Becoming a Light Body Sponsor

Read our Light Body Teacher's Announcement page for updated teacher's information.

Read below:
What is a light body graduate?
Sponsoring others with DaBen and Orin six-part Awakening Your Light Body audio course.
What is sponsoring and is sponsoring the same as teaching?
Where can I find information about being a light body sponsor?
Study materials for sponsoring.

Should I share my albums or should they purchase their own?
Can I sponsor more than one person at a time? Can I hold classes and play the journeys?
Do not duplicate DaBen and Orin's six- part Awakening Your Light Body course

Selecting Students to Sponsor
Can I sponsor my child or other children to awaken their light bodies?
Can I sponsor someone who is pregnant?
Becoming a Light Body Teacher

Send us the names of your students so Orin and DaBen can transmit to them

Other sources of online information:
Qualifications and information on how to become a light body teacher (a sponsor plays their light body DaBen journeys for others; a teacher transmits the sounds of the centers as DaBen does.)

You may sponsor others in awakening their light bodies by sharing your audio course with them, after you have completed all 6 parts.  Please read the copy/share rules in our free Light Body Sponsor's Manual.

What is a light body graduate?
You are a light body graduate if you have learned the seven vibrational energy body centers and the three light body centers as originally taught by DaBen (channeled by Duane Packer). You may have learned these centers from our six-part Awakening Your Light Body audio course, or from a light body teacher.

Sponsoring others with DaBen and Orin six-part Awakening Your Light Body audio course.
As a light body graduate, you can sponsor others with the DaBen and Orin six-part Awakening Your Light Body audio course. If you have learned the light body from a teacher and do not have a set of these audio journeys, your teacher can purchase them for you or you can order them directly from LuminEssence. Many have found the six-part light body course by DaBen and Orin to be an important addition to their teacher's light body course to further develop and strengthen their light bodies.

You can purchase a set of DaBen and Orin's light body journeys for yourself or for someone you wish to sponsor. If you take the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course, you can purchase the six-volume Awakening Your Light body audio course at a discount for those you are sponsoring. Teacher's prices are available once you log-in to your member's area, click on the Light Body Teacher's link, and go to your website page.

What is sponsoring, and is sponsoring the same as teaching?
Sponsoring others means holding this person in your awareness on a consistent basis while he or she uses DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body audio course. Sponsoring can also include meeting on a regular basis, running the energies together, playing your audio journeys, or loaning your course to others. You may also sponsor others with the official language course in your language, if one exists.

USA: If you took the Awakening Your Light Body course live with a teacher, you may NOT use your teacher's audio recordings to sponsor others with.
International: If you are International and your students do not speak English, you can sponsor others using the official language version for your country (if one is available). If you took the Awakening Your Light Body course live with a teacher, you may NOT use your teacher's audio recordings to sponsor others with.

As a sponsor, you may find it of value to take the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course which will teach you how to teach others, transmit the pure energy of the light body centers, and ways to assist your students in having an even more powerful experience of the centers as you work with them and as they listen to DaBen's journeys.

Being a light body teacher versus being a light body sponsor, means that you transmit the sounds of the centers as DaBen does. You can become a light body teacher if you complete DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting course and Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course and send us the Teacher's Agreement located in the back of the manual that comes with the teacher's course.

Where can I find information about being a light body sponsor?
The best information on sponsoring is found in the sponsor's guide that comes in the manual with the Awakening Your Light Body Part 6: Becoming Radiant. If you do not have this booklet, you can view and print the guide on our website at Light Body Sponsor's Guide. If you are interested in becoming a teacher, which means that you will be transmitting the sounds of the centers as DaBen does, you can also check our general teacher's information for information about qualifications to teach light body courses. If you are International, you may also want to read about the International qualifications to become a light body teacher.

Study materials for sponsoring, ordering the booklets that come with the light body course.
The six-part Awakening Your Light Body course comes with 6 booklets, one per part, containing extensive information about the light body, with a place to make notes of your light body experiences. If you own the CDs or tapes of the course and purchased them through LuminEssence, you can download the manuals in a PDF format.  To see if you are eligible for these PDF manuals, log-in or create a member's account, and you will be able to see under the "Special Member Offers" any PDFs you are eligible to purchase. 

Should I share my albums or should they purchase their own? Can I copy them?
You may sponsor others using your Orin and DaBen six-part Awakening Your Light Body course. We ask that you do not duplicate or copy your light body courses as they are copyrighted materials.

