All Sections --> Light Body Radiance: Self-Exciting (LB131) | |
Self-exciting is an essential skill and tool to understanding energy in ways that allow you to be supported by the energies about you, where you can join the flow, and can have the experience of "everything working." This course is one of the recommended courses of study after graduating from the Basic Light Body series. It forms a foundation for many of the graduate courses, as you will learn how to stay in a stable place when all the energy about you "takes off." This is a wonderful course to increase your spin so that you can rise above your current circumstances into more light, and be able to be on an upward spiral in every area of your life. Read about how to Ride the Upward Spiral. This course is required if you want to teach light body courses. Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. ![]()
There are five levels of the light body taught by Duane and DaBen so far. (These are not the same as the 5 Light Body Consciousness levels) Level 1: The basic Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course. This is required before moving to the next levels. | |
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Radiance Self-Exciting: Building Your Light Body LB131 Type: Audio Course By: Duane and DaBen Download, PDF Self-Exciting and Frequencies skills support you in having a better experience of light body energies at all levels of study and are the recommended next course after graduating from the basic light body level. These skills help you to stay awake, or if you suddenly find yourself in ordinary reality after being in a high space, feel you are not getting anything, have too much mind chatter or want to. You can surrender and open up to whatever experiences are there for you. More... | |
Radiance: Self-Exciting Transcripts LB131T Type: Transcript By: LuminEssence PDF PDF Transcripts of DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting Course. You must own the Radiance: Self-Exciting course to purchase this album. More... | |
DaBen's Radiance Self-Exciting Expanded LB932 Type: Audio Course By: Duane and DaBen Download, PDF For Self-Exciting graduates: Experience the expanded self-exciting spaces that take you into unmanifest potential and into other dimensions. You will explore many self-exciting states of peace and flow that can enhance your experience of ordinary reality, and explore new strategies for releasing things that take you out of the flow. More... | |