To Seed and Discovery Group Members

Message about the Future of DaBen's Light Body Work and Information about DaBen's Courses - 2016 - 2017

I have been working extensively with DaBen to receive the bigger picture of his light body and luminous body teachings. DaBen has given me an overview of his teachings out into the future. Included in his overview is much information about the skills, states of consciousness, and experiences he feels will help complete his teaching and body of work that he wants to offer us. DaBen has been looking over what is most needed to carry on this work to maximize your own growth and to create an opening for future generations, and what he can offer you next as part of this larger picture.

DaBen's teachings are in part to assist you in increasing the range and subtlety of energies you can experience, and gain mastery of these energies. His teachings are in part to assist you in using your earth plane experiences to transcend or move beyond earth plane energies in such a way that these energies (the ones beyond the earth plane) can be easily experienced while you are still on the earth plane. This enables you to be able to choose to join realms much higher than the earth plane when you leave your current earth existence altogether.

An important goal of DaBen’s light body teachings is to provide you the opportunity to have the experiences, consciousness, and skills needed to reach and live in higher planes after you leave your earth existence by learning how to experience them while you are on the earth plane. He is focusing his teachings on the light body and luminous body in part to this end. With the courses he is offering, DaBen has been and will continue to show you how energies work in the higher dimensions, how to recognize energy flows that take you higher and that are in harmony with your innermost being, and how to work with highly evolved beings, all to assist you in breaking free of the pull of earth plane energies in ordinary reality.

Earth life as your field of play
Being free involves bringing more consciousness into how you live your life on a daily basis and your ability to detach from the downward pull of earth energies such as as illusions, fear, power struggles, and mass beliefs and consciousness. DaBen calls ordinary reality your "field of play." He feels that it is necessary to bring as much consciousness as possible into everything you do so you can live in peace, not affected by denser earth plane energies. He wants to assist you in developing more skill in "living your life from higher" with the perspectives, understanding, and freedom from lower energies this brings so that you can lift out of earth plane energies and experience higher, more subtle energies.

DaBen has given me a number of programs for the next 6-9 years
DaBen has been showing me what specific light body programs are needed for the next 6-9 years to accomplish these and other goals DaBen will share with us in the future. There will be light body and luminous body teachings after that time frame as well. DaBen wants to ascertain what you are ready for after he and the thousands of beings of light who are involved in this undertaking evaluate how you have been able to use this teaching in your lives, and how this work has gone out into the earth plane.

DaBen wants to accelerate the Light Body teachings with an additional seminar following the April and October Luminous Body seminars
DaBen feels we are ready as a group to advance more rapidly and completely into the states of consciousness that are now possible through your study and experiences of the luminous body, and to open the energies even more for future generations. Your progress and ability to successfully work with the luminous body energies has made it possible for him to open the door even wider to have breakthroughs in areas that were not possible in the past.

One of the first steps in preparing you to go further is to offer a series of three (3) new Luminous Body seminars called the Luminous Body: Portal to Your Consciousness. These will be lifting upward, consciousness building seminars that expand on what you have learned in the recent six-part Evolving Your Luminous Body seminars.

DaBen wants to increase our ability to bring luminous consciousness back to ordinary reality
To move beyond the pull of earth plane energies it is necessary to bring more consciousness into every area of your life, to increase your skill in creating meaningful and lasting shifts in your life on the earth plane. He feels that it is very important to bring increasing awareness into your activities, connections, thoughts, physical presence, emotions, world service; into everything that you encounter and do in your daily life. DaBen wants to offer additional teaching about how to do this beyond what he has time to cover in the Luminous Body seminars. Thus, DaBen is offering an additional seminar after each of the next three (3) Luminous Body seminars, called Living the Light Body.  The purpose is to deepen, broaden, and expand your ability to express the luminous consciousness you are acquiring in your daily life. He will be presenting a more advanced, thorough exploration of how to do this than he has ever before taught. With this you can even more precisely match your outer world experiences to your innermost being.

An opportunity for you in the Monday Discovery Group seminar
Rather than having the Living the Light Body course start on Tuesday morning, DaBen asked us to start the course late Monday (starts at 3:30 PM) as part of the Discovery Group teaching. DaBen feels that it will be a good opportunity, one we have not had in the recent past, for you in the Seed and Discovery Group to put into practice what you just learned in the Luminous Body seminar. Doing this will give all of you an opportunity to experience the shifts that are possible in yourself as you work with additional people who bring a greater range and breadth of experience.

Part of your experience of yourself is defined by your connections to other energies. Shifting your energy in a way that you can transmit to the incoming group, as DaBen will guide you to do, will expand your experience of yourself and allow you to go deeper within, continuing the learning of what is being taught in the Luminous Body and Discovery Group seminars.

You will learn luminous body energies in the Living the Light Body course that will help you express this consciousness on the earth plane
DaBen feels the skills and principles he will teach you in the Living the Light Body course are so important that he wants all of you in the Discovery Group to have some of these principles and experiences whether or not you attend the rest of the seminar taught on Tuesday and Wednesday.

If you do decide to participate in the Living the Light Body seminars you can do so whenever you choose, right after the Luminous Body seminars or at another time. The Living the Light Body are important courses, however they are not required to continue as a Discovery Group member. We wanted to offer these courses together to save travel time and costs for those of you attending live and to be able to connect what is being taught in the two seminars since DaBen has planned them to work together or separately.

Preparing for the upcoming seminars
About 8 weeks prior to each seminar Duane focuses solely on contacting DaBen, setting the energy for your success at the seminars, and transmitting to you who are coming. DaBen always designs the seminars just for you who will be participating. In preparation for the seminars, join him and Duane on the inner planes in meditation whenever you feel drawn to do so.

I look forward to connecting with you on the inner and outer. ~ Duane