DaBen's Clairvoyant Vision:
 Part 1 Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies
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Series Title: Vision Light Body Courses Part 1 of 2
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 12 Meditations, Talks
Music by: Michael Hammer
Length: Approximately 4.75 hours
Prerequisites: LB116

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

Audio, PDF Booklet with Transcripts
Product Number: LB917
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Download Album $69.00
Special Offer* Save $33.00 Buy LB917E and LB918E Download Albums for $105.00

Clairvoyant Vision: Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies

In this graduate light body course, Duane and DaBen teach you many clairvoyant sight and energy-sensing skills. You will learn special light body states that enhance your clairvoyant vision, enabling you to better see or sense subtle energies and energy fields. You will explore how to clairvoyantly sense your own energy and the energy of other people.

You will learn states of "vision" through using light body skills that expand your ability to have fresh, original, and new perspectives and insights into whatever area of your life you focus on. DaBen teaches some profound light body states based on the self-exciting skills that can assist you in viewing events in your life from multiple perspectives, looking at things from increasingly higher and more subtle levels.

As you view all the energies about you in this way, you gain more insight and understanding into situations in your life, and can better know what actions to take that will create the highest and best results. When you see things as energy first, you can manifest better forms, situations, and circumstances that reflect your higher purpose.

Through the journeys in this course, you will expand from one perspective to an even higher one that allows you to have an increasing ability to sense the subtle energies around yourself and others, and to have new perspectives on whatever you look at. You will end by experiencing the vision that is possible from a profound, expanded light body state DaBen calls the “oneness” state.

This course was originally taught as a live seminar and was the result of a year of concentrated focus by DaBen.  During the live event, a vortex of energy was created that still exists and is growing even stronger over time, as each person participates.  This vortex of energy provides you with an established base of energy that supports the shifts being offered in this course. As you listen to these journeys, you will be joining with the group who took this course in person.  DaBen tells us that in their reality there is no time, and that he is aware of every one of you as you listen.  DaBen transmits to you as you work with these journeys.  All the beings of light who were present at the live seminar will be with you when you listen to the journeys.

DaBen's Clairvoyant Vision course contains 12 guided meditations by DaBen and talks by Duane, (no Orin), Music is by Michael Hammer.

Note: The audio meditations on this album were made prior to digital recording, and have a higher "hiss" or static background due to the older technology. In addition, back in the days of tape it was almost impossible to remove background noises such as coughing, etc. We felt the experiences offered by Orin and DaBen were important enough to continue to make these older recordings available. The newer technology used on our more recent products is studio quality and is digitally mastered and edited.

PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.

Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. 

DaBen's Vision: Part 2 Creating Your Highest Future

LB918In this graduate light body course, Vision: Creating Your Highest Future, DaBen guides you to learn light body skills that will assist you in sensing the subtle energies of light that underlie all events. You will discover how to see into time and find your future as energy, so you can live well, expand into the highest energies you can reach, and create your highest future.

DaBen will lead you on light body vision journeys to find your life purpose, energize your spiritual growth, and find the energy of things as they exist over time so you can manifest forms and situations that serve your higher purpose and are for your highest good. With these skills you can change and improve what you are drawing to you, find the highest flows, and live your life purpose more fully.

You will explore how to build consciousness to assist you in solving challenging issues and shifting a major issue in your life. DaBen will teach you light body skills to expand your vision of this lifetime, getting a higher vision of what is possible. Explore viewing multiple perspectives at the light body level that will assist you in gaining new perspectives of this lifetime and your purpose. View your life through the expanded perspective of multiple lifetimes, explore moment to moment as a way of being, and gain an understanding of your lifetime on earth right now from the highest energy that you can reach.

You will look at your own future within this greater framework and find those choices, decisions, and paths to create your highest future.  DaBen's Vision: Creating Your Highest Future CDs contains 11 guided meditations by DaBen and talks by Duane (No Orin)

LB917 product imageLB918 product imageSpecial Offer: Save $33 Buy both Vision albums at the same time!
These courses were taught together, and they build one on the other to teach you a set of Vision skills you can use to both see and sense subtle energies, and to create your highest future. 

Download offer: These 2 download albums ($69 each) are $138 if purchased separately.  Purchase both download courses at the same time for $105, and save $33.
Download offer includes 2 free MP3 Thaddeus music track downloads with purchase.

Note: You can read information about Orin's Vision: Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies (OR917) course here that was made to go with DaBen's course.

Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationThis course is taught at the Self-Exciting/ Frequencies level where you are building and filling in your light body. This course assists you in expressing and manifesting these light body spaces on the earth plane.

Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for a study guide that explains the light body path and how the graduate courses relate to each other.

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.



the Orin DaBen Foundation


~100 Years of Light Seminar ~

Evolving the Work of Orin and DaBen

 October 11-13, 2024
Ashland, Oregon

(Live Stream Option Will be Offered)

 Orin and DaBen tell us that we are the Seeds of this work. Each of us who have loved and evolved with these energies for years and decades are the current expression of these light frequencies into earth plane and beyond. As the embodiment of this extraordinary Light, it is a gift to offer it to generations to come.

As Duane often reminded us, we cannot do this alone—we need each other. You are an integral part of the creation of this incoming pattern of Light. Your presence is essential to creating the most richness possible. Join us in person in October as we evolve this shimmering mandala that is our community of Light Beings.

Be among the first to hear NEW works. This Seminar will include previously unpublished material from both our teachers, Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. There is a small archive of unpublished work which is being lovingly curated by the Board and LuminEssence staff. Some of this work will be shared at the seminar. We expect to also offer journeys and talks from our published archives. There will be live transmissions and teachings from Senior Teachers and some new faces as well. We plan to have Seed/Discovery and Teachers group gatherings. There will be time to play and socialize, too.

We truly hope you will join us in the joy of bringing forth the energies that are becoming the Orin DaBen Foundation. Be a part of these first steps into the future which Orin and DaBen, Duane and Sanaya have prepared for us.


Welcome Home!

The Seminar Committee and Board of the Orin DaBen Foundation

Event Details:

FN100E - 100 Years of Light
Register here)

October 11-13 2024
9am-5pm Friday and Saturday
9am-1pm Sunday
Cost: $375

Refund Policy:
Between two (2) months and one (1) month prior to October 11th a 25% refund will be issued.
Less than one month prior to the event, there will be no refund issued.

Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites
2525 Ashland Street
Ashland OR 97520

Reservations: 855-482-8310

Call the hotel directly at 541-482-8310 and request group rates for
the 'Orin DaBen Foundation' in October to receive a discounted rate

or go online and follow these steps:

·       Visit our booking site at

·       Enter the date of their stay and number of nights

      ·       Enter your GROUP ID NUMBER 658337 in the Group ID field

Important Information:

~ If you’re flying, the closest airport is Medford (MFR)

~ You’ll need to drive or Uber to the hotel in Ashland, about 20 minutes away. There is no shuttle service to Ashland Hills Hotel from Medford. (Uber ride is approximately $25) The hotel is not within walking distance of downtown Ashland.

~ Please register as soon as you know you will attend. It will help the Planning Committee in their setup and planning.

~ Please come in person to have the greatest experience of the energies! There will be recordings made of the seminar. These recordings will be available online as soon as possible, as LuminEssence did in the past. You will receive these recordings in your Member's Area online.

~ There is a restaurant in the hotel Here is a restaurant list from TripAdvisor (updated in February):