they gain these spaces. For other disciplines they will say, oh, I’m seeing so much more, this is wonderful.
And to recognize in part as they do the light body and following the shifts that you are opening for, that they need to grow a lot at personality levels as well. So part of being a teacher is having the respect for that growth. Not getting caught up in it but acknowledging that it is important that they overcome that. That they seek letting that drama of personality go, finding more and more harmony, and giving them the space to work that out, giving them the guidance to hold for them that they know how to work it out.
Okay. One other area we will mention that is a great tool for you now in teaching the light body, that is a great energy for you, something that we rarely talk about now, and that is the gridwork, the light body gridwork.
The light body gridwork is so full and smooth you can travel almost anywhere on it without any bumps or detours. So as your students begin to reach these spaces and you connect to the gridwork the space becomes even easier for them.
And each time you shift or your students shift the gridwork is enhanced, becomes even easier, becomes more and more available to a broader and broader range of energies and beingness.
Good. I think that is all we need to mention in this journey. We wish you the sincerest gratitude for you considering, and wish you the best in making those choices. And recognizing that choosing to do it is not something you have to do forever. Many teachers teach for a while, and then pause for a variety of reasons, and then teach again.
If you are going to build a larger and larger group, if that is one of your goals, then constancy and consistency is important. And it may not be your goal in teaching.
Good. So just letting yourself come back now. It has been fun watching you move to the various places that you listen from, all good light body spaces.
Good. And with that, we bid you most pleasant journeys for now.
Program 04 LB966QE_04T Question for Teachers: How to Describe the Light Body to Students
Duane: Okay. There was a question at the break that I forgot to mention that is key. I take it for granted, but it’s key.
DaBen’s goal, and it should be your goal as well, is to not just get the students to these high spaces. You can get students, and you can get people to high places. You could transmit some of this luminous body space and people would be blown away. That’s not your only goal. Your goal is to teach them how to get to these marvelous spaces themselves. Not just to get them there, but to teach them how to get there.
In that regard I think in many ways DaBen is unique. He could blow us all away if he wanted to. Oh wow. But you would never get back. Well, you would come back to ordinary reality maybe, but you would never get out to that space again, not on your own. Personality has a really strong pull on us.
Sanaya: We want to ask you, and we are going to pass around the mic. I want to be your student. I’m interested in the light body. Can you tell me more about it? What is it? What does it do?
This is where you’re going to be in attracting your students. How do you tell them? And if you can tell us in just a little bit, it doesn’t have to be a whole paragraph. But this is your practice, and I think we can inspire each other. And if you come up with a couple of things you would say about the light body maybe that will be useful to someone else in here. So we would like your ideas.
Roland, would you mind sharing a couple of things that you tell people about the light body in your videos? Roland makes these wonderful YouTube videos, two or three minutes, and he’s had 100 students respond to one he just made that was three minutes long.
Roland: Yes. And I do it with the teachers as well. I have a nice group with active teachers in Belgium, and they have to do the same that Sanaya is doing. They have to tell me what do you tell people about the light body.
For example, in a few minutes I can say it changed my whole life since I started with the light body. Immediately I have other ideas. I was looking to the energy of everything. I made immediately other choices, and relationship was different for me, job, money, everything was changing. And everybody can explain in a few minutes without thinking what is it for you. For example, what was it for you?
Participant: Well, it gave me peace.
Roland: I come to your class, it will give me peace. What was it for you?
Participant: To handle more my emotions, yes, and to get more clarity in my mind.
Roland: Oh, I come to your class as well. And you?
Participant: Focus and direction.
Roland: Focus and direction. Very interesting. I come to your class as well. And you?
Participant: It allows me to handle conflict around other people much easier.
Roland: Very interesting. I come to your class as well. And you?
Participant: A stronger connection with my guide, and also working with emotional body and mental body to have more clarity in the emotions and mind.
Roland: I am very interested in your class.
Participant: It made me more aware of the energy and my life purpose, and the things that truly give me joy.
Roland: Wow, very interesting. I come as well. I have time enough to come to all the classes.
Participant: I deepened my intuition, my understanding of energies, but also my ability to recognize patterns and be able to see how the energies work together.
Roland: Wow, very good. I come to your class as well. And yours?
Participant: It helped me find states of bliss and peace and aliveness.
Roland: Oh, it’s going to be very successful.
