Awakening Your Light Body
General Questions

We have extensive information about the light body in the booklets that accompany DaBen and Orin's six- part Awakening Your Light Body course. Please be sure to read these. We do not have any information other than what is covered in the booklets, and what is listed on our website. 

If you have just started the light body, or are studying Parts 1 and 2, review the Awakening Your Light Body Parts 1 and 2 Frequently Asked Questions about challenges and questions that may arise when you begin to awaken your light body.

Information on this page:
Intellectual questions about your light body experiences and the centers
How to stay grounded as you experience these high spaces
Feeling restless, anxious, or an increase in energy after working with light body.

I can't visualize the masters, my soul, or the guides
I can't visualize the light body
Other people's experiences are different from mine, or, I'm not doing as well as others
I'm experiencing a relaxed feeling with the light body, but nothing else.
I'm not experiencing anything, or I'm having trouble experiencing one of the centers.
I'm falling asleep during the light body journeys, or going unconscious.

Feeling twitchy during journeys, or swaying or body movements, what to do?
Headaches or muscle aches after listening to light body or preparatory journeys
Using the light body for insomnia, sleep problems
Spinning feeling after journeys
Having a "White Out" light body experience where everything disappears

Suggestions if it has been some time since you listened to your light body journeys
I sometimes feel resistance to getting into these spaces. Or, I have stopped listening and am not sure why.
Experiencing resistance/ it has been some time since I worked with the Centers
I have stopped listening and have not been able to start again

No one supports me in doing this
I am experiencing many challenges in my life.
I have suddenly gotten too busy to listen to the journeys, is this normal
I completed Part 1 and am not sure what shifts I am experiencing

These spaces are so high, I feel the rest of my life is not as good

Ranthia, general questions
Fullonia - not able to feel the pulsing

Intellectual questions about your light body experiences and the centers
All the information that DaBen wants made available about the light body is in the manuals that come with the course. DaBen tells us repeatedly that what is important with the light body is to not get into your head and try to understand your experience of the centers intellectually, but instead just to experience the centers directly. He often does not give answers to the questions people ask, as he feels it is more important to experience the light body than to understand it intellectually. In fact, DaBen feels that the more people try to intellectually understand the centers, the harder it is for them to experience the light body. Don't try to figure out if you are doing it "right" or if the experience you are having is the "right" experience. Simply enjoy the spaces you are being guided to, and let any experiences you are having be the right ones for you. Our best recommendation is to just enjoy whatever experience you are having and do it in a way that you enjoy.

How to stay grounded as you experience these high spaces
People ask, "How does one anchor and hold energy in a stable grounded way when in these high spaces?" Duane says that when you are in the high spaces, you do not want to hold a grounded state, but instead let your experience carry you. When you are coming back, to get back to a stable more grounded space, come all the way back through the Renawre cocoon and Ranthia slowly, noticing earth plane energies more completely as you come back.

Feeling restless, anxious, or an increase in energy after working with light body
If you find your mind becoming restless or if you feel ungrounded, anxious, or have a lot of extra energy after working with the light body, you might be bringing in too much energy. Work with your Nu'a cone, which controls how much energy you bring in. Do not open up the Nu'a cone as much while you are meditating, and be sure to close it down completely afterward.

Doing something physical after working with the journeys is a good way to integrate the energy you have brought in. You may want to stretch, or do other physical activities as a way to more fully integrate the higher flow of energy you are now playing with.

Restlessness, anxiety, and other feelings of being ungrounded can come from other sources as well, such as a change in your diet, external circumstances, or other energies not connected with the light body course. Be open to all the possible reasons why you may feel this increase in energy so that you can discover more about it.

I can't visualize the masters, my soul, or the guides
Do not worry if you cannot see the things that other people report seeing. Some people see things; other people just have feelings about them. It is not necessary to see or hear the masters or your soul and the guides for them to work with you. They are working with you at a deeper level than you can yet follow with your conscious mind. You are still gaining the benefits of working with them whether or not you are able to see or sense them in any way.

