Congratulations on completing the training that can qualify you to teach the graduate Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills if you meet the qualifications below. We have formed the following agreements to make clear what LuminEssence expects of you and what you can expect from LuminEssence. LuminEssence may revise or refine these agreements as we benefit from your feedback and hear about your experiences, and you will be given the opportunity to meet any future requirements and agreements.
In order for the agreements discussed here to be in effect, you and LuminEssence agree to follow any previously signed agreements such as those for teaching the Awakening Your Light Body course. All of our policies are designed to support the success of your students in learning the light body skills, and your success as a teacher of these skills. These agreements are in effect until notified of changes.
Qualifications to teach the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded Skills:
Completion of DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting course or any Radiance: Self-Exciting course taught by a qualified teacher.
Graduate of DaBen and Orin's Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course or any Radiance: Transmitting Light course taught by a qualified teacher.
Graduate of DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded course.
You have already taught the basic Awakening Your Light Body course several times.
You have signed and returned to LuminEssence the Awakening Your Light Body Teacher's Agreement.
You have signed and returned to LuminEssence this Teacher's Agreement for the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills.
To support you in your teaching, LuminEssence will:
- List you on our website if you are actively teaching. Actively teaching is defined as having sent us your students' names and addresses, and class dates and flyers during the previous year.
- Refer students to your classes who contact us looking for a teacher in your area.
- Transmit to you and your students during your classes.
- Suggest to your students who contact us that they continue their light body education by taking your advanced light body courses.
- Allow you to use Thaddeus' music for your classes, royalty-free.
- Provide office support for questions you have about teaching.
To assist us in supporting your students, and to make this an equal energy exchange, we ask that you:
- Send us your class dates, flyers, and class announcements.
- Send us the names and addresses of your students.
- Provide the Email addresses of your students if available. You can indicate if they do not want to receive an occasional Email or newsletter from us.
- Make Orin and DaBen's newsletter available to your students during your classes.
Your Students
You agree to offer the specified skills only to students you feel are ready for these advanced skills, so that each student is most likely to be successful in learning these advanced light body skills. You may teach eligible students who have studied with you previously, or are drawn to your flyers and announcements. We ask that you use your discretion in promoting your work to students who have studied with other light body teachers, and not solicit such students if their teacher is teaching the same light body skills. You do not need other teachers' permission to allow students into your classes.
Privacy Information
We ask that you send us your student's names so that we can keep track of all light body graduates and the skills they have learned. When students contact us to explore what their next step might be, or whether they are eligible for a particular seminar or tape course, this allows us to give them proper advice, including referring them to you as their teacher and the light body courses you might be teaching.
Please note that the names and addresses you send us are completely confidential. We never sell or rent names to anyone for any purpose. When we receive the names of your students, we will send them a newsletter. Your students will receive one or two newsletters. After that, your students will hear from us only if they continue to contact us. We would also appreciate Email addresses if available. We usually send several Emails a year, to notify people of worldwide meditations and various events.
Audio Recordings of Your Classes and Copyright Agreements
You agree that you will not produce or sell any written material or light body audio recordings you make to people other than to those who come to your live classes. You agree to make sure your light body students are clear that they may not use your class tapes to share with or to sponsor others with.
If other students wish to learn these skills they will need to do so by attending your live classes, or through using DaBen's and Orin's tapes. International recordings in non-English languages can be produced and sold only if you have signed contracts with LuminEssence. You agree to not put out drawings or artwork of renderings of the light body. Read Copyright and Permissions for more detailed information.
Agreements with Your Students
Your students may not teach the skills listed in this Agreement to others. Please do not make your own agreements with students that confuse or dilute the LuminEssence agreements.
Class Structure
Classes should be structured and taught in a way that maximizes the success of your students. We would like you to teach the skills as you know them, and transmit the light body skills as purely and clearly as possible. You may include these new skills as part of your basic Awakening Your Light Body classes, or you may teach them as a separate class to your light body graduates, with any length of time inbetween these classes as you deem appropriate.
Your students are not required to purchase any additional Orin and DaBen materials to learn these expanded light body skills. You can play DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded journeys for your classes, and purchase them for a discounted price if your students wish to own these journeys. We ask that you not introduce new skills from other disciplines as a part of teaching the light body skills covered by this agreement.
What You May Say in Your Flyers
You may say that you have completed the teacher's training offered by LuminEssence for teaching the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills. You may announce your classes on the Internet.
Artwork to Use for Your Advertising of Teaching Classes
We have prepared an image that we are now going to make available to Awakening Your Light Body Teachers. This image is the background for the LB115 light body album. You can view the picture by going to our website and searching on LB115. We will be allowing the use of the background image, without the words with a one-time fee. We realized there are many ways to use an art image, and want to keep it special as something that identifies that you are teaching Awakening Your Light Body classes, and to do so we realized we needed to be clear (thus the agreement) about how it can be used. We are hoping that by providing an image of the light body that all light body teachers can use, it will become an easy way for people seeking light body classes to identify light body teachers who are teaching the light body as originally taught by DaBen through Duane. If you are interested in using this artwork image for your website and class brochures/flyers, please view the Image artwork agreement.
Revoking Teaching Privileges
We reserve the right to revoke your privileges for teaching the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills. This might happen if you do not keep us current on your classes and send us your student's names and addresses. It may also be because the requirements may change and you have not chosen to meet the new requirements; because you have not fulfilled these agreements; or for other reasons. Before taking such an action, we will give you feedback and the opportunity to discuss and correct any situation.
Please Print, Sign, and Return to LuminEssence
Specific Graduate Level Light Body Skills Covered by This Agreement
Once all requirements have been met, you have permission to teach the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded skills.
I, _______________________________________________, promise LuminEssence that I will honor these agreements. I share the goal of providing as clear and powerful teachings to light body students as possible.
Signature ______________________________________________________
Date ____________________________________