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We have two audio courses by Orin to assist you in experiencing inner peace, and many single journeys as well. Orin's Taking a Quantum Leap (L202) will assist you in finding an inner center of peace to return to throughout the day to stay peaceful and to feel centered and balanced no matter what kind of energy you are around. Orin's Transforming Your Personality (SG200) is a wonderful course to assist you in feeling more peace as you transform your personality. DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body six-part course (LB111) teaches you how to work with all the energy about you to stay calm and balanced, to experience many heightened, expanded states of consciousness, and to take your next steps on your path of enlightenment. | |
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Orin's Living with Joy: Taking a Quantum Leap L202 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Build an inner center of peace and regeneration to come to throughout the day to deepen your sense of aliveness and serenity. Take a quantum leap into greater peace, balance, stability, clarity, and freedom. Open to embrace the new and live in higher purpose. Based on Orin's book, Living with Joy. More... | |
Orin's Transformation: Evolving Your Personality SG200 Type: Audio Course By: Orin Download, PDF Transform your personality as you lessen the push-pull of resistance and let go of doubts, fears, and self-criticism. Love and honor yourself and your path. This course is one of our most popular for you who are on a path of spiritual growth to help you feel more self-love, joy, and peace, and to integrate all the light you are bringing in. More... | |
Feeling Inner Peace L101 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download You can choose peace and stay centered no matter what is happening in your or other's lives. You will be guided to open your heart; to remain in your center; to let go of fear, guilt, self-criticism, and doubt; and to feel peace at all times. | |
Balance, Stability, and Constancy L105 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Work with a part of your personality that keeps you out of balance for profound changes in your ability to stay centered in your soul's light, no matter what kind of energy you are around. Learn to recognize when you have taken on energy from other people, and to release it, so you can come from a calm, centered place within you as you act, speak, and go about your day. | |
Breathing for Higher Consciousness LB002 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: DaBen Download Explore using your breath to take you into higher states of consciousness, and to experience deep states of relaxation and inner peace. Explore the function of breath in expanding your awareness of the higher dimensions and the subtle energy realms. DaBen transmits many light body energies you can enjoy whether or not you have studied the light body. | |
Creating Flow LB005 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: DaBen Download introduces skills that will help you experience flowing emotions. While you do not need to have studied the light body to enjoy this journey, while listening you can experience DaBen's transmission of many light body energies that will assist you in exploring what it feels like to have a flowing emotional body and to learn more about your emotions. DaBen transmits many light body energies you can enjoy whether or not you have studied the light body. | |
Staying In Your Center SG003 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Learn to stay in the present moment, aware and conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and the energy around you. Become a steady source of light to others. Learn to relax, stay centered, and not be affected by the energies around you so you can stay centered and balanced at all times. | |
The Universe is Perfect: Stop Efforting SG004 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download You can know from within that everything around you is working perfectly and that you live in a safe, abundant, and loving universe. Relax and let your path unfold effortlessly, trusting and surrendering to your higher good. | |
Lucid Dreaming SI024 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Become a lucid dreamer and remember your dreams, understand their meaning, and receive life direction and guidance. You can learn much about the inner workings of your psyche and future events. Remember any valuable information you are receiving from your nighttime visits to the schools of higher learning on the inner planes. | |
Flowing With the Universe SI025 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Learn to navigate and find the higher flow, creating what you want in an easy, joyful way. You will be guided to flow with the current and learn when to act and when to surrender and let things unfold. | |
Learning To Relax SI026 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Experience deep relaxation, feel calm, centered, and peaceful. Use this to relax if you feel nervous, tense, can't sleep, or want to release tension-induced muscle pain. This is an excellent journey to learn how to get into deeper states of meditation as you listen to other of Orin and DaBen's guided meditations. | |
Feeling Secure SI042 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Use this incredible journey to feel safe and secure in your relationships, with the world in general, and in any situation. Gain a new level of security and trust in the universe. | |
Handling Anxiety and Fear SI063 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download End uncontrollable anxiety or fearful thoughts. You will use a powerful subpersonality process to heal that part of you that is fearful. In addition, Orin uses many wonderful processes to help you release tension and feel safe and secure. | |
Being Happy SI100 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Expand your capacity for happiness and joy. Create a life in which you can smile, laugh, and enjoy life. Feel happy, radiant, and alive. Create an environment that supports your happiness. Release negativity, worry, and painful emotions; change your thoughts to positive ones; and feel, be, and radiate inner happiness. | |
Creating Your Perfect Day: Wake-Up Meditation SI101 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download This is a wonderful journey to play as you wake up. Feel good all day; stay relaxed, focused, and calm. Do things that are loving to yourself, listen to your wisdom, eat well, accomplish your higher purpose, and flow with the universe. | |
Becoming a Positive Person SI103 Type: Audio Single Meditation By: Orin Download Become positive, optimistic, and fun to be around. You will be guided to believe in yourself, trust the universe, picture positive outcomes, and create a higher reality. Orin works with you at the aura level to release negativity and bring in higher, more positive thoughts. | |
Living With Joy Book Revised Anniversary Edition LWJ Type: eBook By: Orin E-Pub Love and nurture yourself, live a life that fulfills you, and believe you deserve to have what you want. Learn to set boundaries, radiate love, feel inner peace, open to receive, take a quantum leap, increase self-esteem, turn negatives into positives, gain more clarity and freedom, and live in higher purpose. More... | |
We have many wonderful audio journeys by Orin containing affirmations you can listen to while you drive, work around the house, or play at a low volume as background while you work. Living With Joy Affirmations for self-love, joy, receiving, clarity; Personal Power Through Awareness Affirmations to increase your awareness of subtle energies and your psychic abilities; Spiritual Growth Affirmations to link with the higher forces, transform your inner being and take your light out to the world; and the Magnetizing Abundance Affirmations which contains the abundance affirmations from the Creating Money book, many of which you can access in the Affirmation Room. Being Happy, Experiencing Joy Living With Joy book: Learn how to love and nurture yourself, set boundaries, radiate love, feel inner peace, open to receive, take a quantum leap, and live in higher purpose. Sound a note of joy as you move through the day. Go here to read an Introduction and Excerpt from the anniversary edition of Orin's Living With Joy book. View all Living With Joy Products including Orin's audio albums to live with joy. Receive a message from the Living With Joy book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the Living With Joy book picture, and read the message that comes up. Grow with joy rather than struggle article Audio Short Course Visit Orin's Meditation Room and choose from various meditation topics. Meditations include processes to receive solar light; make soul contact; awaken soul vision; energize your life purpose; take a shower of light; experience joy, a clear creative mind, relaxation, self-love, cellular activation, and loving relationships; feel energetic, clear blockages, open to receive, receive answers from within, request extra energy, and more. Also includes full-length free Orin meditations. Visit the Creating Your Highest Future Room daily to receive inspirational excerpts from our books. Receive Daily Affirmations in the Affirmations Room |