Welcome to our list of Awakening Your Light Body teachers. We do not certify teachers, however the teachers listed have fulfilled the requirements for teaching and are or have taught light body classes. We are not able to provide information about any teacher who is not on this list.
USA Teachers are required to use DaBen and Orin's six (6) part Awakening Your Light Body audio courses as the study materials for their live classes.
International Teachers will play nine DaBen audio guided meditations during their live classes so you can experience the centers and light body spaces as transmitted by DaBen.
The names of Awakening Your Light Body teachers, Radiance: Self-Exciting and Frequencies teachers, and teachers of other light body graduate courses are provided as a service for your convenience. Light Body Teachers are teaching the light body information based on their understanding of it as developed by DaBen and Orin. LuminEssence Productions does not authorize or certify teachers, and assumes no liability for their teaching. All teachers are independent of LuminEssence. User assumes full responsibility for all interactions with Light Body Teachers.
Please select the Country you would like to locate a teacher in, then select the course from the list below that you would like a teacher for. Note that not all Light Body courses are able to be taught by a teacher: