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Personal Power Through Awareness

A Guidebook for Sensitive People
Orin and Sanaya's  Personal Power through Awareness
Available in eBook and Printed book formats

Gain the personal power that comes from becoming more aware of the energies you live in and around. In the newly revised Personal Power book, Orin provides an entirely new section on how to clear energy that may be covering up your inner light with a powerful process you can use, as well as stories and suggestions of how to:
  • Recognize and let go of unwanted thoughts and emotions.
  • Clear for success and best outcomes.
  • Release scarcity thinking, blockages, and stuck places.
  • Clear unwanted memories, regrets, and self-recrimination.
  • Clear your home and objects to open up the energy you live in.
  • Clear after being with people to release energy you may have picked up.
  • Clear your physical body of negative images you may hold of it.

Receive Energy and Light from Your Higher Self and Soul

Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness book provides a step-by-step course in sensing energy.  With Orin's guidance, thousands have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and be loved; to increase their intuitive and telepathic abilities, and more! There is much guidance in Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness book to assist you in becoming more aware of your own energy and the subtle, unseen energies you live in and around. Learn how to:

•  Hear and trust your intuition  •  Connect with your guides and inner teachers  •  Receive higher guidance  •  Change your inner dialogue, love who you are, and express your truth  •  Increase the positive energy around you  •  Evolve your energy broadcast and attract wonderful circumstances to yourself.
Read an excerpt from Orin's Personal Power book.


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Developing Intuition O10
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Learn to develop your intuition and become aware of the urges, feelings, inspirations, and thoughts that are the "voice" of your soul and Divine Self. Following your intuition can save you hours of work, lead you to opportunities, help you find answers, and more. Pay attention to and act upon your inner messages; make clear decisions.

Telepathy O15
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
You can send and receive telepathically to communicate with loved ones. You can learn to identify energy that you have taken on from others and to release it. You will also learn to change negative energy into positive energy.

Personal Power Through Awareness: Meditation / Affirmations P100
Type: Audio Short Course     By: Orin     Download
Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance. Based on Orin's book, Personal Power Through Awareness.   More...

Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness: Sensing Energy P201
Type: Audio Course     By: Orin     Download, PDF
This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. Based on Orin's book, Personal Power Through Awareness.   More...

Orin's Personal Power: Journey Into Light-Going Higher P202
Type: Audio Course     By: Orin     Download, PDF
Experience new levels of personal power. Trust your inner wisdom, be your own authority, transform negative energy, work with your future self to create a higher future, evolve your inner dialog, change your self-image, and express your deepest truth. Based on Orin's book, Personal Power Through Awareness.   More...

Personal Power Through Awareness Book PPTA
Type: eBook     By: Orin     E-Pub

Staying In Your Center SG003
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Learn to stay in the present moment, aware and conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and the energy around you. Become a steady source of light to others. Learn to relax, stay centered, and not be affected by the energies around you so you can stay centered and balanced at all times.

Getting in Touch With Your Power SI003
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Work with a Master and your soul to experience more personal power - more clarity of purpose; happiness; joy of living, being, and doing; and balance and stability. Let go of anything that is taking away your power. As you experience a new level of personal power, you will work with a future situation to experience how it will change with a new level of personal and spiritual power.

Moving Into Higher Consciousness SI012
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Link with your higher self, soul, and a Master to increase your inner light and experience higher states of consciousness. From a higher state you will look at your life to explore your higher purpose, set up higher flows, and transform limiting thoughts to create a higher future.

Building a New Self Image SI106
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
The world reflects back to you the images you have of yourself. You will let go of negative self-images and build new, positive ones into your aura. You will broadcast them outward and experience a new reality as these images are reflected back to you.

Trusting Your Inner Guidance SI107
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Recognize and learn to trust your inner guidance. Make yourself the authority of what is right for you. Open the channel to your Higher Self to feel more courage. Develop your ability to see through illusions and all that would block you from trusting your inner guidance.

Personal Power Through Awareness: An Audio Guide for Sensitive People PPTAE
Type: Audio Course     By: Read by Sanaya Roman     Download
Audio Book read by Sanaya Roman, based on the revised eBook edition. Learn to stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.   More...

Personal Power Through Awareness, Articles and Products on our Website
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Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. 

Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms

Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness

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Visit Orin's Meditation Room and choose from various meditation topics. Meditations include processes to receive solar light; make soul contact; awaken soul vision; energize your life purpose; take a shower of light; experience joy, a clear creative mind, relaxation, self-love, cellular activation, and loving relationships; feel energetic, clear blockages, open to receive, receive answers from within, request extra energy, and more.  Also includes full-length free Orin meditations.

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