Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 22 DaBen Meditations, 2 Orin Journeys, Talks
Music by: Thaddeus
Prerequisites: LB116
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
22 DaBen Meditations, Duane Talks, 2 Orin MeditationsProduct Number: LB969
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DaBen's Luminous Body Graduate Light Body Course
Series: Luminous Body, Portal to Your Consciousness Part 3
Luminous Body: Exploring the Immense Scope of Your Life and the Nature of Reality
The theme is playing bigger, living your purpose, and making a difference.
Course is appropriate for every level of graduate light body study.
Courses in this series can be taken in any order.
from beyond the earth plane
you can be more at peace with "what is" in your life.

Explore and deepen your connection to Source and the divine.
Radiate more light, on a larger scale.
Recognize and choose energies and circumstances that are good for you, ignore or release those that are not.
Receive insights and fresh answers and solutions that come from these higher energy states and viewpoints.
Experience your consciousness not only from an earth plane, personality level, but from a level where you can see human energy as a whole, in context with a larger universe.
Make a greater contribution from this expanded perspective of human energy, and knowing more about the nature of reality.
Bring earth plane energies up to the higher vibration of the luminous energies and light that you are capable of reaching.
Develop the skill to know what state of consciousness you want to experience, and then be able to create that state at will, such as a flowing, peaceful, creative, energized, alive, or joyful state.
Enjoy some very high, flowing, blissful states of consciousness.

Imagine that you can experience the energy and the space about you as flawless, seamless, and fully connected, where you can travel with your awareness anywhere you direct it to without effort. In this state there is an amazing feeling of peace and well-being, no matter what turbulent or discordant energies are flowing around you in ordinary reality. You will be amazed at how easily and smoothly you can move into this peaceful space.
In this space even discordant thoughts become such an integral part of the bigger picture you are experiencing that your sense of peace and well-being increases. Any disharmonious thoughts, feelings, or situations simply enhance your ability to feel the perfection and peace that is possible in this state.
For me this state has become an effortless opening into stillness, even in the midst of all the chaotic energies coming from ordinary reality. This space is like a refuge of peace that can provide a perspective and an invitation to dynamically join the energies in more meaningful and fulfilling ways as you learn to play bigger and direct your life from above.
Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer.

You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the luminous body spaces. Each DaBen light body journey can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations, offering you unique, memorable, and insightful experiences. Throughout each meditation you will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you.
Other Courses in this Series: This is DaBen's Awakening New Potential, Accessing Greater Depths of Your Being, Part 1 of the Luminous Body: Portal to Your Consciousness series.
You are so much more than you are aware of! In this Luminous Body course you will explore going deeper within, to the core of your being, to discover more about who YOU are. You will learn how to bring more awareness to your innermost being so you can better match what you create in your life with whatever truly empowers and lifts you.
You can be true to yourself more completely than ever before! You will use the luminous body as a portal to higher dimensions where you have a presence, and then connect with that presence to be aware of the totality of your being. What you create then allows you to express more of your full potential, even potential that you are not yet aware even exists as a choice. Connecting with more of your self as you exist at other levels makes it easier to drop old patterns.
You will connect with many highly evolved luminous beings DaBen and the highly evolved luminous beings you will connect with can assist you in opening to receive as much luminous energy as is possible. DaBen has been working with these beings who have agreed to sponsor you in taking this quantum leap into a new consciousness. Read more...
22 DaBen meditations, talks, PDF with transcripts. Download format. Courses in this series can be taken in any order.
Other Courses in this Series: This is DaBen's Dynamic, Perfect Harmony Within and Without Course, Part 2 of the Luminous Body: Portal to Your Consciousness series.
Message from Duane: The luminous body state you will learn in this course is one that DaBen has been wanting and preparing us to attain for years, and is now within our reach. This state provides a profound, almost tangible physical experience; peace with emotional range and dimensional depth. It is peaceful and pleasurable, insightful and physically rejuvenating.
I found myself wanting to play in and sustain this space for hours. I realized that experiencing this state comes from crossing a threshold of consciousness that has never before been available to humanity, one that we are now ready for as a group. The space is so compelling, so real, I can almost touch and feel it physically.
DaBen and I invite you to experience this shift into a new energy of dynamic peace and harmony, doing a dance with the Universe, being in the flow, and learning more about effortless creation. As you make these shifts into luminous consciousness you become a transmitter of this energy to everyone who is in resonance with you, including family, friends, and loved ones. DaBen will guide you to explore exciting new dimensions which open up your ability to connect to Source. These spaces are beyond the pull of earth plane energies and are incredibly peaceful and flowing.
Read More... 23 DaBen meditations, talks, PDF with transcripts. Download format. Courses in this series can be taken in any order.
Take the spaces you learned in this luminous body course and apply them to your daily life to play bigger, life your purpose, and make a difference in the world
DaBen's Expanding Your Role in the World (LB703). These courses were taught together.
Question: How does this work with the Living the Light Body course that follows it?
The Luminous Body series opens you to new awareness, perspectives, and consciousness. The focus is on greatly expanding your consciousness, allowing you to see more of the bigger picture of your life and the world around. The Living the Light Body series teaches you ways to use the expanded consciousness that you have gained from all your light body studies to transform your daily life and experience.