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Becoming a Writer (SI016) is our most popular course for writers. This course will teach you the processes Orin gave Sanaya to write and attract a publisher for the books. Orin's album Becoming a World Server contains the processes Orin gave Sanaya to get their work out to the world. Orin's audio journey, "Public Recognition" uses a process that will assist you in drawing people to your work, and preparing for increasing numbers of people to be connecting with your work. If you have a business and would like to increase your sales, Orin's audio journey, "For Self-Employed People" teaches you how to magnetize business, clients, sales, and money.
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Orin's Becoming a World Server M200 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Get your work out to the world, clear blockages, and join with higher beings to energize your world service. Call clients to your business, students to your classes, and discover more about your path and purpose. These are the processes Orin and DaBen gave Sanaya and Duane to get their work out to the world. More... | |
Manifesting Your Destiny SI009 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download You will learn many powerful processes to assist you in seeing why you are here and to discover more about your path and purpose. Release limiting beliefs, become magnetic to success, and expand without limits. Works well with Orin's Living Your Life Purpose (OR914). | |
Public Recognition SI015 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download This meditation is to assist you in getting your work out to the world in a larger way. Magnetize people to your work and open to greater success. Prepare at an energy level for more and more people to connect with you and your work as you link with them on the inner planes. This process really does work! | |
Becoming a Writer SI016 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Visualize yourself as a writer and use advanced manifesting techniques to birth your book, project, or play in its highest form. Feel inspired to write, to bring through new ideas, to be creative, to release blockages, and to magnetize a publisher/producer. This is a wonderful album to assist you in any writing endeavor you are undertaking. More... | |
Learning to Concentrate SI045 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Let your soul's light illuminate your thoughts for greater concentration and focus. Do twice as much in half the time. The ideas you bring through will be more completely formed and include more of the bigger picture. Do all of your activities with a clear, focused mind. | |
Opening Creativity: Attracting Ideas SI046 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Ideas can flow after you connect with the Universal Mind. The processes in this journey will assist you in any creative endeavor you are undertaking--writing, music, art, and business. | |
Unlimited Thinking SI108 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Link with your Higher Self and soul to expand your vision of what you can have. As you expand your thoughts and imagine greater possibilities, your reality changes to reflect your new, expanded vision. | |
Visit Orin's Meditation Room choose from various meditation topics. Meditations include processes to receive solar light; make soul contact; awaken soul vision; energize your life purpose; take a shower of light; experience joy, a clear creative mind, relaxation, self-love, cellular activation, and loving relationships; feel energetic, clear blockages, open to receive, receive answers from within, request extra energy, and more. Visit the Creating Your Highest Future Room daily to receive inspirational excerpts from our books. Receive Daily Affirmations in the Affirmations Room View all Orin and DaBen Creating Money Audio and Book Products here. View links to our many Orin and DaBen Creating Money and Abundance articles and exercises to help you create more abundance. Listen to the Creating Money Audio Book, read by Sanaya with transmissions from Orin to assist you in creating more abundance. Recommended Audio Courses to Help Create Abundance
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