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Creating Money and Attracting Abundance

Creating Money Set: If you are continually dealing with issues of lack or financial survival, you may want to work with Orin's Creating Money set (M100)  The guided meditations in this set can also be purchased as individual single meditations, however you will be able to create a greater shift by working with all 8 of them, and you can save by purchasing all 8 guided meditations together as a set. 

Divine Manifesting with the Seven Divine Wills Part 1 (MM070) and; Parts 1 and 2 (DW917) work with Divine Will and your Divine Self to manifest.  These courses are some of the most profound courses Orin has ever taught to assist you in understanding how manifesting works.  You learn how to manifest not only "things" but ways to transform your consciousness, so that you can experience more peace and harmony, loving relationships, better circumstances, a more supportive environment, and increased joy and well-being.

Read free Orin and DaBen online articles about attracting abundance.

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Divine Manifesting with Divine Will: Part 2 Becoming a Master of Manifesting DW918
Type: Audio Course     By: Orin     Download, PDF
In Part 2 of the Divine Manifesting series you will link with seven Great Ones who transmit Divine Will and learn how to stand in the center of these powerful spiritual forces and open to the power, love, wisdom, vision, inspiration, illumination, abundance, clarity, harmony, and peace of your Divine Self. You will then learn how to use this spiritual energy to manifest your highest good in every area of your life.   More...

Opening to Receive L106
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Create an environment that is nurturing, loving, and supportive of who you are. Allow things to come easily to you, open your heart, and believe you deserve to have what you want. Learn to receive light, love, and abundance. Expand your ability to receive and feelings of deserving, to increase your abundance in every area of your life.

Creating Money: Meditation / Affirmations M001
Type: Audio Short Course     By: Orin     Download
Contains 1 guided meditation as well as a second program of affirmations by Orin from the Creating Money book to increase your abundance, to draw to you what you want, and to believe you deserve to have it. Listen to affirmations while you drive, work around the house, garden, and more.   More...

Orin's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance M100
Type: Audio Course     By: Orin     Download, PDF
Use these Creating Money meditations to reprogram your subconscious for abundance and to let go of beliefs that are creating lack. Release doubts and fears, become magnetic to what you want, believe in your success, and work with your soul and guides for more prosperity. Each journey is also available as a single meditation.   More...

Manifesting Your Destiny SI009
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
You will learn many powerful processes to assist you in seeing why you are here and to discover more about your path and purpose. Release limiting beliefs, become magnetic to success, and expand without limits. Works well with Orin's Living Your Life Purpose (OR914).

Creating Money: Magnetizing Yourself SI010
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Turn on your money "magnet" to attract money and abundance. Align your thoughts and actions with the spiritual laws of abundance and reprogram at a cellular level for greater prosperity. If you are purchasing singles in the Creating Money series, we suggest that you save by purchasing all 8 together in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Public Recognition SI015
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
This meditation is to assist you in getting your work out to the world in a larger way. Magnetize people to your work and open to greater success. Prepare at an energy level for more and more people to connect with you and your work as you link with them on the inner planes. This process really does work!

For Self-Employed People: Magnetizing Business SI037
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Discover the higher purpose of your business and get an overview of where you are going. Link with your Higher Self and the higher forces of the universe to create a prosperous, successful business as you become magnetic to business, clients, sales, and money.

