Graduate Light Body eNewsletter from Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman

Announcing a Group Light Body Event

and the

Building Your Luminous Body Live Seminar

Duane at recent seminar

October 25-27, 2013

Twice a year Duane and DaBen teach live seminars.
We invite all light body students at every level of study
to join us during these times.

You can join us whether or not you enroll in the seminars. 
(See below for ways to join in.)

During the upcoming October seminar dates
DaBen, many highly evolved beings, and the group energy will provide
enormous support for every light body student to rise to a higher level than previously experienced.

DaBen and Duane have been preparing for this special weekend for many months. This is a great opportunity to join together on the inner planes with thousands of light body students from around the world, opening to all the support and light available from DaBen and the many evolved beings from the higher realms who will be participating. Joining in will provide an enormous opportunity to experience an acceleration of growth, as well as many shifts and expansions of consciousness. This is an excellent time to explore and experience new, expanded light body states. 

Be among the first to build your luminous body.

DaBen's Building Your Luminous Body seminar offered on October 25-27 to all light body graduates will open doors to higher, finer, more expansive energies than humanity has yet brought into earth plane expression. You who participate in the Luminous Body seminars will be among the first to experience these energies and to help bring them to the earth plane through adding your own unique "harmonics" to them. You will access luminous consciousness that is divine in nature and brings many blessings, opportunities, and new perceptions.  Read about the seminar here: Building Your Luminous Body (LB962). You can read people's comments and feedback about their luminous body experiences in the Discovering Your Luminous Body seminar given in April, 2013 (LB961). If you are new to Duane and DaBen's seminars, you can read about coming in person, or taking the seminar remotely.

DaBen has created several opportunities to participate during this special weekend, October 25-27. You can:

  1. Ask for and open to receive DaBen's light body energy transmissions that will assist you in more deeply experiencing the light body spaces and expanding your skill with the light body. You can join in any time during the seminar dates by getting into whatever light body states you are familiar with, or explore new levels of the light body. When you are in these states, open to receive DaBen's transmissions of energy during this special weekend and feel the power, depth and greater detail of the energy that is available to you as everyone joins together on the inner planes to experience light body spaces. For light body graduates: We have a number of graduate light body courses to choose from to assist you in exploring new light body skills and states.
  2. Receive gifts of light from highly evolved beings who have agreed to work with you during this time to assist you in expanding your consciousness. When you are in your light body, call upon them and know that they are there and responding to your request. Open to receive special gifts of light from them. Ask your guide to join you and to assist you in further experiencing the energy available.
  3. Listen to DaBen's 7 preparatory journeys that contain a first glimpse of the Luminous Body. If you are a light body graduate you can enroll in the October seminar with a deposit of $125 and listen to DaBen's 7 preparatory journeys. (These are the same for every seminar in the Luminous Body series.) The first six contain highlights of the primary teachings from the six Exploring Infinite Being seminars previously taught. DaBen's seventh preparatory journey is called "First Glimpse of Your Luminous Body." If you have already registered, log in to our website, go to your Member's area and access the journeys under the Main seminar link (LB962).
  4. Join us for the October 25-27, 2013 Building Your Luminous Body seminar by coming in person or taking the seminar remotely. If you have graduated from the basic light body course (LB111-LB116) either through DaBen and Orin's home study course, or through a light body teacher, you can participate in this seminar. Experience new, incredible states of luminous consciousness and DaBen's individual transmissions just for you. Work with highly evolved luminous beings to further expand your consciousness. Travel in the luminous realms of light and learn how to hold and sustain this consciousness to create profound and lasting changes in your daily life and experience. If you have already registered for this seminar, know that DaBen begins transmitting the luminous body energies to you individually as soon as you enroll.

There is no end to the levels of consciousness you can reach.

You can expand your consciousness infinitely. All expansions of consciousness change your perceptions, insights, understandings, and the way you live your life. With each shift into higher consciousness your life gets better and more fulfilling.

As you gain new awareness you help many others do the same through the growing radiance of your inner light. Your experience of higher consciousness will be something you leave behind after your lifetime on earth as your gift to future generations. Children born now and in the future will have access to this field of higher consciousness which will offer them greater opportunities to experience higher consciousness themselves.

We invite you to participate in whatever way is right for you. We look forward to this great group event and to joining all of you on the inner planes, and many of you in person at the seminar. ~ Duane and Sanaya

 Information about DaBen's Live Graduate Light Body Seminar
October 25-27, 2013 in Medford, Oregon, USA

DaBen's Building Your Luminous Body

Duane at Seminar

Message from Duane: Working with the luminous body energies and the ovoid body, which you will learn about at the upcoming October seminar, has had an impact on every level of my life and consciousness. The luminous body has opened doors to luminous dimensions and the evolved, luminous beings who are there. This contact has expanded my consciousness in ways I had not even imagined possible. It brought me new perspectives on my life, relationships, purpose, and about consciousness itself. DaBen and I want to share these major expansions of consciousness with you during the October seminar.

Experience vast, exquisitely beautiful luminous realms.
Bring this luminous energy into your daily life.

DaBen and many very highly evolved luminous beings will assist you throughout the seminar, in each journey. These beings have been assembling for the purpose of working with you during and after the seminar, to aid you in understanding, opening to, and sustaining the high states of luminous body consciousness you will explore at the seminar. 

With luminous body consciousness you can create profound changes in your life.

You reorient your consciousness to a higher light and reach a high point above earth plane energies where you are no longer held back by society's ideas and thought forms. As your consciousness expands you can continually upgrade and improve your circumstances, experience increasing abundance, make the needed changes in your relationships to bring about greater peace and harmony, and create shifts in your health, body, and physical well-being.

DaBen's seminar taught in April, 2013 called Discovering Your Luminous Body (LB961) of the Luminous Body series is now available. You can work with this course before or after participating in the upcoming October graduate light body seminar.

Logistics and hotel information  •  Register  •  Attending the seminar in person
Taking the seminar remotely

Awakening Your Light Body Path Overview

Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationWe have a series of light body study sequence overview charts that are proving to be very useful to people to understand and describe the light body levels.  Included is an analogy that goes with the overview charts to help describe the light body to others.

This Awakening Your Light Body Path Information contains a suggested course of light body study, showing how the courses relate to each other, and also suggesting what light body graduate courses might be next for you. View or download as a PDF.  View online.

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Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman
LuminEssence Productions P. O. Box 1310 Medford, OR  97501