World Wide Meditation
Join with millions from around the world
to hold a vision of
World Peace for Humanity
We will call upon the Spirit of Peace
to transform your life with peace, and radiate peace to all life.
With Orin, call upon the Sacred Violet Transmuting Flame
Listen to Orin's meditation on the Violet Flame
The Spirit of Peace Meditation is also useful and profound at this time.
The past year 2023 has brought about many changes and those changes have touched the lives of everyone. Duane and Sanaya spent many years prepairing you to carry on the work, the love and and light that that has been the focus of their lifes work.
Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate all that you have in your life. Thank each of your friends and loved ones from your heart for their friendship and the contributions they have made to your life. Appreciate how much you have contributed to other people's lives.
You have grown wiser and stronger these last years as you handled the challenges that came your way. Reflect on all the light and love, strength and courage you have demonstrated and how that has allowed you to express your true Self more clearly in every aspect of your life.
Picture the year ahead, and ask yourself, "What are my most important purposes for the coming year?" Get quiet for a moment and make contact with your higher, wiser Divine Self. Ask to become aware of your purpose as seen through the eyes of this innermost Self. Energize your goals and purposes by thinking about them and adding more detail to them as you do. All outer changes start by inner changes. Be willing to be successful!
2024: A Year to Focus on Living With Joy
Joy is an attitude.
It is the presence of love for self and others.
As we celebrate a New Year and shift our focus to Living with Joy remember that there is a new you that is born everyday. You can grow with joy rather than struggle, and you can create what you want easily and effortlessly.
You can take a quantum leap into the light in every area of your life, changing your reality and what you experience rapidly. You can live a life doing those things you love to do, feel joyful, and bring joy to everyone around you as you do.
AUDIO BOOK For Living with Joy Revised Anniversary Edition

Living with Joy 25th Anniversary Edition Audio Book
Read by Sanaya Roman
Unabridged MP3 Download version of the book.
Living with Joy 25th Anniversary Edition Audio Book
Read by Sanaya Roman
Unabridged MP3 Download version of the book.
Expand your potential for joy!
Orin and Sanaya's Living With Joy Book Anniversary Edition
Available in eBook and Printed book formats, also available as an Audio Book
Revised and updated, book now includes:
- New Channeled information
- Over 300 new Joy Affirmations
- 18 new Daily Joy Practices for an uplifting day
- Stories from our Readers
- New introduction by Sanaya and by Orin
- Expanded and updated chapters
In this book, Orin guides you to grow through joy rather than through pain or struggle.The spiritual truths and transformative meditations and exercises in this book will assist you in opening to your greater potential. Sanaya and Orin invite you to choose joy, release struggle, and open to the power of your innermost being.
Order PRINTED book from Amazon or from Barnes and Noble
or through your favorite local or online bookstore.
Many things have changed and are changing, and in that change lies great opportunities.
We can open up to a higher light as a group and focus together on creating and embracing the opportunities that lie all around us in the new energies and circumstances we find ourselves in. There is great power in coming together with others to create a shift in consciousness for all involved.
You can live in a higher plane of existence.
Old ways of being and living in the world have been shaken up. You may have learned more about your values and what is important to you, and what is unimportant in the greater scheme of things. It has been a time of letting go of outdated beliefs and to allow in new thoughts and viewpoints about your life, your friends and loved ones, and the world in general.
Divine love flows through me and out to the world.
I am a radiating source of love and wisdom.
The events of this last year have moved you from one level of consciousness to another, higher, more expanded viewpoint. Every day you have been making new decisions and dealing with changing circumstances. You may have been able to step back from the busy world you were in, changing your normal routines, and have had some time to go within and examine your life. From this experience you may now have a greater awareness of who you are and how you want to live your life and how you want to interact with people.I am a radiating source of love and wisdom.