Participant: Living a different life from what it would have been otherwise. Much, much better.
Roland: Very nice. Can you tell why you do the light body, why you are going to teach it? That’s a quality, but why do you want to share it with other people? Do you have an idea?
Participant: Because it changed my life. It helped me to see there is a much more energetic component to life, and I think people benefit from that.
Roland: Good. Why do you want to do it?
Participant: It helped me get more in touch with my body and to know its limitations, its potential, and how to evolve it.
Roland: Great. Why do you want to teach?
Participant: It helped me find a greater degree of clarity and joy and peace, and I would love to share that.
Roland: Can you tell why?
Participant: I love watching a student when they get it. They just open up. They start glowing, and that’s wonderful.
Roland: Great. Okay.
Sanaya: Well, that was quite a demonstration. Thank you. Very good. How do I follow that?
I have a question for you. How do you describe the light body work? How would you tell a student that says I’m interested in the light body, I see you get a lot of value, what is the light body? This is something we are going to begin to describe in those two-day classes, but I wanted to hear yours, all of you, what you have to say.
Participant: I tend to find it depends wholly on the student because you’ve got to build it into their belief patterns, otherwise it goes straight over their head. But generally speaking I tend to come from the approach that it’s like another energy system, and it’s learning to work with energy, and it’s learning to understand and control your own energies. It’s various levels from there, but that’s normally the starting point.
Sanaya: And they like that?
Participant: You have to judge how they react to that and tune it to their system. Most people can kind of relate to that, whereas personally I come from the consciousness point of view and enjoy expanding my consciousness and probing at how the world works at an energy level, and most people don’t tend to get that, normal people.
Sanaya: What does that say about who takes the light body.
Participant: I haven’t had the opportunity to say it too many people. At my job I just shut up about it. But I do yoga, so my typical explanation is you are aware of chakras and meridians and all these energies systems. So there are energy systems maybe on a lighter energy level, maybe closer to the source, that stretch beyond the ones like chakras. They get that. It is open, and I don’t have to name the centers, but it’s something that seems reasonable.
Sanaya: And how would that help me? If I’m your student how would that help me to play with that body? How would it help me in my life if I opened that body?
Participant: The explanation so far was kind of what that is. But these are centers that are lighter, more harmonious than the chakras. I try to avoid really better or worse, but they are more harmonious and lighter, so as you get into those the energy flows, the awareness grows. It’s just the next step.
Sanaya: Good. So you tailor it to the person, too.
Participant: Yes, but I assume most people have at least heard about chakras.
Sanaya: Yes, I think they have. Yoga is good, yoga and stretching. Roland is a yoga teacher as well, and you found that a good introduction to energy. You bring it into the yoga a lot. We’ve had people bring the light body into a lot of their art and other disciplines as well.
Anybody else want to tell me what the light body is?
Participant: I always feel like it’s really important to let people know that there are no belief systems involved. And that it’s based on their own personal experience, and everything is experiential about it. So we’re not going to say that you’re going to experience anything. It’s based on your experience. And it’s also I tell people very unusual because I call it transmission based, so there is energy that is going to be transmitted and it’s how they will get into spaces. So it’s a transmission, and then they’re going to have an experience, and that’s what it’s about.
Sanaya: That’s a good thing to say to people. We can inspire each other with things to tell people. Somebody else want to tackle what they would say if somebody asks you what the light body is?
Participant: I find it’s a way to bring more consciousness into everyday life, and god knows the world needs more consciousness.
Sanaya: That’s a great answer. Every one of you have had great answers.
Participant: One of the things I really like about the light body practice is that it’s skill based. So there is a transmission, but there also are skills that are being taught that allow you to reach these spaces on your own. So it’s not something that you have a person you have to follow, or a set of rules and beliefs that are required, but yet a set of skills that give you deeper access to the reality that surrounds us.
Sanaya: Very nice. We will transcribe this.
Participant: I once taught Living with Joy, and it brought some light body students in its wake. I also say I have an extra newsletter, would you like one? I also say here’s the website address.
Sanaya: All right, good answer.
Participant: My playground is a business environment. I wouldn’t talk too much about the details of all the centers, but just tell that they can learn about how they can handle their own energy or the energy from the environment, and that will help them to have an easy business. I would also tell that I learned from the light body to go beyond my intellect, and that really helps me to have an easier business and an easier life.
