Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

2014: Abundance for All
Celebrate the New Year with Us

  Listen to Orin and DaBen's Free Audio Meditation Gift
Worldwide Abundance Meditation
Create more abundance in your life, and help bring more abundance to humanity.

2. Join Us on the Inner Planes for New Year's Eve Peace Meditation
  Listen to Orin's Free Audio
Spirit of Peace Audio Meditation
Feel more peaceful and help bring peace to humanity.
Join whenever you can, if possible 5 minutes before midnight to 5 minutes afterward.

3. Visit our New Year's Eve Page for a
  Written Meditation to Call Upon the Spirit of Peace
A Positive Vision to Hold for Humanity and
(Both translated into 16 languages)
and Links to Other Free Audio Meditations

New Year's Message from Sanaya and Duane!  We can make the world a better place, both for ourselves and for others. Orin and DaBen are offering two newly released full-length, free audio Worldwide Abundance Meditations you can listen to, to experience more abundance in your own life, and to transmit the energy of abundance to humanity. Orin and DaBen are aware of each and every one of you who joins in this meditation. They will transmit the energy of abundance to you, including an abundance of resources, money, love, time, energy, health, relationships, and whatever you need to fulfill your purpose and live a fulfilling life.

We also invite you to join with us and millions from around the world meditating on New Year's Eve for world peace. Orin has provided a wonderful, free full-length audio Peace Meditation to take you into a deep state of peace and to assist you in maintaining and sustaining a state of inner peace as you go through the day. As we create peace in our own lives, we can radiate that energy to humanity and contribute to world peace. We invite you to join us before or after midnight your time, to visualize peace for humanity. We have included a written Positive Vision to hold for humanity and a written Peace Meditation to call upon the Spirit of Peace for world peace.

Let us encircle the world with abundance and peace!
Listen for your own enjoyment, share with friends,
or play these audio meditations for group gatherings.
Let others know about this opportunity!

We want to thank you for your support of Orin and DaBen's work. You are the reason for their presence here on earth; all that they do and offer is for you, to assist you in realizing your true, innermost Self as who you are, and in claiming the abundance, joy, and peace that lies within you, just waiting for you to realize it. 

We send you many blessings for a prosperous New Year.   ~ Sanaya and Duane

Free on our website to assist you in having an abundant, joyful, and uplifting New Year:
Orin's Manifesting Tips: Tips for Effective Manifesting, Opening to Receive, Developing a Manifesting Consciousness, and Increasing Abundance: The Miracle of Giving.
Orin's Changing Scarcity into Abundance article.
 From Orin and DaBen's Creating Money book:  42 Qualities that Attract Abundance.

View links to our many Orin and DaBen Free Creating Money and Abundance articles and exercises to help you create more abundance.

View all Orin and DaBen's Manifesting Abundance Products and Articles

Listen to additional free, full-length Orin meditations in Orin's Meditation Room.
Opening to a Higher Path  Opening to Your True Identity  Aligning with Star Energy

Receive Daily Affirmations: Support your New Year's resolutions! Go to our Daily Affirmations Room, click on any topic and a random affirmation on that topic will appear. You can receive affirmations for creating money and abundance, loving relationships, losing weight, health and well-being, clearing blockages, increasing psychic abilities and intuition, connecting with your guide, loving yourself, and more.

Orin and DaBen Audio Courses to Assist You in Living a More Abundant, Fulfilling Life

Connect with your guide or higher self
Experience prosperity and abundance
Awaken your light body
Align with Divine Will to transform your life
Create harmonious relationships
Clear and release lower energies
Ask and receive from your Divine Self
Explore health and healing
Develop your intuition and psychic abilities
Become a writer  •  Increase self-love

Single MP3 guided meditations • Books  •  Music

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LuminEssence Productions  P. O. Box 1310 Medford, Oregon  97501