Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 4 Guided Meditations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 1.75 hours
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
Audio, PDF Booklet with TranscriptsProduct Number: SI016
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These are the processes Orin gave us to get our work out to the world. Orin wants us to share these processes with you so you can use them to empower your work and launch your higher path with greater success. We send you our blessings as you discover and follow your world service through writing. ~Sanaya
Orin Journeys Include:
Program 1: I Am a Writer–Visualize yourself as a writer. See yourself as a successful writer and broadcast that image to the world. Bring in new beliefs about your ability to write and succeed with your writing.
Program 2: Manifesting Your Writing–Using advanced manifesting techniques, you will connect with the Universal Mind, work with your book or project as energy, birth it into matter in its highest form, and open to receive your success.
Program 3: Loving to Write–Get in touch with your vision, deeper wisdom, and higher purpose. Feel inspired to write, get started, move through any blocks, and be creative.
Program 4: Connecting With Your Audience–Reach through time and space and connect with people who will read your writing. Generate energy around your work so your books/projects will succeed. You will magnetize and connect with a publisher/producer for your work.
Visualize yourself as a writer. Learn to use advanced manifesting techniques to birth your book, project, or play in its highest form. Feel inspired to write, release blockages, and magnetize a publisher/producer.
Course contains 4 journeys by Orin with music by Thaddeus. PDF booklet with transcripts is an online product (there is no printed version that will be sent to you). The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.
Additional Resources
Recommended Reading
Creating Money: Keys to Abundance book
This is a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. Discover and create your life's work, transform limiting beliefs, create miracles and draw to you what you want.
Recommended Orin single audio journeys: Opening Creativity - Attracting Ideas, Public Recognition to draw more and more people to your creative work & Learning to Concentrate: Focusing Your Energies
View a list of all Single Meditations