Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 1 Orin Meditation and 1 Program Affirmations
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 40 minutes
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
Guided Orin Journey and AffirmationsProduct Number: P100
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Guided Meditation / Affirmations Personal Power Through Awareness
Contains two programs by Orin. One program is a guided meditation, the second program contains affirmations. Use both to learn how to stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. You can send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive. Based on Orin's book, Personal Power Through Awareness.
Affirmations: A powerful way to create changes in your life
Affirmations are positive statements that help focus your awareness on your power and ability to create what you want. Listen to affirmations while you drive, work around the house, garden, and more.
About Affirmations
The Power of Affirmations
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Personal Power Through Awareness Book Available in eBook formats (ePub and Kindle/mobi) Revised eBook and printed book edition is updated with new chapters on clearing energy. Stay centered and balanced and stop being affected by other people's moods. Send and receive telepathic messages, hear your intuition, and receive higher guidance. Evolve your inner dialog; change your self-image; find your deepest truth; and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.
Book Excerpts from Personal Power preface by Sanaya and Welcome from Orin.
Receiving Guidance from the Higher Realms
Orin's Path of Self-Realization
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness
Receive a message from the Personal Power Through Awareness book by going to the "Creating Your Highest Future" room. Click on the book picture, and read the message that comes up.
Receive your personal affirmation in the Daily Affirmation Room.
If you would like to listen to Thaddeus' music while reading this book excerpt, go to the Music Listening room.
Recommended audio journeys to go with the book
Listen to the Audiobook, read by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy to you as you listen.
Audio Book, Personal Power through Awareness. (PPTAE) Unabridged version read by Sanaya Roman. Includes two free sample chapters you can listen to right now.
Volume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) 8 meditations by Orin in album. Contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.
Volume 2 - Journey Into Light Going Higher, (P202) 8 meditations by Orin in album. This is a step-by-step program to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities, sense subtle energies, send and receive telepathically, awaken your intuition, receive higher guidance, and connect with your soul and guides. Learn to stay centered and balanced, increase the positive energy around you, and feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive.
Personal Power Through Awareness Audio Short course contains one guided meditation as well as affirmations by Orin to change your self-image, relationships, and ability to love and be loved. Recognize when you have taken on other people's energy and release it. Send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, and receive higher guidance.
Information on Teaching Personal Power Through Awareness
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