Sanaya: I’m sure they like to hear that. Orin wrote Personal Power Through Awareness, which is really what we send people to who are very beginners in knowing what it means when you talk about energy and telepathy, and picking up energy, and who are you inside. And how you may be one way, and then you go out into the world and you feel differently. You’ve picked up energy.
So it’s a really good introductory book for the basic kind of principles of energy. It has been useful to opening people up to the concept that we live in a world of energy, and you can work on things as energy and they change down here, however you want to call it, they change in ordinary reality. So that has been a good introduction to the light body. A lot of people say oh, I understand, this is what energy is.
Somebody else want to talk about it?
Participant: I tend to say that the light body is a series of energy centers that are closer to the soul in the chakras, and it makes up a sort of force field, if you will, that can help in many aspects of one’s life, like if you’re having challenges in any area of your life, or if you’re not sure what direction you’re going, and that’s what it has helped me do over the years.
I’ve found usually people ask because of something that I’m doing, and they will say there’s something different about you, or what is it, and that is sort of the segue into when I get to talk about the light body. I usually wait for someone to ask, or they say what is it you do, or do you meditate, because I meditate, but this seems like there is something different.
I think it seems more like they want to know more than just the technical what it is, because I’ve studied the pamphlet that explains it’s closer to the soul in the chakras, because it seems like a lot of people know what the chakras are, but also what it really does. And that’s where I’ve said a lot of things in your life can change. So if you really want to be committed to spiritual growth and be prepared for a lot of change in your life this is a great way to do it.
Sanaya: The light body really is a spiritual path. There really is a progression of skills that take you into higher and higher states of consciousness. And Orin’s work has been to help the personality along, and the integration, and some of the stages where it really helps to know what it means to let go of your ego more, and surrender and trust, and some of those skills.
In the early ones he did the subpersonality work, and he did the age regression. Lots of issues come up for people at the very first. Because as they begin to get harmony in their emotional body, and they begin to get that mental fluidity, many people haven’t experienced that before. So the things they’ve repressed, or the frustrations begin to come up. We wanted to provide some way for people to deal with them. As you go higher you can deal with them from the light body level, can learn to get that flow when things come up.
I think all of you have ways, if they even come up anymore, but you still have ways to deal with your emotions in more light body ways as you continue. But for a lot of people the subpersonality, the age regression, just having ways to realize this is not all of who you are, it’s just a part of who you are, and begin to let go of the, I don’t know, just the whole personality structure begins to change as you open the light body and you go up higher.
So working with the personality for many of you is going to be important as well, not just the light body at first, helping them integrate. And some people have had lots of tools and techniques, and they know how to deal with stuff that comes up, and other people don’t. It depends on what your group is.
Participant: One of the things that a lot of the older teachers do, the ones that have been doing this for a while, we will do a DaBen journey followed by an Orin journey, because when they’re getting whacked, even if you’re getting them integrated that Orin journey is solid at the end.
Sanaya: Orin likes working with the personality. That’s his work, not only to go up, but to come back down. I find it very useful. And it’s a nice blend that we have of both. So if you’re teaching, you’re going to be teaching some of the Orin spaces as well.
Participant: Building on what Sanaya has said, I am also facilitating some book discussion sessions. I started with Personal Power. Really the response from the people was like wow. And I am facilitating at this moment Living with Joy. And not only them, but also for me doing the journeys in order to prepare what we are going to discuss has been very beneficial for me.
And then I also explain to them according to what I have learned here that there are two concepts for continuing evolving. One of them is energy, and the second is awareness or consciousness. And the light body helps us carry that energy and consciousness to continue. And then if they continue asking, okay you’re going to develop your light body based in some centers that you are going to learn, and then based on that you are going to also start developing your intuition, inspiration. And people are getting very excited about all these things that can start developing because they have seen that I have been developing those skills too.
Sanaya: Orin and DaBen want us to dovetail at some point with the Divine Self and how does that relate to the light body and source and the things that we’re teaching. But the light body is building consciousness. You are building consciousness. Places you weren’t aware before you become aware at finer and finer levels, at larger and larger levels. You just have awareness that you didn’t have before.
And it’s really not easy to say you do this, you get that. That’s the challenge. When you open it’s all there. It may affect your abundance, it may affect your health, it may affect your relationships. But you don’t do this for the relationship or the health or the abundance. You do it for the consciousness, which then brings it to you.
