All Sections --> Light Body Intuition / Illumination / Inspiration (LB924-LB926) | |
Welcome to DaBen and Orin's courses on Intuition, Illumination, and Inspiration for graduate light body students. These courses will teach you wonderful skills to go beyond the mind into states of mental illumination and pure knowingness where you can receive intuitive guidance, experience mental clarity, and live an inspired life. If you are not a graduate light body student, you may listen to Orin's journeys from these seminars by ordering Orin's Intuition (DW914), Illumination (DW915), and Inspiration (DW916) courses, which contain the same Orin journeys that are in the DaBen and Orin albums described on the current page. These courses teach you new light body skills, and are based at the level of the self-exciting skills, and go beyond these skills into new light body skills that will awaken your intuition, increase your illumination, and bring you inspiration.
Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. ![]() There are five levels of the light body taught by Duane and DaBen so far. (These are not the same as the 5 Light Body Consciousness levels) Level 1: The basic Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course. This is required before moving to the next levels. | |
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Intuition: Opening to Your Natural Knowingness LB924 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF Use a special and profound light body state DaBen will teach you, and link with Divine Will to open your intuition. Learn to trust it, follow it, and allow it to become a guiding force in your life. Your intuition shows you the best choices and guides you to unfold the divine blueprint of your life. It is always leading you toward aliveness and joy, and out of stuck places. More... | |
Illumination: Awakening Your Higher Mind LB925 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF Learn a light body state that leads to mental illumination, and can change the way you view anything you look at. Link your mind with your higher mind and Universal Mind for an illumined mind. Experience perfection, beauty, and truth. Experience more joy, harmony, good health, loving relationships, prosperity and peace. Let your thoughts lead to your liberation, freedom, and enlightenment. More... | |
Inspiration: Being Your Authentic Self LB926 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF Work with DaBen's Light Body meditations and Orin's Divine Will meditations to be your true, Authentic Self. As your authentic Self, you are inspired, full of energy and enthusiasm. You have self-confidence, clarity, and vision. You have a harmonious, peaceful, and abundant life. Your visions, ideas, and thoughts uplift you. You know that you are perfect just as you are. More... | |