Teaching Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded
and Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded Courses

Teaching the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded Skills  
Teaching from the Whole/Source Space
Teaching the Basic Frequencies
Teaching the Expanded Frequencies
Tip for teaching the expanded courses.
Class structure

Visual Keys for Filling in the Frequencies (Handout for your classes)

You have been given the link to this page because you are now qualified to teach the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded (LB933) and the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded (LB932) courses and skills. Please read the following information carefully. There is information included from a talk by Duane given after the Frequencies Expanded seminar about teaching the expanded spaces that should be useful to you.

Before you teach these courses, please sign and return an agreement. You can download the Self-Exciting and Frequencies Expanded agreement on our site.

Teaching the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded Skills

Qualifications to Teach the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded Skills
With the completion of the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course (LB933) you have permission to teach the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded course (LB932) if you meet the following requirements:
Graduate from DaBen's Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course (LB851)
Graduate from DaBen's Radiance: Transmitting Self-Exciting course (LB852)
Have taken Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Seminar (LB931), Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded seminar (LB932), and Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded seminar (LB933) either in person, by remote, or by completing the audio courses either in CD or download format.
Completion of DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Teacher's seminar. (LB931) and a signed agreement.
Must be actively teaching Self-Exciting classes or Frequencies classes. If we do not receive your class dates, we do not know that you are actively teaching.
Agreement Requirements:
A signed and returned Awakening Your Light Body Teacher's Agreement.
A signed and returned Radiance: Self-Exciting/Frequencies Teacher's Agreement.
A signed and returned Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Teacher's Agreement
A signed and returned Radiance: Self-Exciting/Frequencies Expanded Teacher's Agreement. You can download, sign and return this agreement to be listed on our website as a Self-Exciting Expanded and Frequencies Expanded teacher.

To teach the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded course, you will want to be well versed in self-exciting. Transmit by holding one of the levels between Whole and Source. For instance, the experience of Whole/Source where it becomes self-exciting, where it takes off and carries itself, would be a good stable place to transmit from.

Prerequisites for Your Students to Take the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded Course
Minimum prerequisites for students taking the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded course are as follows:
Completion of the Awakening Your Light Body Course (LB111-LB116)
Completion of the Radiance: Self-Exciting Course (LB131)
Completion of the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded course (LB931)

The information below by Duane is taken from his talk to teachers following the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course:

Teaching the Expanded Skills from the "Whole/Source" Stable Space
Duane: This is the space you learned some of in the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded and Self-Exciting Expanded courses, but learned more completely in the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course. A place to transmit the frequencies of Harmony, Brilliance, Transparency and all the expanded skills from (expanded light body, expanded self-exciting and expanded frequencies) would be a good awareness of Whole and Source, which I will call the Whole/Source space. This is not opening to Oneness, but using Whole/Source as your stable place to transmit from. Do not transmit Whole/Source, but use this as a stable place to transmit from.

There are lots of levels of that experience of Whole/Source, so pick one level and stay with it throughout the entire journey, so that you do not let it evolve. If the Whole/Source evolves, then your perspective on what you are transmitting will have to change. Pick a level and stay there as your place to transmit from, and then transmit the expanded states.

There are many more levels than I am going to call out here, however I will talk about three levels of Whole/Source that you may find as a stable place to transmit from.

How to pick a level: Key off of what is happening in your experience of Whole as your place to enter and pick a level. As you get into Whole, you will see that the first place that Whole takes on meaning or has sense to it is when you realize that your experience is full and complete. You do not have pieces of the experience, you are not holding something out, and you are not purposely trying to make sure that you have everything. It comes to you that this is everything, your experience is the whole. That is the first level.

A next level might be that after you realize there is that Whole/Source, you start to notice that given the changes and transitions, you are now able to hang onto Whole/Source even though in your experience there is pretty significant movement, there are significant places that the movement goes to that from a lower level might pull you out of the experience of Whole/Source. You begin to realize that those are part of your experience as well. Rather than pulling you out, the movement and the significant places it goes to actually creates another depth; it adds more depth into your experience.

At a next level, quite a bit above the one before, is when you can say, "Okay, not only can my experience of Whole/Source be my experience, but it can easily incorporate the experience of others, incorporating other's experiences can be my experience, can be the whole of my experience."

If you still have a dichotomy between what is your experience and what is the experience of others, then you should not be using this level. You have found that there is a place where it really does not matter. You knew it was an experience that was coming somehow from other entities, or other energy, that it was not initially yours, but you had no trouble in incorporating it.

Note: The Creation side of things is the Whole/Source. If you are not going to look at the Creation side, it is just Whole. Whole/Source means you are looking at the whole of your experience (the Whole part of the Whole/Source space) and also realizing it is being created on a moment-to-moment basis (the Source part of the Whole/Source space). What determines whether you are using Whole or Whole/Source is where you put your attention and your perspective.

A place to transmit from is always from a place of tension that is stable enough to hold you there. To transmit the expanded frequencies you need to be in the Whole or the Whole/Source space, otherwise you have no sense of the creation of any tension coming in.

