Connecting with Solar Light

Connecting with Solar Light for Each Season

Light Play: Bringing Solar light into Your Chakras, Mind, and Emotions
Light Play:Changing Your Relationships with Solar Light
Light Play:Changing a Situation with Solar Light

Connecting with Solar Light for Each Season
In this article we will talk about Solar light and how to work with it to change your life. You can call Solar light to yourself to increase the light in your cells, to change your emotions, to expand your creativity, to more easily manifest those things that serve your higher good, and much more.

In Orin's book, Soul Love and in the Solar Radiance audio course, Orin teaches you how to connect with Solar light. You can work with Solar light to increase your radiance and to stay stable and balanced no matter what is happening around you.

What is Solar light? It has been called by many names, including the "Heart of the Sun."  It sustains all life on the soul plane much as your physical sun sustains all life on the earth plane. The Solar light is a vast, magnificent, living being. Its energy reaches out into infinity and shines through to the earth plane. It is the sum total of all consciousness on the soul plane where your soul lives and of all planes below it. It is connected with the seven rays of divine Will, the consciousness, magnetism, and vitality of life itself.

What is the soul plane? There are many planes of reality, from the physical, earth plane you live in all the way up to higher dimensions where everything is made of light. In the earth plane, life-force, time, matter, and energy come together in certain ways to form the reality you know. In the soul plane time is simultaneous, light has a different quality, and matter does not exist as you know it. The energies are a clearer reflection of the pure God-Essence of the universe.

Since Solar light shines through the light of your sun, you can feel its influence change as the seasons change. Sunlight contains both physical light and Solar light in its rays. As the sunlight changes with the seasons, Solar light and the way it affects you changes as well. Light is the highest, most powerful force in your universe. You can work with Solar light as it varies with the seasons to create profound transformations in your life. Although there is a constantly repeating cycle, we will start by focusing on how to work with Solar light in the winter when its light is less visible.

Winter is a time to go within
and light up all that is good within you.

Winter is a time of going within to find the inner light that is always there but hidden by certain thoughts and feelings. You can work with Solar light by going within and thinking of it, using it to light up all that is good within you. You can use transmissions of Solar light to heal areas of darkness or bring consciousness to areas of unconsciousness. It is a time of germination, of planting seeds of new thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that will sprout later. It is time to bring light to your beliefs so that you can change them for the better and to visualize the reality you want to create.

Spring is a time
when inner changes appear on the outer.

As the outer influence of Solar light begins to increase with springtime, the inner changes you have made begin to appear on the outer. It is a time to follow your inner urges and to take action on those ideas that come to you, for the increasing Solar Light brings the whispers and directions of your soul to the surface so you can more easily recognize them.

Summer is a time
to reach upward to the light.

During the summer when the full impact of Solar light and the physical sun is present, work with Solar light by getting some early morning or late afternoon sunlight, particularly between your shoulder blades and in the area of your spleen. This can assist you in recharging certain of your centers and in having more physical energy.

This is a time when Solar light is most accessible. It is an excellent time to use the increased light available to reach upward and awaken your light body, to blend with your soul, and to open your channel to a guide or to your Higher Self. This is an excellent time to start a new program of growth, one that challenges you to expand your consciousness and become more sensitive to the higher, subtle energies of your soul, Solar Light, and the soul plane.

Fall is the time of
harvest and manifestation.

The fall is a time of harvest and manifestation. It is a time of outer action, bringing to fruition those things you have been working on all year. It is time to take your work out to the world, add light to others, and bring to form and completion those things you have been working on. Work with Solar light at this time by connecting with it and sending its light to those projects you are working on. As Solar light and the light of your physical sun decreases, it is time to finish things you started earlier in the year and to get ready for the winter that is coming.

When the winter light comes again, it is time to take inventory of what has manifested and what has not manifested in your life. It is time to set goals for the year ahead, to go within to make inner changes to clear blockages, to change your beliefs and thoughts, to increase your self-love, to transform your personality, to focus on your higher purpose, and to do the inner work necessary for your goals to become your reality.

As you read what follows you will work with Solar light to add its light to your cells, emotions, and mind. You will work with it to expand your consciousness so you can sense the soul plane where your soul lives.

Start working with Solar light by thinking of your physical sun. Imagine Solar light is like your sun but even more beautiful and radiant. You might even sit in the sun and sense its warmth and light, imagining Solar light coming through its rays. The Solar light is hidden by the sun you see with your physical eyes, so you must use your imagination to picture it. However, you do not need to be able to make a picture of it, feel it, or sense it for it to lift your consciousness and change your life. Simply thinking of it is all that is necessary.

Become aware of your inner world of thoughts and feelings. Let go of your outer world for now. Release any concerns about how your day is going, or what you have to do next. If there is any energy you have taken on from other people, ask it to release itself from you. Call back to yourself any energy you might have scattered out in the universe. Draw it back into yourself as energy you can use to go higher. Feel yourself growing stronger, more whole, and more complete within.

Receive a stream of love
from the Solar light
into your heart center.

