
Feedback from Seminar Participants for the Evolving Into Your Luminous Body series
Part 2 Building Your Luminous Body

Read about the first course in this series, Discovering Your Luminous Body (LB961)
Read more about the next seminar in this series, Redefining Connections from Your Luminous Body (LB963)

We hear many comments and get much feedback at every seminar about people's experiences with DaBen's teachings.  Since most people do not write reviews, but let us know in person what they experience, we want to share some of their feedback with you. 

These are some comments people made about DaBen’s Evolving Into Your Luminous Body courses during the seminar: 

Development of new senses

"I now realize that thoughtforms and beliefs have been imprisoning me and how (with or through) the luminous body I can lift above these and the best part is I can see how eventually I will no longer be limited as in the past."
"I saw a disc of light in this past luminous body journey and it’s staying with me and can see it’s like a portal to the luminous body."
"It feels like I have been given a new circuit board and know it’s been given me as a download for the future and it is a little strange right now, but know I’m being reoriented to this new way of being"
"In the past, the time spent in the luminous body consciousness was for short periods of time and now this has expanded and noticeably increased. The percentage related to the personality is less and less time and the period of being in the higher spaces such as the luminous body is more and more time."
"My entire being is being rearranged."

"There is a new perspective and I am realizing that I no longer believe all the past limiting conditioning as I now recognize the thoughtforms and what they have meant in my life."
"I am dissolving into the luminous body. I feel myself letting go of the physical sense. My body is being rearranged."
"My body is changing. I can feel parts of my body actually changing and have received this that this is necessary for my future work. Also, I have received that new work is coming."
"In the luminous body journey, I received a confirmation about my future work and there are distinct inner changes happening."
"I saw a clear vision and the diamond body is connected with the luminous body. The diamond of my body and the diamond of the luminous body came together and it was one diamond and very radiant. I saw the luminous body expand and it’s INFINITE!"
"I now realize I have more creativity than I have been able to reveal in the past and it’s available now. In the past I was much more doing more sitting and watching and now will act and “go for it” more. This will open up a way and I believe the way will be open. I just need to try something and I can now. My new attitude is I can now rather than I can’t. It’s like a new way of thinking."
"I feel much more freedom now."
"I am in a much greater state of peace and love and inner joy now. This is surely a stage of the luminous body and it’s amazing to think about the potential that lies ahead."
"I have had a realization of me as a very much expanded consciousness and no body."
"I now realize that I have far more potential that relates to moving through consciousness to other places such as for more health, etc. because I realize my beliefs are related to sickness, to abundance etc. because I have been limiting my own self!"
"What used to be an unthinkable idea, now is not to be ignored."
"There are diamonds everywhere and a progression is happening."
"There has been a disc of light noticed in the journey."
"There has been a realization and experience of the ovoid body."
"This has been a lot about thoughtforms and when thoughtforms meet the luminous body the thoughtforms disappear."

"In the luminous body journey I moved into a HUGE infinite space. I just took the first luminous body seminar’s journeys a few weeks before this second series of the luminous body and the first series was very easy for me. I realized that it was easier for me now than if I had taken it at the seminar because so many more people are working with the luminous body now. So anyone who decides to take the luminous body series will have a much easier time and more and more people are experiencing the luminous body."
"I know that my entire being is being prepared for something else now. It is like an infrastructure is being assembled for something that will be coming."
"I realize that the luminous body is now infused in all of my experiences."
"During a luminous body journey, I received the clarity of the form for a new marketing project. It will be about identity marketing and businesses can develop their business along and in attunement with their essence. The luminous body expanded my understanding of the plan for my future work to take form! I am very happy about the potential that has now come together. Also, I now realize the veils that are being released."
"I realized that I have experienced deep peace and that the luminous body is helping with the release of whatever is necessary to reach a higher state.  Also realized that the thoughtforms are of a much higher order too."
"I am bringing the luminous body into life activities. Newer states of realization are occurring in journeys and moving ahead and as this happens, I never do drop back to where I was previously."
"The energy is moving and know I am being rearranged."
"Everybody seems to be having a #10 experience."
"Duane’s talk was outstanding and am so grateful it will be available to download."
" It’s all about thoughtforms"
"Everything is helping. Now I realize the meaning of more of the mystical sayings such as: I am in the world but not of it finally! I realize there are many more options available that I had not realized existed."
"I have much more confidence, that my life will be easier from her on out. We have gone through some “cusp.”"

"I realize what I need to do now. The thoughtforms will unfold to support me."
"I am equipped now. The ovoid body is now a step down opportunity for the luminous body and there are layers and it provides an ongoing opportunity to access the luminous body much more."
"There are problems with the light body group at home. They believe the light body has opened a door to entities creating physical problems for the students and there is a light body student who is clairvoyant and she can see entities impacting students. I have had experience in seeing forces behind the being and then it vanished.

"The luminous body is much more accessible and a part of my life now."
"I am working on clearing all separation and have only some energies left to rise above."
"I have a strong sense of well-being that has come and I realized it was the preparation of this seminar that was happening because it started a few weeks before the seminar and recognized that it was DaBen."
"Last night I had problems going to sleep and there were lots of energies and thoughtforms that kept me awake."
"I am experiencing a new way of being in the world. It’s even more than “peace” and there is an integration happening. A new door has opened to us during this seminar that has offered or awakened us to far more potential that exists and I am much more equipped to find and pursue creative things."
"I feel ready to make a transition and it may be about my work. I feel very good about it and know something will unfold."
"I feel disoriented because I feel like I’m leaving one way of being in the world and in transition now. This seminar has been so much easier to go far deeper into the luminous body."
"In the last journey I realized the beautiful radiant being that I am and the contributions I am making on the planet. I now know I am now being this and my entire life will be different and easier from here on."
"I am being and I see that what occurs is being revealed from this consciousness that I am and I am not at the mercy of the outer as I thought in the past. These seminars are wonderful."
"Today the seminars have been about play and it’s not work. It’s great to experience Source through each different energy body whether the light body or luminous body or other bodies. Sometimes in the past seminars I have been on the awake sleep borders, but not today. I have been awake the entire time."
"This has been much about realizing I am being consciousness now and realize how much bigger I am than in the past and realize this will expand even more during this seminar series. We are only on the second of a 6 part series and already all of this is being experienced! What will it be like as we progress?!"
TK – Duane told me to be a transparency and not give the entities any energy.

"Beings helped me with improving the sensory system and it has continued to help me. There are elegant diamonds and very precise shapes being seen."

"There is an experience of peace that cannot be described because it is a different state than what we think of as ordinary peace. There may need to be a new word for this state of being, because the old ones do not do justice to what is being experienced."
"During this seminar there has been a noticeable radiance among the students us. Many have of us have mentioned they feel like they are letting go of something like a past life (in this life) and have in essence experienced something like a new birth."