All of these levels could be stable transmission spots just by noticing the activity that is there, the process of the activity. These would be the levels to use to transmit all of the expanded skills from, including the basic light body, self-exciting, and frequencies expanded skills.

Teaching the Basic Frequencies Skills (Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance and Transparency)

Permission to Teach all Seven Frequency Sets:
If you meet all teaching requirements you are authorized to teach the non-expanded version of all seven frequencies, including the Transparency frequency.

Permission to Teach the New Fifth Frequency of all Seven Frequency Sets:
You can include the new fifth frequency for each of the frequency sets - Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency - in your basic frequencies classes.

Duane: Teach each of the frequencies in the same sequence as DaBen teaches them. Do not teach them out of sequence. For instance, when teaching the Vision frequencies, start with the first one and teach through the fifth one, in the order DaBen originally taught them. You do not want to start for instance, with the second, or the fifth frequency of Vision; be sure to teach them in the order DaBen has presented. As you know from participating in the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded seminar, DaBen selected this order for a reason.

Change in the Way You Can Transmit the Basic, Non-expanded Harmony and Brilliance Frequencies:
Duane: In regards to transmitting the Harmony and Brilliance frequencies, in prior teachings you were using the focusing your consciousness skills. Now that you have been able to get to this new space of Whole/Source, it is going to be more stable than the focusing space. Focusing was a way to get enough span so that you could hold a bit of a potential and a bit of awareness of the frequencies and hone in on the basic quality of that energy.

From this Whole/Source it is going to be much broader. That is why I am suggesting you pick a level of Whole/Source and stay at that level for the journey. Maybe in the next journey you will pick another level, but make sure you are familiar with it, so that you are comfortable staying there. That will give you a broader, more stable place, and probably significantly more depth in what you are transmitting about the frequency than the focusing your consciousness skills.

Teach the Original Frequencies First
Duane: DaBen asks that you teach the original, non-expanded frequencies - all seven of them - before you teach the expanded version of the frequencies or the blending of the expanded frequencies. We will call this teaching the basic frequencies.

Question: Is it still useful to teach my students the original characterizations of each frequency and to teach them one at a time as I have been doing?

Duane: Yes, teach the frequencies in order and start with the original visual cue. Even years ago the chances of a person learning a frequency and sticking with that visual cue was very small. Although for consistency and as a point of reference, do stick with that visual cue. You are going to want to have something that you can refer to later on. DaBen, when I tune in, is showing me the whole frequency; I see the overall movement. To provide a consistent visual reference, I start by calling out the cue that was originally used so that when we talk about each frequency we could agree on beginning descriptions and language. From that beginning people can describe their experience. It seems too confusing to keep shifting the cues, because then there is nothing we can put into language as a reference point, and you need some reference points.

The Vision, Precision, Intensity and Clarity frequencies are at one level of skill. Teach these first, in order. The Brilliance and Harmony frequencies require a higher level of skill. Only teach these after people have learned the first four frequencies. The Transparency frequencies are even more advanced, and are a shift to an even higher level of skill. They should be taught only after people have learned the prior six frequencies in the order DaBen has given them in - Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, and Brilliance.

Stable Place to Transmit the Original Frequencies From and Potential

Duane: For teaching the regular frequencies, stay with the original places that were developed for that teaching. Otherwise your students' experiences are going to go off into potential and you may get some of them experiencing the oneness space.

When you teach the new fifth frequency, such as the large cascade of light in the fifth Vision frequency, do not have your students follow where that flow goes, for that will lead to potential and then to the expanded space. When you use the visual of the cascade of light, for instance that will create another vision space without following the flow out into potential and expanded spaces.

Question: I can not find any way to transmit the frequencies without including the potential. The potential comes naturally to me when I tune into the frequencies.

Duane: The potential is going to be there, however you are not emphasizing it. When you really look, now that you can see what potential is and see this Whole/Source, or the moment-to-moment, the creation dissolution, you cannot get away from potential. You cannot tune into the frequencies without experiencing some potential. You are not emphasizing potential because you want your students to stay on the manifest side. You want them to master that place before they see the Whole. If they do not have the full basis of the frequency on the manifest side then they are not going to have an interpretation on the potential side.

I use "potential" and "expanded" somewhat interchangeably; however potential is the larger energy and expanded is a space within that potential. Creation is the whole process, the whole of the energy.

Question: Can I incorporate the expanded space in my experience when I am transmitting the basic non-expanded frequencies?

Duane: You can decide for yourself individually whether you want to incorporate in your experience, in the place that you are transmitting from, some of this expanded space. If you want to, and feel comfortable in doing that, then it is fine to do so.

Question: What happens when I transmit from this space where I am sensing potential and people start getting an experience that is of potential?