Bring Solar light into your awareness right now by simply thinking of it. Notice how you sense or picture it. You can even make a symbol of it, and work with that symbol. Greet it as a living, loving being. Imagine that you can sense a stream of energy coming from Solar light directly to you. This stream of love is called the love of God. It is the energy of love which world saviors send to humanity through their awakened heart centers. This magnetic love attracts all to it. It is a force which stirs in the hearts of all people, leading them home to the spiritual realms of love and light. Receive this stream of love directly into your heart center. Allow it to open your heart and heal any area that is ready for healing.
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Put your body in a comfortable position. Adjust your posture so that you feel relaxed. Raise your upper chest slightly upward, as if you are lifting your head upward toward Solar light. Relax your jaw and the muscles around your eyes. Mentally go through your body and relax any areas of tightness or tension. Note that you can enhance any state of consciousness by relaxing your body at deeper and deeper levels. Imagine that another stream of light and energy from Solar light is pouring down upon you. Let its rays penetrate your body into your cells, adding Solar light to every cell in your body. During the moments you focus upon Solar light, the cells being born in your body are made of a finer matter that contains more Solar light.

Continue to call Solar light to yourself until you are filled with its light. Imagine that your spine is like a pole of light running up and down your body. Picture light filling up this pole. Keep drawing light to yourself until this area becomes so charged with light that light starts radiating into your body and even into the area around you. Feel how light you are becoming. Solar light is a living entity, and it always responds to your call. It has the ability to raise the vibration of anything it touches, and is available in any amount you want and can open to receive.

Breathe in Solar light.

Continue to expand your consciousness and lift up to the soul plane by playing with your breathing. Take a deep breath in to whatever extent you can. Imagine that you are breathing in Solar Light. Let your chest expand. Next, release your breath completely. Imagine that you are sending Solar light out to the world around you with your out breath. Do this several times. Let yourself grow more relaxed with each breath.

Send your awareness out into the room, noticing the plants and the energies all about you, both inside and outside. Feel the fine, subtle vibrations of light in all the forms about you. Everything in your world is made of vibrating light. As you sense the light in the objects around you, even if it only feels like you are using your imagination, you are developing the ability to sense the subtle energies of the soul plane and Solar light.

Think of Solar light as often as you can.

Remember to think of Solar light when you wake up or as you fall asleep, or anytime throughout the day. This will increase your ability to sense light, to feel comfortable with more light, and to be able to hold and to radiate more light. You can create many wonderful changes in your daily life as you add light to your awareness in this way.

Observe yourself with your inner eyes now. You have gained new qualities of consciousness simply by reading about and thinking of Solar light. Take a moment to think of what your body would like to do now to integrate the light you have just brought in. Then, do it!
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Light Play: Bringing Solar Light into Your Chakras, Mind, and Emotions

  1. Imagine Solar light above you, much as your sun appears, only even more radiant and beautiful. Greet Solar light as a living being. You do not need to make a picture of it, feel it, or sense it for it to lift your consciousness and change your life. Simply thinking of Solar light and having the intention to connect with it is all that is necessary.
  2. Breathe in Solar light. With each breath in you are filling up with Solar light, until you are surrounded in a cocoon of its radiant light.
  3. Imagine Solar light sending out a beam of divine Love directly to you. Receive this stream of Love directly into your heart center and let it open your heart.
  4. Draw Solar light into your emotional body. Feel it calming your emotions and bringing you inner peace. You stop vibrating to fear or other denser emotions, and open instead to feeling confidence, joy, and love.
  5. Bask in Solar light and allow it to flow into your mind and thoughts, transforming every thought into a more expansive, loving and positive one. You are gaining access to new, higher levels of wisdom and insights.
  6. Draw Solar light into your mind and sense your mind becoming still and receptive to the higher, subtle energies of the soul plane and to all the light in the universe around you.
  7. Focus on Solar light, and ask for its light to awaken your chakras.  Sense a beam of its light coming from it directly to you, touching the top of your head. Let it move very, very slowly down through the top of your head to the base of your spine. As this light moves down your spine, imagine it touching each chakra with its light, making each spinning disk of light become a more beautiful and perfect light. Sense the energy flowing evenly and smoothly into each chakra as the Solar light touches it.
  8. Let Solar light balance and align all of your chakras. All you need do is ask for this to happen for it to take place.
  9. Feel Solar light leaving and going down into the earth, clearing and purifying your centers as it does.
  10. Hold the image of Solar light in your awareness and imagine that your own light is becoming more beautiful and perfect as you do this.
  11. Remember to think of Solar light especially when you wake up and as you fall asleep. This will increase your ability to sense light, to feel comfortable with more light, and to be able to hold and to radiate more light.
  12. Thank Solar Light for its work with you.

You can create many wonderful changes in your daily life as you add light to your awareness in this way. As you explore Solar light you begin to sense the world in new ways, gaining new perceptions, increased awareness, and an expanded consciousness. This brings you a broader vision, new thoughts, feelings, and insights that are so profound they can become revelations that change your life. New choices, paths, and options appear that offer you the consciousness to create your dreams.