I can't visualize the light body
If you are having problems visualizing the light body, do not worry about it. It is not necessary to visualize the centers to experience them. As you continue with the course, your ability to see and experience the energies usually increases. Every time you work with the light body or vibrational energy body centers you gain a new level of awareness. However, many people simply sense the light body, "feel" it in some way, or have other ways to experience it. However you experience the light body will be unique to you, so enjoy whatever experiences you are having.

Other people's experiences are different from mine, or, I'm not doing as well as others
Everyone's experience with the light body spaces is unique, and whatever you are experiencing is perfect. Do not compare your experiences to other people's as an indication of whether or not you are doing well. There are as many different ways of becoming radiant and experiencing the energy as there are people.

I am experiencing a relaxed feeling with the light body, but nothing else
If this is your experience, you can deepen your light body experience by examining what the feeling of relaxation is like for you. Is there anything about your emotions or thoughts that are different from what you were able to experience before you worked with the light body? Are you able to use this state of relaxation to create physical shifts such as relaxing a muscle, or any mental shifts such as thinking about things in a new way?

If there are any elements of floating to your experience, pay attention, for this "floating" feeling will become more valuable to you as time goes on. Really examine what that state of relaxation feels like for you, and notice all you can about it. You may notice there is more going on than you are immediately aware of.

Duane suggests going back to the first Nu'a, Dinia and Leow journeys, and notice if you have any new experiences or insights. Often, as you continue to awaken higher centers, your experience of lower ones becomes more noticeable. Observe if there is any change in your breathing, any new insights, and so on. However, if this is not the case, it does not mean you are not experiencing the centers.

I am not experiencing anything, or I'm having trouble experiencing one of the centers
We have a great deal of information about this in the light body booklets that accompany the light body course. If you are having trouble experiencing one of the centers, remember that your ability to sense subtle energies will increase as you work with the centers. If you are not experiencing one center, continue working with the guided meditations, progressing to the next center even before you are certain you can feel the centers before it.

Do not try to figure things out as you listen. Let whatever experience you are having be the perfect one for you. There is no right or wrong way to experience these journeys, and it is not necessary to "sense" the changes of the angle of the Nu'a cone, for instance, to get the benefits of this course.

We have found that simply trusting in whatever experience you are having, continuing to use the guided meditations, and letting go of any judgment of how you are doing is the best way to progress with this course. As you learn the next centers, you can return to the earlier journeys and you will probably find it much easier to sense the center you are having trouble with.

I am falling asleep during the light body journeys, or going unconscious.
If you are falling asleep during the light body journeys, first start by making sure you are well-rested before you listen to them. If you are well rested, and doing the journeys sitting up rather than lying down, generally falling asleep indicates that you need to achieve a greater degree of harmony in your Renawre before going into the journey.

Before you start DaBen's journey, spend some time playing with the angle of the Nu'a cone, its length, and the angle of the Dinia plane. Follow the Dinia wave out for a while. Do all the things you have learned to do to achieve harmony in the Renawre cocoon, including observing your upper centers. After you have some harmony in the Renawre, a nice degree of shimmer or sparkle, then begin DaBen's journey.

If, while you are listening to the journeys you notice that you are still going too deeply under, go back and play with your Nu'a, Dinia, and lower centers again. Notice what adjustments work the best to help you remain conscious. When you are in the light body spaces, bring the Saha balls together a couple of times. Lastly, come back very, very slowly, much more slowly than DaBen instructs you to come back. Take time with each center from the Renawre all the way to the Nu'a. Play and be inventive. You will find some ways of setting up the lower vibrational energy bodies and getting the necessary harmony in the Renawre cocoon that will make it possible for you to be more conscious as you do the journeys.

Feeling twitchy during journeys, or swaying or body movements, what to do?
If you have a "twitchy" feeling during the light body journeys, it can come from many causes; you will need to experiment to see what helps in changing this feeling. You may be experiencing a lot of energy flow, and when this happens it can often trigger a feeling in those places where the energy is "stuck." It may help to get a good balance in your Nu'a and Dinia, then go to the Ranthia, which will help with this flow. Also, adjust your posture and notice if this allows the energy to flow better.

