Awakening Your Light Body
Index of Links to Teacher's Information



To Light Body Teacher's - Website Features Just for You:
Light Body Teachers: Be sure to create a Membership Account

As a light body teacher, you have a teacher's web page just for you.
*** Key Information***
Teacher's Web Page Instructions

If we have you as a light body teacher in our database, once you log-in you will be able to maintain your teacher's records on a special web page for you on our website:

  • Maintain your Light Body Teacher's Web page (Click on the Light Body Teacher's Link off the Member's area)
  • Enter your Class Dates in the Teacher's Area
  • Enter your Student's Names in the Teacher's Area
  • View the list of students we have on file with you as their teacher
  • View your teacher's agreements with LuminEssence
  • See your teacher's prices for LB111-LB116, LB121-LB126, and LB221 and other graduate light body courses you may be teaching

Links and Information for Teachers

Go to Qualifications to Teach for requirements to teach all the various Light Body courses. 
Go here for the latest Light Body Teacher's Announcements
Go to International Teacher's for information for special information just for International Light Body teachers.  

Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide. This explains What's Next after you graduate from the light body. It explains the light body and how the graduate courses relate to each other.

Welcome New Teacher USA
Welcome New Teacher International
Awakening Your Light Body Basic Teaching Agreement
Agreement for Self-Exciting Teachers

Current Light Body Seminar Information
DaBen's graduate light body seminars teach DaBen's latest work and are always about bringing through energies that are new to the earth plane. Participants are the pioneers of opening this energy. You are at the leading edge of human consciousness as you explore these energies, playing with new energies and patterns of light and consciousness that have not previously existed on the earth plane.
Go here to read about our latest graduate light body seminars. You can participate by coming in person or participating remotely online, from a place of your choosing.

Listing on Our Website
We have a listing of light body teachers who have chosen to be listed on this website and who meet all requirements, have signed a Teacher's agreement with us, returned our Internet form, and are teaching in accordance with our policies.

We list Awakening Your Light Body teachers, Radiance: Self-Exciting teachers, Radiance: Transmitting Light, Radiance Transmitting Self-Exciting, Celebrations of Radiance, Vision, Awakening Your Light Body Expanded, Focusing Consciousness, and other light body course teachers.  

If you are interested in teaching these courses, go to Qualifications and Requirements for more information on how to qualify as a teacher of these courses.  

To remain on our online light body Teacher's list, you will need to keep us informed of your class dates, and send us the names and addresses of your students at least once a year. Only those teachers who have sent this information within the last year will remain on our teacher's list, as we will assume you are no longer actively teaching if we have not received this information from you. 

Color Light Body Image Available to Use for Your Flyers and Website
Light Body ImageWe have prepared an image that we are making available to all Awakening Your Light Body Teachers for a small fee and a signed agreement.  We are hoping that by providing an image of the light body that all light body teachers can use, it will be an easy way for people seeking light body classes to identify light body teachers who are teaching the light body as originally taught by DaBen through Duane. We are allowing all Light Body teachers the use of this background image, without the words, in specific ways to promote your light body classes, with a signed agreement with LuminEssence. 

We realized there are many ways to use an art image, and want to keep the light body image special, as something that identifies that you are teaching Awakening Your Light Body classes.  To do so we realized we needed to be clear (thus the agreement) about how the art image of the light body can be used.  You can view the agreement here

To support you in your teaching, we will:

  • Suggest to your students who contact us to continue their light body education by taking your graduate light body courses.
  • Provide office support for questions you have about teaching.
  • You can use Thaddeus' music for your classes, royalty-free.   To listen to Thaddeus music samples, and to order, go to the Thaddeus' Music Listening Room. If you want to sell this music to your students and purchase it at a discount, go to our wholesale policies.

We ask from you:

  • To support us in keeping the light body as a pure teaching, and to make this an equal energy exchange, we ask you to provide us with:
  • Your signed Teacher's Agreement. This agreement is available in the free PDF Teacher's Guide, in the back of the manual that comes with the Radiance: Transmitting Light course, LB851, and can be downloaded for free: Teacher Agreement Form for the basic Awakening Your Light Body Course.
  • Your class dates.
  • The names and email addresses of your students.

Send Your Student's Names/ Privacy Information

*** Key Information*** Teacher's Web Page Instructions contains information about how to maintain and update your Teacher's web page on our site, including information on how to order light body courses for your students at a discount and links to discounted light body course prices for you as a teacher. Also included in information on how to track your students, update their data, and let us know your class dates so Sanaya and Duane can transmit to you during those times.

Being Listed On Our Website as a Light Body Teacher
You can view the current listing of light body teachers.  If you meet all qualifications, after receiving relevant information, we will post your name within a week of receiving your information.  Use this Internet Listing form to apply to be listed as a light body teacher on our site.

Linking Your Site to Our Internet Site
It is fine to link your site to ours if you wish your students to see your name on our teacher's list or to read more about the light body. Please let us know that you are linking your site to ours.  Preferred link is to our home page at

Do Not Copy Orin and DaBen Audio Recordings, Copy/Share Information Links
Please review our detailed information about Copyright and Permissions, including information about specific Light Body courses.
You agree that you will not duplicate any the Orin and DaBen light body audio recordings or the written materials.  You can, however, make copies of your own seminars/classes for your students who attended that class. 

