Evolving Into Your Luminous Body:
Part 5 Refining Your Luminous Body
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Series Title: Evolving Into Your Luminous Body Part 5 of 6
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 22 DaBen Meditations and Talks by Duane
Music by: Thaddeus
Prerequisites: LB116

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22 DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane
Product Number: LB965
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DaBen's Refining Your Luminous Body Course

  In this course DaBen offers you an opportunity to break through an “energy barrier or shell,”
emerging into luminous light that touches every part of your life with a new light.
You can have amazing experiences as every area of your life begins to vibrate with luminous light.

Read comments from participants about their experiences with DaBen's Evolving Into Your Luminous Body courses.

Message from Duane about the Refining Your Luminous Body course

In deep meditation with DaBen, preparing for what you will learn in this Refining Your Luminous Body course, I experienced a breakthrough into an entirely new state of consciousness. I suddenly broke through what felt like a “shell,” an energy barrier that burst wide open. As it opened I received enormous infusions of luminous light that flowed into every area of my life.

Break through an Energy Barrier into Higher Consciousness

I am very excited about this space and being able to offer it to you in this course. It blew me away and carried me for a very long time. It has been an incredible experience to have everything I think about vibrating with and responding to these infusions of luminous light. Most people are not even aware this energy barrier exists, and are living a more limited life because of it. When I had received all the luminous energy I could handle, DaBen showed me how to close the shell, somewhat like opening and closing a clam shell. Then, whenever I am ready for more infusions of luminous light into my consciousness, I can open the shell again as you will learn how to do.

Experience every area of your life
vibrating with luminous light
that lifts everything it touches.

DaBen will guide you to experience this amazing consciousness, bursting out of this "shell" and breaking through this energy barrier. You cannot intellectually break out of this shell by thinking about it or having new thoughts. You can only open it with experiential, higher energy. When this shell cracks open, there is so much light that the experience is amazing. You watch light filtering into every area of your thoughts and consciousness, transforming old patterns with so much light that they dissolve and cannot reform.

In this course you can breakthrough to a new consciousness and receive infusions of luminous light to:

  • Have the clearest, most refined picture possible of whatever you direct your attention to.
  • Get the bigger picture of whatever you think of in this breakthrough space as you learn to stay in the flow of this energy.
  • Receive answers, insights, action plans, and energy at a level of detail that can be absolutely astonishing.
  • You as a focus of consciousness exist in level after level of consciousness, all the way down to physical matter.
  • You can let every level of your being vibrate with luminous light.
  • View the past, present, and future and be aware of more of the entire scope of whatever you are thinking about or working on, to make wise choices and decisions.
  • Change your relationship to time and create your higher goals much more quickly, know what they are, and accomplish more in a shorter time than ever before possible because you are in the flow. 
  • Become aware of how whatever you are doing can harmoniously fit into everything else so you can be in the flow.

DaBen and the highly evolved luminous beings you will experience in this course will assist you in opening to receive as much luminous energy as is possible. DaBen has been working with these beings who have agreed to sponsor you in taking this quantum leap into a new consciousness.

The first part of this course is about getting into a remarkable state where you can break through an "energy barrier" and experience multiple infusions of luminous light. The rest of the course shows you how to access and use this amazing state to let every area of your life vibrate with luminous light. With this you can expand, refine and bring every area of your life into alignment with your true being and higher purpose.

Read more information about the Luminous Body.

Note: This is part of a series called Evolving Into Your Luminous Body.
Please go to the end of this page for links to the other courses in this series, including those already taught, and those still to be taught as live seminars.
You do not have to take other courses in this series to participate in the Expanding Your Luminous Body course.
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What preparation do you need to get the most out of DaBen's journeys in this series?
You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the luminous body spaces. Each DaBen light body journey can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations, offering you unique, memorable, and insightful experiences. Throughout each meditation you will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you. The Luminous Body states of consciousness are peaceful, flowing, expansive, mystical, and deeply transformative. 

We have people at all levels of skill with their light body taking the luminous body courses. Your guide and many highly evolved Beings will be present to assist you. During each journey DaBen transmits to you individually whatever energies are next for you, whenever you take this course or listen to these journeys.

Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. 

Deepen your connection to your Guide
DaBen will guide you to link with your guide in many of his light body journeys, a guide you have already met or a new one. You will learn how to use light body skills to expand your connection to your guide as you explore luminous realms of light, and meet and connect with evolved Beings. Your guide will assist you in discovering the experiences, beings, and spaces that will be the most beneficial for you to explore, those that will offer you the most spiritual growth.

You will learn ways to connect with your guide to broaden the scope of what you can receive information about. While it will be beneficial to have some prior experience connecting with a guide, it is not required.

A Message from Duane about the Evolving Into Your Luminous Body series: 

Duane: DaBen started showing me the luminous body energies over 10 years ago. Working with the luminous body energies and the ovoid body, which you will learn in the course, has had an impact on every level of my life and consciousness. Evolving into the luminous body has felt like taking an initiation into a whole new understanding. Doing this has opened doors to luminous dimensions and the evolved, luminous beings who are there of which I had never before been aware.  It brought me many major expansions of consciousness and a new perspective on my life, my purpose, and my relationship to people. 