If you are swaying from side to side during light body journeys, or find your body seems to move with the energy, that is fine. You may be bringing in more energy than you have found a way to let flow through your energy systems, and all this energy may be starting to influence your body.

One suggestion by Duane is to select just one quality to let through the Mumin, such as smoothness, or openness. Try taking slower, slightly deeper breaths; in the first part of your journey try bringing in slightly more air.

Work with the upper centers that you learned (or will learn) in Part 3. These upper centers will teach you how to get the back of your head and neck open. As these areas open, your energy will flow and you should no longer have problems with neck and head movements. The upper centers will assist you in understanding how to let the energy flow throughout your systems. Most people are not able to generate enough energy to have these problems; if you do have them it is a sign that you are very good with the energies and that you simply need to learn more ways to let it flow.

Headaches or muscle aches after listening to light body or preparatory journeys (they are the same)
A few people have written to ask us about experiencing a headache between their eyebrows after doing some of the meditations. Sanaya wants to note that if you are "squinting" unconsciously, using your physical eyes to try harder to see the energies, this can give you a slight headache. Another cause is that as you open to a greater flow while you listen to the journeys, you may be experiencing energy getting caught in places that have been more "tight", and for most people this can be in the neck, head, and shoulders. If this is happening, relax even more while you do the journeys, and move your neck and head in ways that feel good and allows the energy to flow.

It may help to take a few deep breaths and let the energy flow throughout your body after each journey. Stretching is very helpful to release tight areas and allows a greater energy flow throughout your body. It can also be helpful to take a walk or breathe deeply and imagine relaxing your neck and shoulders. If the headache is from too much energy and flow, it should dissipate fairly quickly after the journey. You may want to consider not doing the journey that seems to be connected to the headache, and work with the others instead. If the symptoms come from the way you are playing with energy and working with the light body, they should dissipate quickly after you stop running the energy.

Using the light body for insomnia, sleep problems
People have asked if the light body energies could be used to facilitate sleep. Duane suggests that you play with the Ranthia or Renawre, which creates a state of flow, and can assist you in getting to sleep, especially if the sleep problem comes from too active of a mind or thoughts that will not stop. You can also work with the Traeo and Dinia together to quiet your thoughts. You might get creative and play with which centers assist you in sleeping, if this has been a problem.

If you experience pain while working with the light body, it should not come from working with light body energies. If you do experience pain, you might try using the light body journeys in DaBen and Orin's second light body course, Opening Your Heart Center, to achieve more harmony in your Ranthia and more emotional flow. DaBen has a journey to work with muscle pain using the Ranthia.

Pain that persists beyond the journey is not connected to the light body journey or the light body centers, and does not come from running the energy. You should treat pain or other physical symptoms in whatever way you would normally deal with them. We do suggest that you work with the Ranthia and get more harmony and flow in your Renawre cocoon, in addition to whatever other steps you take.

Spinning feeling after journeys
If you experience a spinning sensation after some of the light body journeys, Duane suggests that you balance your experience of your right and left sides. You can balance from the Renawre cocoon.

You may also try finding your Renawre cocoon as completely as you can. Follow it as it goes up and comes back down and around. Do not make it up, and follow it as far down and around as you can. Try picking just one quality to let through the Mumin, such as smoothness, or openness. Also, try taking slower slightly deeper breaths, in the first part of your journey, bringing in slightly more air.

Having a "White Out" light body experience where everything disappears
Sometimes while working with the light body people experience a "white out" light body experience where they cannot find the energies even though things were fine a moment before. Duane says that if you are starting to get everything all "white" then you need to expand further out into your light body. Expand out as many layers of the cocoon as you can. The space you are holding things in is too small. Then, just wait and scan for any movement. You can also use your felt-sense and sense any activity or movement, following it until it opens up. This is similar to the instructions for experiencing the Vee.