That’s part of the challenge of teaching beginners. If I take step A then I will get this result. It’s challenging at times to convey that no, you’re going to get it all. And the more you lift in consciousness the more everything will change. So that’s part of the beginner to the more advanced student is they learn that.
Does somebody else want to talk about it?
Participant: I was just thinking about the idea that since doing the light body my interactions with people, particularly people who don’t do the light body, have changed a lot. And the key word for me would be being able to actually be transparent to nice interactions and hostile interactions as well. It’s magical the kind of reaction that you get, because sometimes someone is trying to blame you for something, and because you’re completely transparent they eventually come back and say, you know, it’s not you, it was something else, or it’s the system. Light body has really helped me to really get in touch with that and be able to stay neutral regardless of what is actually happening.
Sanaya: And we can tailor the benefits to what they say. As you listen to what their issues are and then you can tailor the light body to what they’re looking for, because it basically can help with anything. If they’re having relationship problems then you can reflect on how the light body has let you relate to other people in new ways.
And we have setting a healing space. We practiced that in the beginning where you learn to just open, keep the space open, and stay neutral. We’ve got a lot of light body ways to relate to people. And then when you play with abundance in the light body it’s like there is an abundance, there is an infinity of energy. It is an abundant universe. So we have all the different keys in there.
I love hearing what I’m hearing from all of you. This is really nice. It’s like many facets of a diamond or a light, and each one of us is reflecting parts of that. Do I have more sharing?
Participant: The light body helps to work with the subconscious mind and to clear the belief system, because many people have got a negative belief system, or blocks that are in the subconscious mind that they’re not aware of, and the light body helps to bring this subconsciousness into the consciousness, and then you can disconnect your feelings from your thoughts and release negative feelings. In that way you change your thoughts and the way you relate to other people as well.
Sanaya: Yes. That helps as we untie the emotional body from the mental body, as you learned from the first three-four centers, and then up into upper centers. And DaBen says all the transmissions of the all the spaces he is ever going to bring through are in the first six volumes.
Participant: Yes, that’s true. And the one that you do before.
Sanaya: The preparatory. They are sold as singles now. He’s got it all there from the very beginning, but he doesn’t call it out. And you’re going to have that in your teachings too. You are going to have luminous body and you’re going to have the higher spaces, and your students will go back in time and say, oh my goodness, it was all there.
Okay. Do we have anyone else?
Participant: The characteristics that I found among the students that we taught is that, one, they want to understand what’s going on in their life. There are many things happening in their relationships, in their work, or in their personal life. They have an intuitive sense something is not in alignment, but they can’t figure it out. That’s a moment you have for an entrance for people.
For them you can start talking about we have five senses, or six senses, but you feel something finer, something beyond. And you need to have the senses, a sensory system to experience those. Many people have mentioned meridians and chakras and whatnot, but you need the equivalent level of a sensory system that you can start telling this is what’s going on, so that they have a way of dealing with it or understanding this is what’s going on. So the importance of building a sensory system is many ways, but light body is one way to do that.
Another type of people, or most people also have an aspect that they felt more potential within them, but they don’t know how to get to that potential. They do not understand the potential there. And everyone wants to open up their potentials. So light body can give you just by learning the sensory system and energy centers your consciousness will be raised. Then everybody has opportunity, everybody has experienced that when somebody asks you the question for advice then they have a very wide self coming up, and oh, this is one of the solutions. And everybody has that sense.
So if you tell them that if you can reach that state anytime, any situation, how would you feel, how would you give your advice to yourself. And then if you can get to that state that means you are building consciousness, and you start seeing who you are, and from there on they are hooked.
Sanaya: Very good. We’ve gotten some wonderful responses here, expanding potential and tuning into our true self, being in that higher state around all kinds of energies, being transparent, staying neutral. We forget where we’ve come from, who we used to be, I think, and how as a group these energies have been brought together by all of you.
Participant: This is just a tiny refinement and on what everybody has already said. One of the strongest things for me is that there is our potential and there is what we do. And what the light body helps me do, and I think it helps everybody do, is find my authentic self. What we learn in culture, people teach us nice things, but the culture tends to teach us limiting things, and occasionally we have a nice encounter with someone that opens us up to something higher.