We appreciate your enthusiasm in assisting others in awakening their light bodies! Please know that your support and willingness to purchase the albums from LuminEssence provides the income to LuminEssence that makes it possible to keep this work out. We have repeatedly found that when people do not purchase or make an investment in the course, they usually do not value the course enough to finish it. Know that when people are ready for the light body course, their soul, higher self, guides, and the Divine within will provide them with all the resources they need to take this course.

Making Audio Recordings of Your Classes
You can record your live classes and make these audio recordings available to those students who attended that particular class.  You agree that you will not sell any light body recordings you make of your classes to people other than those who come to your live classes.  You may not make a set of light body audio journeys in advance that you make available to people who come to your classes, unless you are producing audio recordings in a non-English language and have signed agreements with LuminEssence to produce and sell light body albums as the official set in your language.    

We ask that you not post information on the internet advertising that you are renting out, charging for, or sharing your audio journeys for a fee or for free. You may not sell the light body journeys you make for your classes commercially through any medium. Please do not post your or Orin and DaBen's journeys on Internet sites; once they are posted it is very easy for others to find them and to post them on other sites. Please do not burn CDs or share your MP3 or other format copies of DaBen and Orin journeys with class members; each member who wants the journeys needs to purchase and own their own set.

Copy/Sharing Permissions for Light Body Teacher's on their Classes - Be sure to read.
Go to our Copyrights and Permissions page - to read information about formats for your classes, and our guidelines on what you may and may not do.

Detailed Information on Our Copyright Policies for Sharing/ Copying/ Teaching Courses

Follow the links below to read about our policies for sharing, copying, and teaching these courses:
Copy/Share Policies for all Orin only courses.
Copy/Share Policies for basic Awakening Your Light Body courses (LB111-LB116).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen and Orin graduate Light Body courses (LB121-LB126; LB914-LB916; LB924-LB927).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen only graduate Light Body courses (LB131; LB221; LB917-LB918; LB921-LB923; LB928; LB931-LB333).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Light Body Consciousness courses (LB941-LB948). (Requires teacher's course LB853 to teach) 
Copy/Share Policies for Exploring Infinite Being courses (LB951-LB956).

Copy/Share Policies for all seminar courses (LB961-LB984) or any current seminars after that.

Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Current Series, Evolving into Your Luminous Body (LB961-LB969, all courses through LB984) and Living the Light Body, Light Play courses(LB701-LB7xx) and current graduate light body seminars

Read more about being among the first to experience these energies, DaBen's commitment and transmissions to you, and why not to share these courses. 

You agree not to give other people access to your online seminar/course journeys and talks. 
The audio talks and journeys are copyrighted and may not be shared through iPods or similar types of listening devices.
Please do not share CDs that you may burn or other methods of copying and sharing audio files with others. There will not be a teacher's training course for this series at this time, as DaBen is not designing this series in a way that it can be taught.

Guidelines for making DaBen and Orin's journeys available to your students/Internet Policies

Orin and DaBen Light Body journeys:
Streaming:  Because it is too easy for people to capture and copy streaming audio, and then to post it on the internet or other sites, we do not give people permission to stream any of the Orin or DaBen audio courses or single journeys or Thaddeus' music by itself, openly via the Internet, Skype, or other applications. 

Teacher's Light Body journeys:
Internet Applications: The light body journeys given by a teacher can be posted on a website type application where they are only available to the students who've opted to join the class and are password protected for those students only.  The light body journeys may not be shared with others who have not taken that class. No Orin and DaBen meditations may be posted online or through any social media such as YouTube, Facebook, and so on.

Conference Call: It is fine to offer light body meditations by conference call to students, as long as they are not the actual Orin and DaBen meditations being played, but the teacher's class meditations. The only thing we ask is that the journeys not be posted on the internet unless they are password protected and only available to the students taking that class, and that students do not share or make them available through the internet to other people.
Skype or Video Conferencing: It is fine to hold video conferences teaching people the light body as long as the students own the six-volume Orin and DaBen light body courses if being taught in English or the Japanese version if being taught in Japan, just as if it were being taught in person in a live class setting. Orin and DaBen journeys may not be played on Skype, just the teacher's class meditations.  We ask that the video conference or Skype sessions be kept private, not open to the public, and not be shared with any one who is not taking that class.
PDF: We do ask that students not share or post the PDF material that comes with the courses as each student should have their own to work with.
Selling downloads: If the downloads will be the actual Orin and DaBen meditations from the audio courses, we request that the teacher not make them available for download in any format as they are copyrighted and we do not allow people to offer them via other websites as we want to make sure the quality is maintained. USA: Students are required to own the six-part Awakening Your Light Body course. International: While students are not required to purchase the course, if the teacher is teaching in a manner other than a live class setting, the teacher is required to either transmit the journeys themselves as DaBen does, or have each student purchase the official language version of the course, if one is available, like Japanese.
Orin Meditations you can play and share online:
You can lead meditations by using the exercises at the end of each chapter in the books, or base them on Orin's meditations. Go here for more information on teaching Orin courses based on Orin's books and audio.
You have permission to play Orin's FREE full length guided meditations and/or his short 3-5 minute guided meditations for teleseminars or like classes. The Orin meditations on this web page are fine to play for an audience.  We would appreciate your mentioning our website, so people can explore our site and learn more about the source of the meditations and others they might be interested in.  If you go to Orin's Meditation Room on our website, you will see the following:
Go here to start listening to Orin's short 3-5 minute meditations
Go here for full-length free Orin Audio Meditations
You may not post any of the other Orin journeys, including those from seminars, on any media, including YouTube, FaceBook, your own site, and so on. 


Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.