It has been some time since I worked with the Centers.
If it has been some time since you have listened to the Centers, or are feeling resistance and don't know why, you might want to listen to DaBen's journeys again. The energies of the light body continue to grow stronger, and you may find that getting to the light body spaces is easier than ever before. If you are feeling resistance but did have a good experience of the spaces, read the information on this page. You will find guidance as to why resistance comes up for people.Some people stop working with the course because they feel they aren't experiencing the energies as well as they think they should be, or in some way their experience isn't what they had expected it would be. If you have put this course aside because you aren't experiencing the Centers as strongly as you would like, or if you aren't having recognizable experiences, you may want to go back and play with some of the journeys again. You may find it much easier now to experience the Centers with the changes in earth energy and the number of people who are now running the light body energies.

I sometimes feel resistance to getting into these spaces.  Or, I have stopped listening and am not sure why.
Work with Orin's Subpersonality Journey:  Program 4, or Orin's Age Regression:  Evolving Your Inner Child Journey:  Part 1, Building Your Power Base.

There are many reasons why people feel resistance to getting into higher spaces. For every change you make, there are probably one or more subpersonalities who need to be talked to, informed of your plans, and asked to join you in creating your goals. Anytime you feel yourself resisting the light body spaces, or resisting getting into a flowing state, you might want to work with Orin's subpersonality journey.

Throughout your path of spiritual growth it will be important to work with your subpersonalities and nurture your inner child. As you bring in more light, many of your subpersonalities are stimulated by this light–both those that are highly evolved and those that need more love. It is important to bring all the parts of yourself up to the level of light you are becoming, or else they can resist your growth. Work with your inner child, your subpersonalities, sharing with them your new vision and showing them who you want to become.

Some subpersonalities that may be resisting your growth may be those that:

  • Believe it will lose power or control, or no longer be needed if you grow and change.
  • Fears having your life change, even if it is for the better. Not sure change is good.
  • Fear that you may become too powerful, and is afraid of becoming powerful.
  • Doubts that any of this is real.
  • Thinks that it is wasting time doing things that do not produce immediate, concrete outer results, or demands to see visible, immediate, concrete results to continue.
  • Assume that living at this higher level will take too much effort, or they will not succeed, so why try?
  • Worries that people may not love you if you change and grow, or that you will be rejected for  being different.
  • Are not sure awakening the light body is the highest goal; perhaps they should wait for something better.
  • Are concerned that you might get out of touch with reality and never get practical things done if you were in touch with the subtle energies of light and other dimensions.
  • Feels undeserving of all this light and flow.
  • Is convinced that it can do everything itself and doesn't need or want growth.

Have the intention to continue to expand.

If at any time you feel that things are changing too fast, or you find yourself resisting listening to the journeys, simply put them away for a while until you are drawn to them again. Trust your inner wisdom to lead you to using these processes as many times as is beneficial for you. Orin's journeys will help your personality integrate the changes that awakening your light body might create, so you may use them as often as you are drawn to them.

If after working with your subpersonalities or inner child you still feel like stopping, honor your intuition and explore other areas of growth that are right for you at this time. You may find some of Orin's guided meditations to be of assistance to you if issues come up around relationships, career, life purpose, abundance, emotional blockages, and so on. Orin's guided meditations can be used by themselves or with the light body course to assist you on your accelerated path of growth.

You will find working with your subpersonality to be of value throughout your path of spiritual growth at whatever level you are at, for you will continually need to integrate your subpersonalities with your Higher Self as you grow.

No one supports me in doing this.
One challenge as you grow spiritually may come from your friends and loved ones. Some people want you to stop growing because they are afraid that as you grow you will stop loving them. Some of you unconsciously stop or slow down so you will not get too far ahead of someone you love. If you feel tempted to slow down your growth for a loved one, remember you can only help others awaken to the degree you yourself are awakened. One of the most important contributions you can make to another person is to expand your consciousness. Your gift to your friends is your increasing light and example of a life that works. You can then offer them a chance to play with you at the level of light you are becoming. Remember, it is only people's personality selves that may not want you to grow. Their Higher Selves always want you to grow. By honoring your spiritual path you are listening to your loved one's Higher Self, not his or her personality self.