The light body is a very strong way to see the difference between the illusion and the authentic self and develop the skills to choose in the direction of the authentic self. It’s an endless journey, but I get better and better at choosing my authentic self, and that’s really precious to me.
Sanaya: Thank you. Before you do your journey I am just going to mention a few things. For those of you who are new we have a lot of support in our office. You can use the Thaddeus music in your classes. It’s fine if you want to tape your classes and hand them to your students, but don’t sell them. Just for your classes, unless you have become like Lucia or Roland or Bill and Ana where you produce the tapes in your language.
We have for international groups it’s okay. We have nine journeys of DaBen’s, one of each of the centers. We ask that you play those for your students, so they not only hear your transmission, but they have one transmission from DaBen of each center.
We also have artwork, the picture of the light body you can use. And we ask that you come to our site and tell us your students. Every day Duane looks at what students, what classes, and so do I. We transmit to your classes. We know your students. We are quite aware, if you let us know about them.
We have a teacher’s list on the website. If we don’t hear from you for a year your name goes off the list. So you do need to let us know about your classes. We do have a course, Radiance Transmitting Light, and a booklet for free on the website, not the course but the booklet. It’s a light body teacher’s guide, and it has all the principles of transmission, and a bunch of tips and help for you.
We also have a course that you are required to take, either from us or from some of our teachers out in other countries that teach the teachers. They teach the Radiance Transmitting Light course. Orin has journeys in there about attracting students, and DaBen teaches you the pure frequency of each center and where is a stable place, so that you’re in a stable place when the room takes off and you don’t go with them. That’s the teaching in there.
So between that and the basic course, which you need to have either through us or a teacher, as well as the self-exciting, then you are qualified to be a basic light body teacher. And with that let us know so that we can transmit to your classes, particularly to you on the weekend or whenever you’re giving it. And let us know the form, if you’re doing a webinar, or if you’re doing a class live.
For USA people you are required to have the six volumes. Your students are required to use the six volumes. In Japan your students are also required to use Bill and Ana’s six volumes. And suggested, Roland and Pauline have albums in Dutch for the Netherlands and Belgium. We have a few in German, and we have some in French and Hebrew, and we will have some in Chinese coming.
Okay. Those are all the announcements I have. We have a lot of information in the newsletter, online, we have links for the teachers. On the side of our menu online it says light body teachers, and you can find anything you want there, pretty much. If not, write to us.
Program 05 LB966QE_05T Duane: Connecting with Students
Duane: That was very impressive. Where I would just summarize it in what you would find not to be a very magnetic word, building consciousness. But your students are going to not find that particularly informative. So you need to reach them where they are to get them on this path.
A couple points that a number of you made that I would just like to emphasize. It’s not based on a belief system. It is not a belief system. It’s experiential. In fact as I’m sure you’ve realized, you might occasionally as you teach remind your students that once they’ve experienced something it has a tendency to become a belief. And one of the goals of the light body is to make sure that they can’t get back to those spaces just based on their belief. They have to be able to recreate that experience for themselves.
Okay. Let’s look at something you’ve been talking about, students, connecting with students. I would imagine, at least I would hope, that all of you, as DaBen is helping me get clear on preparing a seminar and making sure that I understand the spaces well enough to transmit them and bring through that information, and transmit is a radiance level term, and we go obviously beyond that.
But at some point, generally six weeks to about two weeks before the seminar I’m finding each of you individually, in a way that I can say okay, here are the spaces I just brought in, how would this person deal with those spaces, would they get those spaces, how would I make it easier for them to get those spaces.
I cycle through everybody that might come a number of times just practicing. This person tends to do this with the energy, what would happen if they did that with this energy. Just practicing, saying okay, that wouldn’t be too good, or that would be great, now how to get other people to do that very same thing. So it’s that process that we’re inventing for the new courses.
You will do something similar for your students, both connecting with them in advance before you even know who they are, and then connecting with them during and between your classes. It is very important for you to keep that connection at some energy level, so that you have those spaces.
During this course, for instance, and most courses, I don’t spend much time sleeping. It’s more connecting, opening spaces. I review what I can recall with what we talked about in some courses, funny memory. How each of you responded to certain energies, and say okay, if I were to do that again I would do this. And then when I get the next opportunity I make those changes.
