So Very Grateful September 28, 2011
By S. H. (Canada)
I just wanted to let you know how very much I am enjoying the courses I have ordered. So far I have completed the first part of Divine Manifesting with the 7 Wills, Creating Money, The Vision course and am working on the Highest Futures course, Advanced Manifesting and the Light Body course. I have had some health challenges and some stresses in my life the past few months, but I can always turn to Orin and DaBen and my guide for guidance, inspiration and encouragement. I love Thaddeus' music too. I am so very grateful to have these wonderful resources to help me improve my life and to add light to others lives too. MANY BLESSINGS to you Sanaya and Duane, Orin, DaBen and Thaddeus!!
Incredible Results April 22, 2010
By S. J. (TX)
I have been working with Advanced Magnetizing and Manifesting the last 3 months and have been getting some incredible results.
By M. W. (Ireland)
Book and CD Creating Money; Advanced Manifesting CD; Becoming A World Server CD; I almost know these by heart and they have literally transformed my life from one of penury into one of prosperity. I have just participitated in your worldwide meditation for abundance. Thank you
By S. M. (TX)
I have read Creating Money, Spiritual Growth, living with joy and I started reading Personal Power through Awareness. I am currently listening to the Advanced Manifesting and Magnetizing CD's. I am so grateful for all that I have learned from Orin and DaBen and for their presence in my life. They are a cornerstone of my spiritual practice. Thank you Sanaya and Duane for the work that you do. I have so much hope for the future of our planet and am honored to be a part of the positive wave of consciousness that is ushering in a new paradigm.