Light Body eNewsletter

Experience a new octave of light with DaBen
and some very evolved beings.

A Special Opportunity for Light Body Graduates

Imagine a classroom of light, created by DaBen and some
very evolved Beings of light just for you.
In this classroom you can discover more of your infinite possibilities
and experience major expansions of consciousness.

These inner teachers are gathering to assist you in reaching levels of
consciousness, light, and beauty never before offered.

Join us in person or remotely, from your home
for DaBen's Live Graduate Light Body Seminar

Channeling to Connect With Vast Consciousnesses
April 21-23, 2012

As you open to, are immersed in, and obtain the consciousness these beings will offer at the seminar,
you cannot help but radiate it to others.

The consciousness offered can illuminate your being and your life with
greater beauty, light, and life,
transforming your mind, emotions, relationships, and physical well-being.

We hope you will join us in whatever way you feel drawn to:
1. Come to DaBen's Graduate Light Body Seminar Channeling to Connect with Vast Consciousnesses or
2. Take the seminar remotely, from your home, or
3. Listen to your favorite light body journeys, get into light body spaces (see below)
4. Connect with or deepen your connection to your guide

Duane at recent seminarSpecial Message from Duane for Light Body Students About the Seminar
DaBen and I have been connecting with some very evolved beings, vast consciousness who are Divine in nature, whom you will be guided to join with and contact if you feel called to this opportunity. These Beings are so vast and illumined that every time you merge with them you come back transformed, and your consciousness is lifted to a new octave of light.

The more contact you have with them, the more possibilities open up for your life, both at a consciousness level and in ordinary reality. Each contact with these Beings will lift and transform your life and awareness in ways that are not possible to describe until you have experienced it. This is an on-going opportunity that will be available forever, whenever you contact these vast Beings as you will learn how to do.

These Beings can teach you much about the energies you are in and of which you are a part, allowing you to open pools of new possibilities. This opens up  potentials for your life that did not exist before this contact. When you need to create something in your life, you now have more choices to creatively manifest even better forms and circumstances.

As you open up to and contact the consciousness of these vast Beings, previous limitations are dissolved. You can gain greater clarity about what to create in your life. You have more freedom to create the life you can now see as a possibility. You can play with the new realities these Beings open up for you and allow those energies that feel beautiful and aligned with you to be expressed and appear as forms, circumstances, and events in your daily life. DaBen and your guide will assist you in exploring your oneness with these incredible Beings. 

A Profound Experience of Coming Home
You will find some of your experiences of vast Consciousnesses feel like coming home. With your expanded consciousness, home is able to be experienced as a profound, deep sense of belonging and being totally and absolutely complete, yet at peace with your greater and growing awareness of the immensity of the energies and consciousness beyond your comprehension. You will explore many ways to deepen your experience of your Source as your focus of consciousness, continuing to open up your perspective of who you are and all the transformation this brings.

Immensely Practical
What you learn from these beings will illuminate your consciousness. Everything around you will have to respond in some positive way to the new consciousness you will become and the greater illumination you will express. These energies transform your mind, emotions, perspectives, and physical well-being. They elevate your relationships into greater peace and harmony. It becomes easier and quicker to resolve earth plane issues, and many times, issues of the past no longer even arise.

There are many ways you can join us on this very special weekend.

In preparation for the upcoming seminar, DaBen is currently transmitting energies to set the space for the teaching and transmissions that will occur. If you are receptive and open, you can tune into these energies right now to start moving into a new octave of light.

If you are not participating in the live seminar, you can still join us on the inner planes during the seminar weekend by running the energy, getting into light body spaces, and connecting with the group energy to deepen your experience of whatever light body spaces you are exploring. This is a good time to experience new light body states and skills; if you are thinking of continuing to expand your light body skills we have a number of graduate light body courses to choose from. In addition, you can view a Light Body Study Sequence Guide PDF of our suggested course of light body study, showing how the courses relate to each other, and suggesting what light body graduate courses might be next for you.

You can join us by strengthening your connection to your guide. You can do this through participating in the seminar, through Orin and DaBen's channeling audio courses and book on channeling, or on your own. In our channeling audio courses Orin and DaBen join their energy with yours as you listen to assist you in meeting and channeling your guide. During the weekend of April 21-23, 2012, hundreds of light body students from around the world will be focusing on light body skills that assist them in deepening their connection to their guide, and the energy of the group with DaBen can boost your ability to channel.

Duane and DaBen's Channeling to Connect With Vast Consciousnesses Seminar

April 21-23, 2012 Medford, Oregon USA
You can participate by coming in person or attending remotely.
Seminar Logistics for hotel, airline information
For more information, or to register.

Seminar Includes:
Seminar Preparatory Journeys: Opening to the Immense Space with Light Body Consciousness, 5 expansive graduate light body journeys to prepare you for the seminar, available with your deposit of $125 or payment in full.

  • There will be 20+ DaBen meditations and numerous talks and exercises.
  • During each seminar journey DaBen will transmit to you individually to assist you in opening to the energies being offered.
  • You will work with your guide throughout this seminar. While it will benefit you to have some experience channeling to get the most out of this course, it is possible to have many wonderful experiences even if you are not aware of your guide. You will be working with your guide in meditation, and you will not be channeling aloud for yourself or other people. 
  • You will have online access to seminar journeys and talks which are posted throughout the weekend.
  • Sanaya will be available during the seminar.
  • Final audio is professionally edited and studio quality, and is provided in MP3 download format.
  • Online transcripts of the seminar talks and journeys are provided and posted as soon as they are available.

We look forward to this special time and the wonderful spaces that are available for all of us to experience and enjoy when a group comes together in this way. ~ Duane and Sanaya

If you are already registered for the seminar, please note:
View Seminar logistics for hotel, airline information.
Class starting time - 9:00 AM Saturday - View our seminar times

October 2012 - October 2015 Seminar Schedule (dates) now available.

Advanced Channeling W007Improve Your Channeling W006Opening to Channel C100product imageOrin and DaBen General Channeling Courses
(You do not need to be a light body student or graduate to work with the following courses)
Book: Learn more about channeling in Sanaya and Duane's book, Opening to Channel. (OTC)
Audio: Orin and DaBen join their energy with yours to assist you in meeting and channeling your guide, contains many of the processes in the Opening to Channel book Opening to Channel (C100). If you already have a connection to your guide, you may strengthen your channeling abilities with Orin and DaBen's Improve Your Channeling (W006) and Advanced Channeling Skills (W007). Available in CD or download format.

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LuminEssence Productions P. O. Box 1310 Medford, Oregon  97501