Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
Join us during the holidays to transform your life
with love and peace.
Let us come together to create a more
loving and peaceful future for humanity.
You can participate in several ways:
1. Listen to Orin's New Free Audio Meditation Gift
Receiving and Radiating Divine Love
2. Listen to Orin's Free Audio Meditation
Calling on the Spirit of Peace
Feel more peaceful and help bring peace to humanity.
3. Visit our New Year's Eve Page for a
Written Meditation to Call Upon the Spirit of Peace
A Positive Vision to Hold for Humanity
(Both translated into 16 languages)
Join whenever you can, if possible 5 minutes before midnight to 5 minutes afterward.
Listen for your own enjoyment, share with friends,
or play these audio meditations for group gatherings.
Let others know about this opportunity.
Let us encircle the world with divine love and peace!
New Year's Message from Sanaya and Duane: Living from the Heart
One of the most important, empowering, and rapid ways to transform our lives and the universe we experience around us is through love. As you live from the heart, you are in harmony with the universe. You are in the flow where things happen more effortlessly. You listen to the still small voice of your heart, guiding you with love in all that you do. As you live from the heart you know that the universe is friendly and always working for you even if you cannot always recognize how. You trust in yourself and listen to your heart as it speaks to you, knowing that you are hearing the voice of your divine Self that is showing you the way of love. When you live from the heart more (scroll down linked page for message).
We send you many blessings for a prosperous and loving New Year. ~ Sanaya and Duane
Free on our website to assist you in living from the heart
Listen to additional free, full-length Orin meditations in Orin's Meditation Room:
Opening to Your True Identity
Starting a New Chapter in Your Life
Contacting the Sacred Transmuting Violet Flame
Receive a message from the Soul Love book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the Soul Love book picture, and read the message that comes up for a message from your soul.
Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room for creating abundance, loving relationships, losing weight, health, clearing blockages, loving yourself, and more.
You can relax and enjoy up to 50 minutes of continuous Thaddeus music samples, visit the Music Listening room,
Recommended Orin Meditations to Experience and Express Love
Having What you Want in a Relationship (RE003), Radiating Unconditional Love (P103), and Achieving Intimacy–Opening Your Heart (RE005)
View a list of all Single Meditations * View a list of all Orin products that expand your capacity for Love
Connect with your guide or higher self
Experience prosperity and abundance
Awaken your light body
Align with Divine Will, stop struggling and join the flow
Create harmonious, loving relationships
Clear and release lower energies
Ask and receive from your Divine Self
Explore health and healing
Develop your intuition and psychic abilities
Become a writer • Increase self-love
Single MP3 guided meditations • Books • Music
For an overview of Orin's courses, view Orin's Path of Realization and a chart of all his audio courses and books.
For an overview of DaBen and Orin's light body courses, view Light Body Study Path and a chart of all light body courses.
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LuminEssence Productions P. O. Box 1310 Medford, Oregon 97501