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Light Play: Changing Your Relationships with Solar Light

  1. Think of Solar light, picturing it above you. Greet it again as a living, loving being. Feel its love for you, and bask in its light for awhile. You are in the presence of pure love.
  2. Let a beam of Solar light come directly into your heart center, awakening it to a higher love.
  3. Think of someone with whom you would like to connect and with whom you would like to bring some of the qualities of Solar light into your relationship.
  4. With this person in mind, imagine a line of light going from your heart center to his or her heart center. Make this a radiant, beautiful light.
  5. Picture a beam of light coming from Solar light directly down through the top of your head to your heart center. Focus on how clear this light is, and let this light of clarity go from your heart center to the other person's heart center.
  6. Sense how loving and harmonious Solar light is. Let the quality of love and harmony flow between your heart center and this person's heart center.
  7. Explore the quality of balance in Solar light. These energies work together in perfect balance. Let the quality of balance flow out from your heart center to the other person's heart center.
  8. You have just added the radiance qualities of clarity, harmony, and balance to your relationship. Let this heart connection grow as beautiful as you can imagine it to be.
  9. Let an idea come into your mind of something you can do to express these qualities. Is there some way you can bring more clarity into your relationship? Is there some action you can take to increase the harmony between you? Is there something you can do to bring even more balance into your connection?
  10. Thank Solar light for its work with you. Follow and listen to your heart!

Light Play: Changing a Situation with Solar Light

  1. Think of an area you would like to change and evolve. Perhaps you want to change a habit, job, or relationship, move through an area that feels blocked, create more abundance, get your work out to the world, and so on.
  2. Make a symbol of this situation, and imagine you are holding this symbol in your hands.
  3. Sense Solar light as if it is above you. Greet it once again. Feel its love for you. Ask it to assist you in transforming the situation you have thought about and made a symbol of.
  4. Charge yourself with Solar light. Call its light to you until you are filled with its light. Let Solar light come into your spine. Fill up this area as if it is a pole of light until you are radiating Solar light into the room around you. With each breath, you are breathing in the clear, harmonious, balanced Solar light.
  5. Picture the symbol of this situation you are holding in your hands. Let Solar light you have drawn to you bathe this situation in light.
  6. Focus on the Solar light quality of clarity, and imagine that everything about this situation is being surrounded with a clear light. Let clarity come into this situation.
  7. Follow the above step and bring Solar light qualities of harmony and balance into this situation.
  8. Notice if anything about the symbol in your hands has changed.
  9. This is a powerful way to change situations in your life. However, when you work with Solar light, you will also need to trust that whatever needs to happen will come about in the perfect time and in the perfect way. Let go of any expectations about how this situation will change, and simply keep surrounding it with Solar light.
  10. Get quiet and notice if any new ideas come into your mind about what to do or actions to take.

Recommended Audio Journeys

Listen to Soul Love Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen.

product image Soul Love Audio Book (SLE) Unabridged book, read by Sanaya Roman, includes 21 Soul Play meditations at the end of the each chapter available as a separate track. These are not the same as the meditations in Volume 1 and 2 below.

SL105 Soul Love AudioSoul Love—Awakening Your Heart Centers (SL105) 8 meditations by Orin to blend with your soul and awaken your heart centers. Based on the information in Orin's book, Soul Love.  Blend with your soul, transform your relationships through a soul connection, and awaken your heart to experience soul love. Learn the serenity and oneness of love, awaken your will to love, and surrender to love.

SL106 AudioCreating a Soul Relationship (SL106) 8 meditations by Orin to work soul to soul with a loved one to transform your relationship.  Join with the soul of a loved one on the soul plane, increase the light and love between you, discover your higher purpose, dissolve obstacles to love, and blend as two souls. Can also be used to connect with the soul of someone who is no longer alive. 

SL001 AudioCelebration of Love (SL001) has one guided meditation by Orin to make wheels of love to evolve all your relationships and another guided meditation by Orin to take a journey to meet the Great Ones to help open your heart center and the heart centers of humanity.

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Having What you Want in a Relationship (RE003), Radiating Unconditional Love (P103),  and Achieving Intimacy–Opening Your Heart (RE005)
View a list of all Single Meditations

Solar Radiance
: Becoming a More Perfect Light audio course by Orin; many journeys to work with the Solar light to become a more perfect light
Related Free Website Articles and Exercises for the Millennium Journeys

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Orin's Millennium Journeys and Star Energies
Exercise: Aligning with Star Energies
General Information about Sirius, Pleiades, Big Dipper, Pole Star, Spiritual Sun, and Solar Light
Work with Solar Light to Become a More Perfect Light
Energies of Each Season and Solar Light.
Exercise:  Bringing Solar Light into Your Chakras
Exercise:  Changing Your Relationships with Solar Light
Exercise:  Changing a Situation with Solar Light
Meditation to work with Solar Light
Exercise:  Finding and Knowing Light
Exercise:  Becoming Light; Radiating Light
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
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