Divine Will
Experiences After the Course

People experience amazing changes in their lives as they studied Divine Will. Read what others say they have gained from Studying Divine Will

Read an overview of all of Orin's Divine Will Courses including how the various Divine Will courses work together.

Gratitude and thanks to all of you 
Orin and I send our great gratitude to you for your courage, vision, and pioneering spirit in taking this course and allowing Divine Will into your lives.  The results of this course will continue to work in your life long after you finish this course.  If you would like to continue the transformation you may want to work with all 7 Wills again, either with your same goals, or with new ones, be sure to look at the Divine Will schedule.

Many of you have indicated you want to start the course over again immediately.  What a powerful energy you have all created!  We are truly transforming our lives and helping to anchor Divine Will onto the earth plane in a stronger way.   

Studying Divine Will, calling it to you, and directing to your life will accelerate your spiritual growth and your need to adjust to changes in your life, as your personality and life come into alignment with your soul and with the plan and purpose of your life.

As you studied the 7 qualities of Will, you have set a wonderful foundation for creating a soul-infused life, transforming your personality, and bringing about your earth plane and spiritual goals. You have learned how to work with some of the most powerful energies in the universe, transforming your own life and transmitting this energy to help others in their transformation.  You have been doing some very valuable group work, making an enormous contribution to humanity and to the plant, animal, and mineral Kingdoms.

Now that you have built a wonderful foundation and started drawing Divine Will into your life, Orin and I encourage you to build on it and to continue to use Divine Will.  If you want to continue to build on the foundation you have set, there are several ways to do so.  You can connect with and transmit Divine Will to situations in your life whenever you think of it, continuing to create smoother transitions, more flow, and a shift to a higher vibration.

It is useful to reflect on your goals in a month, 6 months, and even a year later on how they have manifested in your life.  By doing so, you will learn more about how Divine Will and your soul work with your personality to bring about your goals.

You can continue working with Divine Will by studying the new series by Orin, The Transforming with Divine Will Series Part 2, Living a Soul Life. Orin made this course with you in mind, transmitting to you as a group while they were being made.  Thank you for holding a wonderful space and for all the light and energy you are adding to the world by doing this work and being a part of this group.

When you finish the course, if you choose to repeat it, you can start with new earth plane and spiritual goals, or you can use the same goals, continuing to send Divine Will to them.~ Sanaya
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What To Do Next
You can join the Divine Will study group, and contact Divine Will with or without using Orin's audio course. However, you may get the greatest shift from using both the audio course in addition to the free online written information that will be posted for each quality of Divine Will.  You can join the group at any time working with each quality of Divine Will  as posted in the Divine Will schedule, or pick qualities you want to focus on and join the group during the months those qualities are being held.

You can follow the group schedule, listening to the appropriate journey on Sundays, or as often as you want during the week.  It is up to you to determine the pace of your study.  Always listen to your inner messages and pick whatever pace is best for you.  You can work with Orin's Living a Soul Life course, doing both sets of study at the same time if you choose.  

As you continue to study the qualities of Divine Will, you may want to invite your friends, family, or students to join you.  Your students can study by following the group schedule, or at any schedule that works for you and your class.  

You can pick whatever qualities of Divine Will you want to focus on whether or not it is the Will being studied.  You can go back and review any of the Divine Will qualities, continuing to strengthen your connection to the Beings who are transmitting these qualities, and drawing them into your two goals.

Divine Will Free Online Articles and Study Information

Divine Will Study Schedule | Preparatory Material | General Divine Will Information | List of All Divine Will Courses

Will 1: Will to Initiate | Will 2: Will to Unify | Will 3: Will to Evolve | Will 4: Will to Harmonize | Will 5: Will to Act | Will 6: Will to Cause | Will 7: Will to Express

Manifesting With Divine Will | Creating Ideal Relationships | Transmitting Divine Will  | Becoming Your Soul | Awakening Divine Love | Strengthening Self-LoveTransforming Your Emotions | Illuminating Your Mind | Knowing Your Life Purpose | Increasing Abundance | Receiving Inner Guidance | Expanding Your Creativity | Evolving Your Body | Creating a Supportive Environment | Living a Soul Life

Information on Teaching Divine Will

Divine Will Free Articles on Our Website

Read what others say they have gained from Studying Divine Will
Read an overview of all of Orin's Divine Will Courses
What is Divine Will and general Divine Will Information.
Align with Divine Will in Orin's Four Alignments Exercises.
Sanaya's story of teaching Divine Will
Orin's introduction to Divine Will
Just starting Divine Will?  Read Preparatory Information.
Orin's Divine Will Study Group
Orin's Path of Self Realization to assist you in understanding more about the spiritual path that Orin is offering and to aid you in choosing what courses might be most useful to you right now.

Orin's channeling on Divine Will and the new energies
Go here for information on teaching Divine Will classes.