Can I sponsor more than one person at a time? Can I hold classes and play the journeys?
Feel free to create classes and play the journeys from DaBen and Orin's six-part Awakening Your Light Body course. Many sponsors find that as they play their light body journeys for either individual students or entire classes, or loan their audio meditations out for others to listen to, that their students want to have their own set of the light body course to improve their light body skills after and between classes.

Remember that you as a sponsor are holding a focus for everyone you lend your course journeys to. Read more about selecting who to sponsor below.

Your students will need to be on record as owning a set of DaBen and Orin's six-part Awakening Your Light Body course if they want to sponsor others as you have. Please make sure each of your students receives a copy of the Sponsor's Guide. upon graduation.

Copy/Share Information for Light Body Students

Feel free to share this course with others once you have completed all six courses in this series (Parts 1-6) and are an Awakening Your Light Body graduate. However, permission is given for you to share these light body journeys with one other person who is a partner, spouse, special friend, or loved one who wants to take this course with you at the same time.

We ask that you do not copy this course onto any format for sharing. You may not post these audio journeys on the Internet. Please do not copy or transfer these copyrighted journeys to other people via audio listening devices, other digital media, file sharing programs, or other methods. Please review our Copyright and Permissions page. 

We have repeatedly found that when people are ready for the course, their soul, higher self, guides, and the Divine within will provide them with all the resources they need to take this course.  Our experience teaches us that those who purchase or make an investment in the course not only value the course, but finish it as well. Thank you for assisting and supporting us in keeping the work out in as pure a form as is possible. 

Selecting Students to Sponsor
One of the most important aspects of being a successful sponsor is only sponsoring those who are most likely to succeed. We suggest you only accept students on whom you have checked with your Higher Self or guide as to the appropriateness of their taking your courses and their commitment and readiness for this step. Only work with people you feel are ready, committed to finishing the course, have had some exposure to self-growth techniques, and are on a growth path already. You might want to use questions like those on the page that follows to determine if your students are ready for this course.

We have found that the best students believe they create their own reality, are willing to take responsibility for the things that occur in their lives, and feel their spiritual growth is one of the most important aspects of their lives. You will want students who are interested in experiencing expanded states of consciousness, and preferably have already had some experience with meditation or other consciousness-expanding techniques.

Every time you sponsor others or teach the Awakening Your Light Body course, make it your goal to empower people to awaken their light bodies successfully and have a direct, good experience of these higher spaces and to be able to create these experiences for themselves.

The most important thing for you as a sponsor is to have students who will successfully learn and be empowered by what you are offering. It is better to have one student who truly responds to and learns what you are offering than ten who are only curious and do not use or apply the skills they learn. BE VERY SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU SPONSOR!

Can I sponsor my child or other children to awaken their light bodies?
We have found the key issue in teaching young people and children the light body is making sure it is their wish to learn and not their parent's. If they are truly interested in taking the light body course, then they are demonstrating their desire to awaken their light bodies. Probably this desire indicates that they have the elements they will need to be successful. Use your best judgment when deciding to teach a younger person or child to awaken their light body.

Can I sponsor someone who is pregnant?
There have been several women who have taken the course while pregnant. They reported that the light body energies enhanced their experience of pregnancy. Some were able to discover what they felt was the consciousness of their child and were able to play back and forth as two beings. Others felt that through them, their child had learned the light body energies and was born with some awareness of their light body.

Send us the names of your students so Orin and DaBen can transmit to them
When you send us your student's names, we notify The Foundation so that Orin and DaBen can include them in their meditations. We keep track of all light body students. Knowing the names of your students allows us to better serve your students should they want to purchase light body albums from LuminEssence, or come to a live seminar. If you want to order light body courses for your students at a discount, you will need to provide their first and last names, current email address and country.

Please note that all names and addresses are completely confidential. We never sell or rent names to anyone for any purpose. Please log-in and follow the Teacher's link off the Member's Area to Add Student's Names or Add Class Dates. We will add your class dates to our calendar for The Foundation, DaBen, and Orin to transmit to.

When we receive the names of your students, if we have a physical address for them we will send them a newsletter. Your students will receive one or two newsletters. After that, your students will hear from us only if they contact us first. If your students do not wish to receive a newsletter, please indicate "no mail" after their names.

When you send us the names and addresses of your light body students, we will consider them to be graduates, even if they have just started your course. If someone does not graduate, please let us know.