Duane: See if you can get them away from that experience. It is okay, but that is not going to teach them the real frequencies. _____________________________________________________________________

Teaching the Expanded Frequencies Skills (Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency)
Permission to Teach the Expanded Version of All Seven Frequency Sets
Duane: If you meet all teaching requirements you are authorized to teach the expanded version of the frequencies of Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency, including the new fifth expanded frequency of each of these. Do not teach the expanded version of these frequencies until you have taught all seven of them in the non-expanded version as separate classes. Do not combine teaching the expanded frequencies with teaching the non-expanded version of these frequencies in the same classes; teach all of the seven frequencies in their non-expanded version first before teaching them in their expanded version.

Do not teach the expanded version of the frequencies until you have taught a course of Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills as well as the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded skills, in that order. Your students are going to need the expanded skills, they are going to need to have some familiarity with potential and how that feels in the light body, and some ideas as to what self-exciting does with it, so that they can get that expanded space for the frequencies.

You can use the Whole/Source space taught in DaBen's Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course as the stable place for transmitting the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded, the Self-Exciting Expanded, and the Filling in the Frequencies Expanded skills.

DaBen could have picked many more frequencies to call out, but he picked the ones you learned in the Filling in the Frequencies Expanded seminar.

You can download DaBen's list of frequencies to hand out to your classes including descriptions of all seven frequency sets and the new fifth frequency.

When do the Frequencies Become the Expanded Version?
Duane: The frequencies become the expanded frequency when you emphasize the potential side of them. The potential is where the frequency moves into the expanded. When we started as a group with the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded seminar, the group did not have clarity or enough depth of potential, for DaBen to say "potential" and have them make any meaning out of it. We worked into potential by learning a space that drew an experience of that potential out. Since then you have learned potential, so now people know what potential is. Potential is more than that expanded. In teaching the regular frequencies, leave the emphasis on the potential out.

Teaching the Expanded Frequencies Tips
Duane: As you have learned, each of the frequencies has potential. When you teach the basic frequencies with the potential behind them you are teaching the expanded version of those frequencies. DaBen did not point out how to get to that potential, but I am sure you will find the place that is there. It is going to be involved with movement, moving into something like the cascading in the fifth vision frequency, or a place where there is a transition. You can find that for all of the frequencies.

See that the focus does not become just on finding the potential in one area where that begins to fill your student's whole awareness. That is not necessarily a place that you want them to go because it's not teaching them about the frequencies. The frequencies are that constant transition, that flow. Even in one frequency where there is potential, that frequency can be somewhere in the cocoon all the time, and probably in multiple places. For instance, if we take the Vision and cascading, there is a place in that Vision where the cascade is forming and where it is forming that potential, and where it has essentially disappeared, and where it has gotten so large that it has disappeared. There are other places that are in the beginning, ending, and middle stages all throughout the cocoon. Make sure your students are finding all these areas and not letting one area fill their whole awareness. Even though what DaBen is calling out is only what people are seeing in one area, they should also keep track of what is going on in other areas.

Class Structure Suggestions for Teaching the Expanded States
Duane: First teach all seven of the non-expanded frequency sets - the frequencies of Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency - as a separate class or classes before you teach the expanded frequencies. If for instance, you are having a class on the frequencies of Vision, teach the original four and the new fifth Vision frequency. Teach them in the order given by DaBen. Continue to teach the next six frequencies - the frequencies of Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency, including the new fifth frequency of each before teaching the expanded version.

Then teach your students the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded class, the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded class, and then you can teach your students the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course with the expanded version of each of the frequencies.

When you teach the Expanded frequencies, and DaBen and I had three days to do this - you can take a longer period of time and teach one class per expanded frequency set over a period of time. For instance, if you are just teaching the Harmony frequencies, you can go into greater depth in the potential behind it. I would do two or three journeys a frequency just to take an initial sort of insight to learn the frequency, or review the frequency, and then glance at what the expanded state was, and then teach the connections for blending. The connections for blending are strong in themselves.

Qualifications to Teach the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded Course
Graduate of DaBen's Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course (LB851). You have taught Awakening Your Light Body courses.
Graduate of DaBen's Radiance: Transmitting Self-Exciting course (LB852) You have taught Self-Exciting courses.
You have taught all seven frequencies to your students in their original version, including the fifth frequency of each frequency set.
You have taken DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded course (LB931), Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded course (LB932), and Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course (LB933).
Completion of DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Teacher's course. (LB931).

A signed and returned Awakening Your Light Body Teacher's Agreement.
A signed and returned Radiance: Self-Exciting/Frequencies Teacher's Agreement.
A signed and returned Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Teacher's Agreement
A signed and returned Radiance: Self-Exciting/Frequencies Expanded Teacher's Agreement. You can download, sign and return this agreement to be listed on our website as a Self-Exciting Expanded and Frequencies Expanded teacher.

Prerequisites for Your Students to Take the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded Course
Prerequisites for students taking the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded course will be as follows (can be yours or DaBen and Orin's courses).
* Completion of the Awakening Your Light Body Course (LB111-LB116)
* Completion of the Radiance: Self-Exciting Course (LB131)
* Completion of the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Course consisting of knowledge of each of the five frequencies of Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and Transparency (LB121-LB126, LB221)
* Completion of the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded course (LB931)
* Completion of the Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded Course (LB932)