Orin's Free Alignment Meditations to
Create Loving Relationships
Free Audio Meditation Series
Align with Your Soul for Soul Relationships (audio below)
Connect with the Divine Self of Others (audio below)
Connect with the Divine Will to Unify and Love (audio below)
Align with Star Energy to Evolve Your Ability to Love (audio below)
Audio Special: Receiving and Radiating Divine Love
These audio meditations are available for free for a limited time. We suggest you download any you want to keep.
Orin is presenting a series of free audio guided meditations to assist you in transforming your life and raising your vibration through aligning with the energies of your soul, divine Self, Divine Will, and Star Energies. Orin feels these energies are among the most important ones you can call upon to stay in your center, be true to yourself, and live the love that you are.
Orin's Guided Meditation: Aligning with Your Soul to Create Soul Relationships
Orin's Aligning with Your Soul to Create Soul Relationships
Length 8:10
Music: Thaddeus TH007 Blending with Your Soul
See below for streaming and download information
You can create loving, harmonious relationships by aligning with your soul and connecting with the soul of others. You can lift the energy between you and others, shift negative energy, and heal any rifts with a soul connection. You become a vessel of empowering, healing love.
You can align with your soul frequently throughout the day, connecting with the souls of others in meditation, before you meet with them, or while you are interacting with them. It takes only seconds of a higher connection to transform your relationships. ~ Orin
Read more about your higher self, soul, and divine Self, what is the difference?
View Orin's Soul Love audio and book information for loving relationships.
View Orin's audio courses that connect you with your soul and the soul's of others.
Connect soul to soul with Orin's audio course, Creating a Soul Relationship (SL106)
Transcript of Orin's Aligning with Your Soul to Create Soul Relationships
Greetings from Orin. Start by taking a deep breath in. Call back to yourself any energy you have left scattered out in the universe. Feel yourself becoming more centered and balanced. You are ready to open your heart and experience greater love as you connect with your soul and with the souls of others.
Take another breath in. As you do, imagine that you are connecting with your soul, sensing it as a beautiful sphere of light all around you.
The nature of your soul is love. Love is the very essence of your being, the core of who you are.
Picture your heart center, an energy center around your heart growing radiant and beautiful, opening in the light of your soul. Your heart center is like a radiant sun of light, shining out a warm, nurturing, magnetic, life-giving light, the light of love.
You have experienced your soul’s love many times, such as when you forgave yourself or another person. These are moments when you expressed love, offered compassion, kindness, loving understanding and goodwill. Sense how open your heart center already is, how connected to your soul you already are. Appreciate all the love that you offer the world.
Think of someone you know that you would like to make a heart connection with right now. You might picture this person in your mind’s eye.
Sense the radiant light of your soul, and become aware of the radiant light of the other person’s soul.
Feel yourself connecting soul to soul, aware of your soul, and aware of the other person’s soul. As you do this you are lifting your connection to a soul level.
Using your imagination, sense the other person’s radiant heart center.
Imagine your heart center connecting with the other person’s heart center, lifting all the energy between you into the heart to be transformed into greater love and understanding.
In the moment of connection, soul to soul, heart center to heart center, some new energy of love is given. Some new potential for love has been opened.
Enjoy this connection. Maintain it for as long as you choose, and observe what, if anything, changes as you connect in this way. Perhaps you have new or more loving thoughts and feelings when you think of the other person. Perhaps an idea comes to you of how you might lift your connection.
Practice doing this whenever you can remember to do so. Connect soul to soul, and heart center to heart center. All it takes is a few short moments. Practice with strangers, friends, and loved ones.
As you connect at a higher level, soul to soul, you are opening the way for love to flow out of you to others, and to receive the love that comes back, transforming all your relationships into wonderful, transformative, loving soul connections.
Come back when you are ready, and I bid you good day for now.
Orin's Guided Meditation: Aligning with Your Divine Self
Orin's Aligning with Your Divine Self and Connecting with the Divine Self in Others
Length 9:17
Music: Thaddeus TH061 Illumination
See below for streaming and download information
Message from Orin: You can transform your relationships by aligning with your divine Self, then connecting with the divine Self in others, as you will be guided to do in the new audio meditation I have provided. The divine Self is the highest possible spiritual energy, the source of light and life within you. Each time you connect with your divine Self you can experience the divine consciousness of wisdom, joy, clarity, vision, freedom, peace, and much more. You tap into who you are deep inside. With each contact you come away more illumined and inspired, able to express more love, wisdom, and oneness with others.
Connecting with the divine Self in others can help you experience the divine Self within you in stronger and deeper ways. You bridge the gulf of separation in new ways as you experience others and yourself at the level of the divine Self. Differences and problems melt away. The deeper purpose of your connection can be known and expressed. Judgements and other feelings of separation begin to dissolve and your compassion for yourself and others grows. You can create more empowering, positive, expansive, and uplifting relationships as you focus on the divine within yourself and others.