Becoming a Light Body Teacher

  1. You can become a light body teacher if you complete the Radiance: Self-Exciting course and Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course and send us the Teacher's Agreement located in the back of the manual that comes with the teacher's course. With the completion of the Radiance: Transmitting Light Teacher's course and Radiance: Self-Exciting, you can purchase the light body albums at a discount for any of your students who are interested in owning the set for themselves. You can read about the qualifications required to become a light body teacher and the discounts that are offered to teachers on our Light Body Teacher's page

Read our Copy/Share Rules for Light Body Teachers and Sponsors:

Detailed Information on Our Copyright Policies for Sharing/ Copying/ Teaching Courses

Follow the links below to read about our policies for sharing, copying, and teaching these courses:
Copy/Share Policies for all Orin only courses.
Copy/Share Policies for basic Awakening Your Light Body courses (LB111-LB116).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen and Orin graduate Light Body courses (LB121-LB126; LB914-LB916; LB924-LB927).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen only graduate Light Body courses (LB131; LB221; LB917-LB918; LB921-LB923; LB928; LB931-LB333).
Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Light Body Consciousness courses (LB941-LB948). (Requires teacher's course LB853 to teach) 
Copy/Share Policies for Exploring Infinite Being courses (LB951-LB956).

Copy/Share Policies for all seminar courses (LB961-LB984) or any current seminars after that.

Copy/Share Policies for DaBen's Current Series, Evolving into Your Luminous Body (LB961-LB969, all courses through LB984) and Living the Light Body, Light Play courses(LB701-LB7xx) and current graduate light body seminars

Read more about being among the first to experience these energies, DaBen's commitment and transmissions to you, and why not to share these courses. 

You agree not to give other people access to your online seminar/course journeys and talks. 
The audio talks and journeys are copyrighted and may not be shared through iPods or similar types of listening devices.
Please do not share CDs that you may burn or other methods of copying and sharing audio files with others. There will not be a teacher's training course for this series at this time, as DaBen is not designing this series in a way that it can be taught.

Guidelines for making DaBen and Orin's journeys available to your students/Internet Policies

Orin and DaBen Light Body journeys:
Streaming:  Because it is too easy for people to capture and copy streaming audio, and then to post it on the internet or other sites, we do not give people permission to stream any of the Orin or DaBen audio courses or single journeys or Thaddeus' music by itself, openly via the Internet, Skype, or other applications. 

Teacher's Light Body journeys:
Internet Applications: The light body journeys given by a teacher can be posted on a website type application where they are only available to the students who've opted to join the class and are password protected for those students only.  The light body journeys may not be shared with others who have not taken that class. No Orin and DaBen meditations may be posted online or through any social media such as YouTube, Facebook, and so on.

Conference Call: It is fine to offer light body meditations by conference call to students, as long as they are not the actual Orin and DaBen meditations being played, but the teacher's class meditations. The only thing we ask is that the journeys not be posted on the internet unless they are password protected and only available to the students taking that class, and that students do not share or make them available through the internet to other people.
Skype or Video Conferencing: It is fine to hold video conferences teaching people the light body as long as the students own the six-volume Orin and DaBen light body courses if being taught in English or the Japanese version if being taught in Japan, just as if it were being taught in person in a live class setting. Orin and DaBen journeys may not be played on Skype, just the teacher's class meditations.  We ask that the video conference or Skype sessions be kept private, not open to the public, and not be shared with any one who is not taking that class.
PDF: We do ask that students not share or post the PDF material that comes with the courses as each student should have their own to work with.
Selling downloads: If the downloads will be the actual Orin and DaBen meditations from the audio courses, we request that the teacher not make them available for download in any format as they are copyrighted and we do not allow people to offer them via other websites as we want to make sure the quality is maintained. USA: Students are required to own the six-part Awakening Your Light Body course. International: While students are not required to purchase the course, if the teacher is teaching in a manner other than a live class setting, the teacher is required to either transmit the journeys themselves as DaBen does, or have each student purchase the official language version of the course, if one is available, like Japanese.
Orin Meditations you can play and share online:
You can lead meditations by using the exercises at the end of each chapter in the books, or base them on Orin's meditations. Go here for more information on teaching Orin courses based on Orin's books and audio.
You have permission to play Orin's FREE full length guided meditations and/or his short 3-5 minute guided meditations for teleseminars or like classes. The Orin meditations on this web page are fine to play for an audience.  We would appreciate your mentioning our website, so people can explore our site and learn more about the source of the meditations and others they might be interested in.  If you go to Orin's Meditation Room on our website, you will see the following:
Go here to start listening to Orin's short 3-5 minute meditations
Go here for full-length free Orin Audio Meditations
You may not post any of the other Orin journeys, including those from seminars, on any media, including YouTube, FaceBook, your own site, and so on.