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In these three courses, you will use the light body skills you have learned and go beyond them into the expanded states. In the Awakening Your Light Body Expanded course, you will learn more about how the light body centers connect with each other, experience more detail of each of the centers, and become aware of the transitions between the centers. In DaBen's Radiance: Self-Exciting Expanded course, you will go beyond self-exciting into unmanifest potential and other dimensions that are impacting this one and your life. You will explore many self-exciting states of peace and flow that can enhance your experience of ordinary reality, and you will explore new strategies for releasing things that take you out of the flow. In DaBen's Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded, you learn a fifth frequency of Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and a sixth frequency of Transparency. You will be guided to experience new states of consciousness by moving into the potential, expanded state for each frequency, and from blending the frequencies together in new ways. Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. These courses are taught at the Light Body Consciousness level, as skills you can learn to strengthen your experiences of Light Body Consciousness.
There are five levels of the light body taught by Duane and DaBen so far. (These are not the same as the 5 Light Body Consciousness levels) Level 1: The basic Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course. This is required before moving to the next levels. | |
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DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded LB931 Type: Audio Course By: Duane and DaBen Download, PDF Experience the expanded states of each of the centers in this graduate light body course. Learn more about how the light body centers connect with each other, experience more detail of each of the centers, and become aware of the transitions between the centers. Experience new, expanded states of consciousness. More... | |
DaBen's Radiance Self-Exciting Expanded LB932 Type: Audio Course By: Duane and DaBen Download, PDF For Self-Exciting graduates: Experience the expanded self-exciting spaces that take you into unmanifest potential and into other dimensions. You will explore many self-exciting states of peace and flow that can enhance your experience of ordinary reality, and explore new strategies for releasing things that take you out of the flow. More... | |
DaBen's Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies Expanded LB933 Type: Audio Course By: Duane and DaBen Download, PDF For Radiance: Filling in the Frequencies graduates. Learn a fifth frequency of Vision, Precision, Intensity, Clarity, Harmony, Brilliance, and a sixth frequency of Transparency. Experience new states of consciousness by moving into the potential, expanded state for each frequency, and from blending the frequencies together in new ways. More... | |