If you want to enjoy more divine Self meditations, we invite you to listen to and work with Orin's transformative audio courses where you will connect with your divine Self, including Asking and Receiving from Your Divine Self; Orin's Transcending Your Ego with Your Divine Self Series and Becoming Your Divine Self Series.
Transcript of Orin's Aligning With Your Divine Self and Connecting with the Divine Self in Others
Greetings from Orin! In this meditation you will align with your divine Self and connect with the divine Self in others. The divine Self has also been called Spirit, the One Life, the Presence, Consciousness, God, Goddess, All-That-Is, and by many other names as well. It exists at a higher level than your soul.
Start now to align with your divine Self. Set your intention to make contact with your divine Self and to receive all that your innermost divine Self has to offer you.
You can know divine Self in moments of silence. It is trying to reach you to offer you all that it has. When you get silent and open to receive from your divine Self, Its illumination, inspiration, love, peace, guidance, and wisdom can pour into you, lifting you from normal consciousness into divine consciousness.
Spend a moment to connect with your divine Self. Take a breath in and feel yourself growing more peaceful and quiet within. Let go of any concerns. You are going within to the source of your being.
As you reach a state of greater inner peace, you make contact with your divine Self. You might experience or imagine the light of your divine Self as a radiant pillar of light in the center of your being coming into view.
As you put your awareness on this central pillar of light, you might sense this light growing brighter and more visible.
Think of someone you would like to connect with now, divine Self to divine Self.
With an awareness of the central pillar of light within you, picture a central core of light within the other person.
The divine Self is One. It is the source of light and life within you and all life. When you connect with the divine Self in others you are connecting with the divine Self within you as well, for there is only One divine Self, the One Life.
Let the image of both your physical bodies fade away until what is left is the light of spirit within both of you.
As you focus on the light of spirit that is shining through both of you, you may be lifted to an awareness that these two lights are actually part of a greater light, the light of the divine Self. There are no longer two lights, just one great light shining through both of you.
Fall into this light, open up to it. Let it permeate your being. This light is magnificent!
If you would like to repeat this with another person in mind, do so. Think of the other person right now, and sense this person’s inner light, the core of light within him or her. Your two lights become one as you realize they are part of a greater light that is the same in both of you.
With this connection you are lifted into the brilliant light of spirit, the light of pure, radiant consciousness, the One light that is the source of light and life within both of you. Enjoy this space and allow it to expand your consciousness in some way.
As you come back into your individual consciousness know that some shift has taken place between you and each person you connected with in this way. Something will different, something will be better. You can continue to play in this space as long as you would like. And when you are ready, come back, feeling wonderful, full of light, and having a wonderful day!
Orin's Guided Meditation: Aligning with Divine Will, Expressing the Will to Unify
Orin's Aligning with Divine Will, Expressing the Will to Unify
Length 8:32
Music: Thaddeus TH029 Master of Light
See below for streaming and download information
Greetings from Orin! You can transform your connections to other people by aligning with a qualify of divine Will called the Will to Unify as you will be guided to do in the new audio meditation I have provided.
The Divine Will to Unify is a very real energy. It helps guide all life toward greater unity, love, and harmony. Calling upon and being open and receptive to this quality of Divine Will allows you to better stay in your center around energies from other people that might in the past made you feel separate, critical, superior, or inferior, and any other ways you have felt apart and alone.
Orin Audio courses on Divine Will include:
Part 1: Orin's Transforming Your Life with Divine Will (MM050) Align with the seven qualities of Divine Will to experience more spiritual power, love, vision, wisdom, harmony, illumination, inspiration, and more.
Part 2: Orin's Living a Soul Life with Divine Will (MM060), including awakening divine love and self-love, transforming emotions, knowing your purpose, increasing abundance, evolving your body, creating a supportive environment, and more. A companion for Part 1.
Orin's Part 1 Divine Manifesting with Divine Will (MM070) and Part 2 Bcoming a Master of Manifesting (DW918). Learn how to link with divine Will to manifest as your Divine Self so that whatever you bring into your life serves your and others higher good.
Transcript of Orin's Aligning with Divine Will Audio Meditation:
Greetings from Orin. You can align with a quality of Divine Will called the Will to Unify, the Will to love. It is one of the seven qualities of Divine Will that you can call upon to transform your life and circumstances.
The Diving Will to unify transmits energy you can align with to better know your oneness with others, to find an underlying place of unity, even in the midst of diversity and differences.
You can call upon the Will to Unify to experience more love, and to release energies that make you feel separate from others, such as feeling critical, superior, inferior, or defensive.
This energy can bridge the gulf of conflicting beliefs, differing opinions, and righteousness. The Will to Unify helps to build understanding and goodwill.
All you need do to align with this powerful energy of love is to be open to it, go within, and call upon it.
Right now, find yourself growing more quiet and peaceful within, letting your mind grow still for just a moment. Letting go of the outside world, going inward to a place where you can access the higher realms of light, the realms of divine will and love.