Some of you are the first of your "type" of energy to break through to these new levels of light. This can be very challenging because you have less support at an energy level than those who will come after you. You need a greater level of commitment and intention to break through, and a strong resolve not to let your mind and doubts stop you. You also have the possibility of reaping the enormous rewards that come from being the first of your type to break through to a new level of light. These include the energy that comes back to you from everyone who can now come more easily through the energy doorway you have opened.

Because you are opening a path for others, extra light is held around you by Enlightened Ones and Beings of Light. You are making a contribution to humanity as you grow spiritually and awaken your light body. Every gain you make contributes to all who follow. Every time you overcome your resistance, doubts, fears, and obstacles you make it that much easier for others to move through their challenges and obstacles. Every time you break through to a new level you create an energetic pathway that allows others to break through the same issues more easily.

I am experiencing many challenges in my life.
As you work with the vibrational energy body centers you are creating flow in your emotional body and fluidity in your mental body. This might bring up old and new issues to be handled. Those things that kept you closed, less radiant, and stuck may now come to the surface as they are being released. If you have been on a spiritual growth path for a long time, you may not have any of these reactions. You may have already done much processing and moving through issues. If, however, you are experiencing conflicts, unresolved issues, or other challenges, do not feel you have done something wrong. These are the parts of yourself that can come to the surface for light and love because you are now strong enough to love them.

I have suddenly gotten too busy to listen to the journeys, is this normal?
As you work with the light body centers, you may notice that you have an increased flow of energy, greater than you are used to. One of the challenges is to handle the increase in energy that working with the light body centers can bring. As you began working with Part 1, some of you might have suddenly gotten so busy you had trouble finding time to continue running the energy. So much energy can be opened just by working with the Nu'a and Dinia a few times that many things may begin to happen in your life that keep you busy. This can be a result of working with the centers! Remember your commitment to your spiritual growth; it is an important aspect of your life that will bring you untold riches of spirit. If you have gotten very busy with other things, make sure you still find time for those things that lift you higher, whatever they might be.

Every time you open to a higher level of light you will attract many new things into your life. To keep growing spiritually, continually review your activities and let go of any that do not fulfill your higher purpose. Each time you move to a new level look closely at what things are distractions, unnecessary actions, busywork, and so on. While it is fine to have many things to do, watch that you do not get over stimulated or try to do too many things at the same time. All these can be the result of an increased flow of energy. Continue to bring in more light, and minimize or eliminate those activities that come from your personality desires rather than your soul urges. Stop for a moment and ask your soul if there is anything you need to let go of that would create more time for you to meditate, work on the inner planes, and do those things that contribute to your spiritual growth. Is there anything you are doing out of a past habit that no longer serves you? Pick one thing and let go of it for a week. Notice if you have increased energy and flow.

I completed Part 1 and am not sure what shifts I am experiencing.
If you feel that nothing is changing in your life, start by examining not the outer changes, but the inner changes you might be experiencing. This is a course about expanding your consciousness and inner light. The first results you might notice from your increased light are those that occur in your emotions as you gain more emotional flow. This is something that is hard to objectively measure; once you experience your emotions as more flowing, you may not remember what you felt like before. Sometimes people are looking for specific changes or outer results and when they do not get what they are expecting they overlook other wonderful, unexpected changes that are occurring. Try running the energy and working with the Nu'a and Dinia when you are around energy that you might have labeled as negative in the past and notice if you stay calmer. Close down the Nu'a cone and angle the Dinia plane downward. Practice running the energies in various situations and notice any differences.