The Luminous Body is an expansion beyond the light body.
Evolving into your Luminous Body brings about
a major shift in consciousness.

The luminous body is an expansion beyond the light body. Expanding to this level of light brings you insights into the very nature of who you are on the earth plane. As you evolve into your luminous body you can operate from a level of consciousness that allows you to more easily change your life and consciousness. You reorient your consciousness to a higher light and reach a high point above earth plane energies where you are no longer held back by mass consciousness ideas and thought forms. As your consciousness expands you can continually upgrade and improve your circumstances, make the needed changes in your relationships to bring greater peace and harmony, and create shifts in your health, body, and physical well-being.

There is no end to the levels of consciousness you can reach and the experiences you can have. All expansions of consciousness into more light change your perceptions, insights, understandings, and the way you live your life. With each shift into higher consciousness you are able to make choices and decisions, and to live a life that feels more fulfilling and rewarding.

DaBen, your guide, and many luminous beings
will assist you in evolving into your luminous body.

DaBen and many very highly evolved luminous beings will assist you in discovering your luminous body throughout DaBen's meditations. DaBen and many very highly evolved luminous beings will assist you in discovering your luminous body. These beings have been assembling for the purpose of working with you to assist you in understanding, opening to, and sustaining the high states of luminous body consciousness you will explore. 

As you experience the light of your luminous body you will be able to experience your thoughts in new ways so you can better know those that are showing you the truth and that bring you illumination, and to recognize and immediately let go of thoughts that bring you stress or show you a more personality, limited view of the world.

You will discover new ways to expand your consciousness with light.

To have consciousness in the luminous realms you will learn how to play with light in new ways and to bring that awareness back with you, enabling you to add more light to your daily life. This light will translate into greater certainty of what actions to take, clarity about the situations you face, more uplifting thoughts, and new ways of relating to people around you. 

You will develop a new sensory system that allows you to
experience vast, exquisitely beautiful luminous realms and
bring this luminous energy into your daily life.

Throughout the Luminous Body courses, DaBen will teach you how to develop a more refined sensory system, your luminous body, which will make it possible to navigate and experience vast, exquisitely beautiful luminous realms, meet the beings there, and develop your presence in these realms. You will learn how to become aware of more refined, beautiful energies of light. With this skill you will be able to attract and experience more refined and beautiful energies in your daily life.

Your sense of self will expand as you become
aware of your identity at an even higher level
than DaBen has ever before offered.

You can have a greatly expanded sense of who you are and what is possible to create on the earth plane as you explore your luminous body. You can experience increasing confidence in yourself and your ability to create what you need in each moment. Your guidance will be clearer and you will have greater trust in the accuracy of your perceptions, interpretations, and understanding of whatever is happening in your life. 

As you travel in and explore the luminous realms you can experience a vast awareness, an expansiveness, and a sense of being unrestricted. This will translate back to your daily life as letting go of limitations, a feeling of spaciousness, and freedom from past attachments, patterns, judgments and attitudes. Your perceptions will change and your spiritual vision will expand, allowing you to sustain and live the higher awareness you gain as you discover your luminous body.

Evolving Into Your Luminous Body:Part 6 Expressing as Your Luminous Body on the Earth Plane

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This is DaBen's Expressing as Your Luminous Body on the Earth Plane course, Part 6 of the Evolving into Your Luminous Body series.
Duane: Picture yourself moving through an energy barrier and emerging into another dimension of beautiful luminous light. Imagine receiving a downpour of subtle, immensely refined luminous light, lifting your consciousness to a purer, finer, higher vibration.

Take a quantum leap in consciousness as every area of your life vibrates with luminous light. In this course you will explore how to express luminous light as it touches your mind and thoughts, emotions, body, and connections. This light enhances the vitality of your physical body, opens your heart, and connects you more fully to the unity of all life. As your consciousness becomes infused with luminous light, it can express as new paths, choices, perceptions, and decisions. This is a manifesting course, at the luminous body level. You can expand upon your ability to receive answers, insights, action plans, and energy at a level of detail that can be absolutely astonishing.

You can change your relationship to time and create your higher goals much more quickly, know what they are, and accomplish more in a shorter time than ever before possible because you are in the flow. DaBen and the highly evolved luminous beings you will experience assist you in opening to receive as much luminous energy as is possible. As you receive and express this luminous light, you can feel a deep peace, knowing that all is well and as it should be.  You bask in a feeling that the universe is perfect, right now, in each moment, no matter what is happening.

This Expressing Your Luminous Body course includes the complete course journeys of 22 DaBen meditations, numerous Duane talks, and written transcripts of both in a PDF booklet. Also included are an additional 7 DaBen meditations, one for each of the prior series (Exploring Infinite Being, LB951-LB956) to assist you in having even more profound experiences of the skills taught in this course.  (LB964) Download format. 

Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationIn this series of courses you will be opening to your luminous body, working beyond the light body level. Click on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body What's Next" for a information on the light body levels and how the graduate courses relate to each other to help you determine what light body courses might be next for you. 

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

If you have not yet given us your email address, need to change your email address, or if we do not know you are a light body graduate, please create a membership, log-in and let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter.  You can also sign our Guestbook to let us know about you and to receive our free newsletter. All information you give us is confidential; we never share or sell your contact information.