Series Title: Living the Light Body
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 16 DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane, Transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
Product Number: LB705
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Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 16 DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane, Transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane, TranscriptsProduct Number: LB705
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Living the Light Body
Graduate Light Body Course
with Duane and DaBen
One of the companion courses is Becoming Luminous Light (LB972).
You can enjoy one or both, they are meant to work together and were taught at the same time.
In this Living Your Light Body course you will be guided by DaBen to discover some of the luminous light states that allow you to meet and explore the energy of several vast consciousnesses. With the expansion of consciousness this brings you can see things from an expanded perspective which gives you new information about how you can live your life. This new consciousness becomes a part of you at every level, including ordinary reality, shifting everything in your life to a higher vibration. With this consciousness comes a marvelous shift in your ability to exist in a higher, luminous plane while simultaneously living your earth life.
In this course you will be discovering who you are at higher levels, experiencing new consciousness through accessing more of the greater totality of your being. You can represent this consciousness at all levels of your being, creating your life and experiencing your mind and emotions from this expanded perspective, from the highest level of being you can reach.
DaBen’s meditations include:
• Journeys to far-out destinations as well as practical exercises and experiences.
• Opportunities to gain insights about various areas of your life as you look from the expanded viewpoints that can come from opening up to the energy that DaBen is transmitting and teaching.
The Living the Light Body courses explore using the energy tools you have and the experience of luminous light DaBen will transmit and teach. With this, you can explore enhancing your earth life and your experiences of ordinary reality.
In this course DaBen will touch upon the consciousness that was taught in part 1 of this series, Living as a Vast Consciousness (LB704).
LB705 Seminar will contain between 16–18 DaBen guided meditations plus Duane talks in download and streaming formats. Transcripts are included.
This course was taught at the same time as, and works well with DaBen's Main course, Being Luminous Light, Part 2: Becoming Luminous Light (LB972).