Creating Money: Success!! SI070
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Release fear of success or failure. Imagine success in every area of your life, go beyond previous limits, and allow yourself to have your dreams. You can become more focused, confident, fulfilled; accept and love yourself; and feel successful. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Clearing Beliefs and Old Programs SI071
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Your beliefs create your reality. This is a life-changing process that will assist you in identifying and releasing beliefs about money and abundance that are not working, and then in creating new, positive beliefs. You can experience many positive changes when you transform your beliefs. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Abundance SI072
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
You can have anything you want - money, love, success, friends, health, and free time. This is a journey on learning to receive, believing you deserve, and opening to unlimited joy, love, and prosperity. Open your heart and increase your faith and trust in yourself and the universe. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Aura Clearing, Energy, Lightwork SI073
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Work with the energy fields around your body to increase your ability to hold and attract abundance. As you increase your vibration you become magnetic to all the forms, sums of money, and people who will serve you at this new level. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Awakening Your Prosperity Self SI074
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
You can meet and work with a part of you, called a subpersonality, that may be blocking your ability to create prosperity. You will talk to it and give it a new vision of who you are and what you want. You can more easily create money and abundance as you evolve this part. This is a very effective process for creating positive changes in your reality. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Releasing Doubts and Fears SI075
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
You can be confident, learn to take risks, and let go of any fears in your body, emotions, and mind that may be holding you back from having abundance in all areas. This journey can help you believe in yourself and your unlimited capacity to create prosperity and anything you want. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Linking With Your Soul and Guides SI076
Type: Audio Single Meditation     By: Orin     Download
Work with a guide and your soul to create abundance, to fulfill your higher purpose, and to link with the plan of humanity. Become more receptive to your Higher Self, which is always abundant. This journey is contained in Orin's Creating Money course (M100).

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book CM
Type: eBook     By: Orin and DaBen     E-Pub
This book provides a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. Discover and create your life's work, transform limiting beliefs, create miracles, and draw to you what you want. Also available as an Audio book, read by Sanaya CME   More...

Audio Book: Creating Money: Attracting Abundance CME
Type: Audio Course     By: Read by Sanaya Roman     Download
Read by Sanaya Roman, who transmits Orin's energy as you listen. This is the unabridged audio version of Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book. Included are all the chapters and affirmations from the Creating Money book. More than just an audio book, exercises at the end of each chapter are given as short meditations to awaken your abundance consciousness. Learn the spiritual laws of money and become magnetic to the abundance and create a more abundant, fulfilling, and   More...

Orin's Divine Manifesting with Divine Will: Parts 1 and 2 DW917
Type: Audio Course     By: Sanaya and Orin     Download, PDF
This contains Part 1 and 2 of Orin's most recent and most powerful manifesting course. Link with your Divine Self and the seven Divine Wills to learn profound and effective ways to manifest. Stand in the center of these powerful spiritual forces and open to the power, love, wisdom, vision, inspiration, illumination, abundance, clarity, harmony, and peace of your Divine Self. Work with the seventh quality of Divine Will, the manifesting Will, to manifest your highest good in every area of your   More...

Orin's Divine Manifesting with Divine Will: Part 1 Manifesting as Your Divine Self MM070
Type: Audio Course     By: Sanaya and Orin     Download, PDF
This is Part 1 of Orin's most recent and most powerful manifesting course. Link with your Divine Self and work in depth with each of the seven Divine Wills to live a joyful, harmonious, peaceful, and inspired life. You will call upon Divine Will to experience the power, love, harmony, wisdom, illumination, intuition, and inspiration of your Divine Self in every area of your life.   More...

Creating Money, Articles and Products on our Website

View all Orin and DaBen Creating Money Audio and Book Products here.

View links to our many Orin and DaBen free Creating Money and Abundance articles and exercises to help you create more abundance.

 product imageRecommended Reading
Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book  Now available in printed and eBook formats! 
This is a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. Discover and create your life's work, transform limiting beliefs, create miracles, and draw to you what you want.

Creating Money AUDIO BOOK Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book, read by Sanaya Roman, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen. You can also listen to a free 8 minute excerpt from the book. 

Creating Money Articles and Exercises
Manifesting and Abundance Resources, Articles and Audio Courses
Read Excerpts from Creating Money
Creating Money Flow
Qualities That Attract Money and qualities that repel money.
Changing Beliefs of Scarcity into Abundance
Exercise:  Creating Abundance: Changing a Belief
Exercise:  Creating Abundance: Affirmations
Developing a Manifesting Consciousness Tips for Effective Manifesting
Affirmations for Creating Abundance

Are you attracting or repelling money? Close your eyes and think of a number between 1 and 42.
To see what quality to work on to attract abundance go to Qualities That Attract and Repel Money

Divine Manifesting with Divine Will
Article: Divine Manifesting, What is It?
Exercise:  Divine Manifesting with the 7 Divine Wills

Daily Affirmations and Book Excerpts
Receive your personal Abundance Affirmation for creating money and abundance.
Receive a daily quote from the Creating Money book to increase your abundance potential.

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