So that your connection with your student, it’s not a personality level connection, so it’s not draining in that way, but it’s opening that space. It’s looking at that energy and finding a way to open that space. So you have a connection to your students, at least during the time that you’re teaching and beforehand as well. So play with that.
In this journey we will look at playing with that, at seeing those connections. And to the degree that you can in terms of attracting students you want to connect with the people that are your students, in whatever number. It will start small, as we mentioned. So don’t hold this form picture of I’m going to quit my job and have all my revenue stream from teaching awakening your light body. It won’t begin that way. It may end up that way, but it will not begin that way.
So just play with connections now. We have lots of skills at these levels, so we will play with connections. Okay, get comfortable for a journey.
Program 06 LB966QE_06J DaBen: Students, Finding Degree of Connection
DaBen: Welcome.
It has been our pleasure to observe and be in this space and time, to know more of your personality manifestation of your energy at this point in time, to recognize the way in which you express your potential.
So as you express that potential now let us move up to the light body, and even the luminous body, holding enough awareness of time and space, enough awareness of energies in ordinary reality that you can notice in such a way that the connections you are making would have some chance of being noticed by your students at even a personality level.
Good. And now, recognizing all of these connections that we have played with in some great detail in the various courses, most recently in the luminous body.
Notice the degree in which you are drawn to certain connections out into individuals or groups or types of energy, picking all of those levels. If you know certain people now that might be interested, or that you think might, then find them as individuals at a personality level, a vibrational energy body level, holding those spaces open with the luminous body.
If you know sort of the type of individual that is very similar to you, that has some of those same interests, or who you were, who you can still recall that you were, finding those connections now in a more general sense, as a type of energy. As a way that you held the energy, that the people you are potentially attracting as students still hold that energy.
So that you recognize the way they hold that energy emotionally, through their mental body, their entanglements of mental and emotional bodies, certain ways in which they present themselves.
So that you begin to form an attraction, and offer a release of that energy, even at this energy and connection level. Making those connections more and more harmonious, a greater pattern, and finding layer after layer of these patterns now.
Good. And moving out to an additional type of connection, one that is less based on who you are, but based on what it is that you are opening in terms of the energy.
So that you recognize that you are keyed to the energy, that you know that energy, that you are offering that energy to any who can find that energy, that are attracted to your way of holding that energy.
Good. And now there is even a level beyond that where on the energy planes you are bringing certain types of energy together, certain patterns of energy, certain types of energy, certain ways in which the energy moves. Some people will be drawn to that. Some people that are aware of synchronicity or play with synchronicity will be drawn to those connections, those types of connections.
So at all levels following those intuitive hits, being in synchronicity with your energy at any of those levels of attraction, those levels of connection.
Or synchronicity might be as simple as just saying a few words at just the right time, or going to join some friends at just the right time, or going to a group gathering at just the right time.
Being willing to present your energy, being willing to let that person be aware, or these people be aware that you have an opening that you are willing to offer, an opening of the energy, a way to bring harmony or peace or all of those great values of release that you talked about.
And for those among those potential students who already have begun some practice, finding a way that you might present to them a way to enhance a practice that they are enjoying.
Good. And now, finding your light body and your vibrational energy bodies, and even you at a personality level. Using the skills that we have just played with today, spanning that level, spanning those levels of personality, to vibrational energy bodies, to light body, using luminous body energy now in that spanning.
Just tell the energy about you, the connections about you, that you want to make a contribution, that you are ready to make a contribution.
You are learning to be a teacher, you are learning to handle logistics, learning to make the necessary adjustments in your beingness and in your daily activities.
And then stay active with that energy, continuing on these levels to hold that offer, that willingness, that intent.
Good. And now, filling out those levels with this luminous body, with this particular vibration that spans those levels, that enables you to unify your experience here, just filling those out.
And you will find additional ways to fill that out, moving beyond time and space, and being willing to take action on the earth plane when that synchronicity calls, and be alert to it. But holding this space in the meantime.
Good. And with our love and gratitude we wish you the best of experiences in expanding in these ways, of undertaking teaching if that is what you choose to do, or working on the inner planes if that is what you choose, or just growing, gaining consciousness yourself. All contribute. All give you a gift of energy back, a gift of consciousness back.
Good. And just let that go now, coming back to the point of light of the Fullonia.
Good. And now, coming back to the time and space of the earth plane. And with that, we bid you most pleasant journeys for now.