These spaces are so high, I feel the rest of my life is not as good.
One of the challenges you may encounter on any spiritual path is bringing the light and vision of the higher states into your ordinary reality. Some people feel as if they are split between two realities. The reality they experience during meditation is high and beautiful, and then they come back to their ordinary reality which feels less open, joyful, or free. Throughout time the challenge of meditation is to bring the light back with you and to make things work at increasingly higher levels in your daily life. If you do not carry out with action the changes you recognize that you need to make when you are in higher states, the split between the two realities can grow increasingly uncomfortable. If the split grows too wide you will find yourself stopping your meditation and falling back to more familiar levels.

As you create more energy flow, it will become increasingly uncomfortable to have areas where your energy cannot flow. The higher you go the more you are going to want a life that works; one that has clarity, loving relationships, abundance, an opportunity to get your work out, and supports you living your higher purpose. It is important to make the changes or take the actions you are receiving guidance to take. Then, your daily reality can reflect the light, joy, and expansiveness you are becoming at an energy level. When you return from expanded states of consciousness, you will have many places to put the light you have gained, which will allow you to grow even more radiant.

Gratitude and appreciation are important qualities that will help you move through these stages of spiritual growth. Your gratitude for all you have, how far you have come, the abundance you have–whatever you can find gratitude for, will help you grow with joy rather than struggle. Appreciate what is beautiful and working about your life. Focus on the positive. These qualities develop your ability to bring love into everything that is happening to you. Stop for a moment and think of 5 things you are grateful for right now. Notice how your heart feels as you do. Everything you appreciate increases.

Suggestions if it has been some time since you listened to light body journeys.
If you have started the light body course with Part 1 and/or Part 2 and have not continued with the next volumes for whatever reason, you can review your Parts 1 and/or 2 and continue this course at whatever pace feels comfortable.

You do not have to begin over with the first journey; you can listen to whatever journeys you feel drawn to do again. Do whatever feels right to you. There is no right or wrong way to listen to the journeys. Most people find that they can have wonderful experiences of the light body energies no matter how long it has been since they last worked with the centers.

We suggest that you review the Light Body course at your own pace, and in your own time. Follow your intuition about what pace is right for you and you will be fine. You may find that your skill with the light body is even stronger now, as the energies are more open and supportive of the light body spaces today. Follow your inner voice as well as using the guidelines in the instructional materials that come with each volume about when to go on to the next volume.

Ranthia, General Questions
Some people ask us about the Ranthia, is the axis vertical or horizontal?
Answer: The axis is vertical but the rotation is from left to right, back to front, etc. You might imagine one of those rotating doors with four glass panels that people push and walk in and out of.

The membranes of the Ranthia expand and shrink depending on how much energy is coming through from the Nu'a, Dinia, and Leow. The direction of rotation, the rate of rotation, and the size of the Ranthia are not in and of themselves important; what is important is how completely you observe the Ranthia or feel the state of flow that it creates. The rate and direction of rotation of the Ranthia may be different each time you run the energy.

Fullonia–not able to feel the pulsing
We do receive questions from people asking for help in experiencing the pulsing of the Fullonia. We will give you some suggestions, however be aware that you do not need to experience the pulsing to get to some of the states the Fullonia can take you to.

One of the most important steps to experiencing the Fullonia is to have enough harmony in your Renawre cocoon. You might try doing one of the Renawre journeys prior to the Fullonia journey, and then note if your experience of the Fullonia is more powerful. All that is necessary is to have an experience of the light body cocoon. Once you have reached the experience of the light body cocoon, let your experience of the point of the Fullonia go. The Fullonia as a point of light is a doorway to the light body spaces, and the pulsing is a way to follow the energy from the Fullonia and be able to sense the light body cocoon. If you can experience the light body cocoon, then do not worry about following the pulsing of the Fullonia.

The light body cocoon allows you to better focus on the light body energies. After you experience the light body cocoon, to whatever degree you can sense it, you no longer want to be aware of the Fullonia, as paying attention to the Fullonia will tend to hold you more in space and time awareness and not allow you to become as involved in traveling on the light body energies.