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Special Product note: These product numbers have been changed on our new website:
Orin Product Number Changes:
L203 (Living with Joy Volumes 1 and 2) is now found by searching L201 or L202
P203 (Personal Power Volumes 1 and 2) is now found by searching P201 or P202
SG103 (Spiritual Growth Volumes 1 and 2) is now found by searching SG101 or SG102
SL107 (Soul Love Volumes 1 and 2) is now found by searching SL105 or SL106
MM050T (Transforming with Divine Will Transcripts) Transcripts are included in the PDF booklets that come with MM050, search MM050
MM060T (Living a Soul Life Transcripts) Transcripts are included in the PDF booklets that come with MM060, search MM060
Light Body Product Number Changes:
LB110 and LB119 (Awakening Your Light Body six-part course) can now be found by searching on Part 1 of the course LB111
Note: The PDF Light Body Booklets that go with LB111-LB116 can be ordered separately if you already own the volume. You will need to log-in to the Member's Area and go to the Member Special Offers to order the PDFs, or search on LB111 and order from the product page. PDFs will only show up if we have you on record as having ordered the audio course that the PDF is a part of.
LB119T Transcripts of the Light Body Course Volumes 1-6 are in the booklets that come with the individual courses. Search LB111 for information on all six courses.
LB128 and LB129 (Filling in the Frequencies courses) is now found by searching LB121.
LB128T Transcripts of the Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Seven Volume course are in the booklets that come with the individual volumes and are no longer available as a separate product. Search LB121 for information on all seven courses.