Set your intention to connect with the Will to Unify, and then be open. You may sense a pillar of light, a column of light, a ray of light descending from above. Open up to receive it, however this energy appears to you. It is the Will to Unify, to bring together, to create connections.
This is a stream of pure love, unifying love, the love that brings oneness.
Picture yourself in a future situation where you would like to have this energy available, so that you can connect with someone, or be in a circumstance or situation where you can feel the unity between you and others.
As you picture the situation, begin right now, in this moment, to call upon the Will to Unify. It comes down into your being, into your heart, and you feel your heart connection with the other person. Something changes and shifts.
Practice this now, letting this energy begin to already change the energy between you and the other.
Know that as you align with this quality of Divine Will you become a transmitter of it. The Will to Unify flows into your being, and then out through you to whomever you are with, or of whom you are thinking. It expands your ability to express love through your thoughts, emotions, words, and behaviors. This energy helps to build understanding and goodwill.
Think of another person with whom you would like to experience the Will to Unify, to feel at peace and one with this person. Call upon the Will to Unify. Feel its descending light come down through the top of your head into your heart center. Rays of light go out from your heart center, touching the other person’s heart center.
You can do this in a quick moment whenever the energy between you and another would benefit from the energy of unity and oneness.
When you connect with the Will to Unify, you may start seeing new ways to relate to this person. Perhaps you will feel more compassionate, understanding, or forgiving.
As you play with the Will to Unify you may feel less alone. You may feel more connected, feeling loved, and at peace and in harmony with the people that you interact with.
You love, and you radiate love and peace to others.
Orin's Guided Meditation: Aligning with Star Energy to Evolve Your Ability to Love
Orin's Aligning with Star Energy
Length 8:07
Music: Thaddeus TH029 Master of Light
See below for streaming and download information
Greetings from Orin! In this meditation you will align with the star Sirius. It is the star of love, freedom, and initiation. You can align with the energy of Sirius to stay clear and balanced, have an open heart, be free from negative energies, and evolve your ability to love. Once you have aligned with this energy in meditation, practice aligning with it throughout the day whenever you want to stay in your center.
Read more about star energy. Listen to a full-length free audio meditation by Orin, Aligning with Star Energy.
Orin Courses Based on Star Energy
Orin's Vision courses, Vision: Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies and Vision: Creating Your Highest Future. The Vision courses help increase your ability to accurately translate the star energy you contact into thoughts, ideas, insights, revelations, activities, forms, circumstances, relationships, and new conditions so that what you create will best unfold these higher energies and all the opportunities they offer.
Orin has made 4 courses in the Millennium Journeys albums to assist you in aligning with the higher light that is coming to humanity from star energies. In the first volume, Increasing Your Inner Light, you work with star energies to expand your inner light, and thus change what you draw to you.
Transcript of Orin's Aligning with Star Energy to Evolve Your Ability to Love
In this meditation you will align with the star Sirius, also known as the "Dog Star." It is the star of liberation, love, freedom, and initiation. You can align with the energy of Sirius to stay clear and balanced, have an open heart, to be free from negative energies, and to evolve your ability to love.
You can align with the energy coming from Sirius to stay in your center, in a state of love around other people, unaffected by their thoughts, judgments, and opinions. In the light of Sirius you can stay clear of mass consciousness and beliefs that would limit you or close you off from the unlimited possibilities that exist for your life.
To make contact with this beautiful light of love, allow yourself to go within, into a state of peace and inner stillness. Take a deep breath in. Relax your body.
Ask and intend to connect with this special light coming from Sirius. You might sense this light as a beam of beautiful blue light or mist, any color blue you choose. Sense this energy as completely as you can, even if it feels like you are using your imagination and making this up.
If there is someone you would like to work with in the light of Sirius to evolve your ability to love, think of that person. Stay in your center, and let the blue light of Sirius flow out from you to the other person, evolving your ability to love. Grow quieter within and notice if you receive any new insights, feelings, or new thoughts about how to love this person.
This new way of viewing this person might happen now, or unfold over time.
Think of some circumstance, event, interaction, or situation where you want to stay calm and unaffected by other people’s thoughts, beliefs, or energy. You want to stay in a higher space of divine love and not be drawn downward into less loving energies.
Imagine surrounding yourself with energy from the star Sirius. You are in a beam of its blue light of divine love. You are strengthening your ability to express divine love with the words you say and the actions you take. As you stand in the light of Sirius you can better stay in your center, calm, clear, and loving, rising above lesser energies.
Make a picture of yourself standing in the blue light of Sirius in this circumstance, interaction, or event. Imagine how things will be different when you are able to stay in your center, in a clear, loving space no matter what is happening.
You can stay detached and loving, able to bring the highest possible spiritual energies to any situation.
Practice surrounding yourself with the blue light of Sirius in various situations. Work with this light in meditation as well as when you are out in the world. As you continue to align with it, its influence will grow even stronger and you will truly evolve the way you love. ~Orin
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Downloading Use the green button with the down arrow to download the audio meditations to your computer. Downloads are 128kbs quality audio.