Excerpt From Personal Power Through Awareness
Chapter 2 - Sensing Unseen Energy Around You
Greetings from Orin!
What effect do people have when they walk into your home? Most visitors in your home add to the positive energy in it, for most people focus on those things that they like and admire. But if critical people come in and think, "How ugly this is, how bad this is," they contribute to the negative energy in your home. Be aware of what kind of people you invite into your home.
Everything you live around is charged with your thoughts and energy. Every time you look at your house and think, "This is too small; I don't like it," you send that energy into your house. It will be there to help bring you down. Every time you say, "What a wonderful place I live in, how fortunate I am to have this place," you make your home your friend and ally. Then, at times when you are not feeling good, you will find solace and comfort in your home. Hating something ties you to it, and if you want to move to a better place, start by loving what you have.
Watch how you respond when you handle those mundane things that come up every day. Every time you tense up when a light bulb goes out, or get upset when your car makes a strange noise, you create a tension that becomes a magnetic force and draws to you the next wrong thing. Tension or upset in your body magnetizes more problems to you. If when you first hear a strange noise in your car, you relax, put a smile in your heart and on your face, you avoid creating more negative energy in the future. I am not saying you won't have to handle the problem that is there, but you will have stopped yourself from creating a new problem. Learn to focus in on present-time and be aware of your environment.
You are constantly being sent signs
from the Universe
about what path to take.
Not only are you surrounded by energy that can affect you negatively or positively, you are always being sent guidance. You can learn to read and interpret the messages to help you make the decisions you need to make. Part of sensing energy is learning to hear the messages all around you. There are telepathic messages in your relationships with your loved ones, wives or husbands, with your co-workers, bosses, or employees. There are many ways in which you can be aware of their energy.
All of you have the ability to heal every time you notice negative energy, to help people evolve, to increase the positive energy in your homes and change the nature of your personal relationships. You need not be affected by other people's bad moods, be they mechanics or clerks, co-workers or supervisors, waitresses or advisors. If you are a clerk, waiter, mechanic, or supervisor, you can learn how not to be affected by the moods or behavior of the people you connect with all day. People can bring you down and make your life harder - or give you an opportunity to heal them. This week, whenever you go into a place and you notice you do not like the way you feel there, STOP. Relax. Think of how you want to feel, and begin to visualize yourself as feeling that way.
Recommended audio journeys to go with the book
Listen to the Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy to you as you listen.
Audio Book, Personal Power through Awareness. (PPTAE) Unabridged version read by Sanaya Roman. Includes two free sample chapters you can listen to right now.
Volume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) 8 meditations by Orin in album. Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.
Volume 2 - Journey Into Light Going Higher, (P202) 8 meditations by Orin in album. This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.
Personal Power Through Awareness Audio Short course contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness
Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys
Radiating Unconditional Love (P103) and Self-Love (L102)
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Personal Power Through Awareness, Articles and Products on our Website
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Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.
Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness
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