Creating Empowering Relationships:
Part 2 Living the Light Body
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Series Title: Living the Light Body 2
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 19 DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane
Music by: Thaddeus
Prerequisites: LB116

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

DaBen Meditations, Talks by Duane, Transcripts
Product Number: LB702
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Living the Light Body Course: Creating Empowering Relationships

 Using Light Body Energy to Transform Your Daily Life

The theme is bringing all your relationships into harmony with your innermost Self

Transform your relationships with luminous and light body energy.
You will be exploring how to bring higher energies and more consciousness into your relationships so that they enhance your ability to do well on the earth plane. You will explore taking those elements that enhance your experience and letting go of the rest. As you bring light body energies more perfectly into their expression in ordinary reality, you can notice shifts in your relationships by the entirely new perspectives that emerge about them. You can effectively change your relationship to yourself, to everyone and everything, to the higher beings of light, and to all that you are connected to by learning how to bring light body and luminous body energy into your daily life and ordinary reality. 

In this course you will look at ways to have harmonious, empowering connections as you:

  • Find expanded and new ways to relate to people, plants, animals, and the earth itself.
  • Elevate your relationships with people, objects, animals, and all life.
  • Allow all your relationships with people, objects, energies and thought forms to support you in staying in the flow.
  • Learn to stay in the flow by the way you handle your connections to people, life-force, cultural influences, and all the energies around you.
  • Work from higher levels of your being to improve your relationships.
  • See beyond people's personality and connect at a higher level to transform your interactions.
  • Examine your attachments and how they might be affecting your relationships.
  • Stop saving and rescuing, and let your relationships be empowering for you and others.
  • Explore the process of relationship, how you get along, the energies at play, and the dynamic nature of your connections.
  • Notice what you are putting into and getting out of relationships.
  • Let go of pushing for a shift. Practice having no expectations and simply setting a space for others to shift.
  • Release where others have imposed their thought forms, beliefs, or expectations on you. 
  • Develop your ability to hold a healing space.
  • Open space around a person in health crisis or in emotional difficulty.
  • Hold space for someone in or approaching a life/death transition.

Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. 

A New Way of Being:Part 1 Using Light Body Energy to Transform Your Daily Life

product imageOther Courses in this Series: DaBen's Living the Light Body series Part 1: A New Way of Being (LB701)
In these courses, DaBen will teach you how to play with light body and certain luminous body energies to experience your true, innermost Self at many new levels of awareness, enhancing your ability to be this Self and to bring this level of awareness into everything you are doing. You can effectively change your life by using light body and luminous body energy to: 

  • Discover new ways to use light body energies and skills to create practical results and shifts in your daily life.
  • Direct your life from higher levels of your being.
  • You can learn to sustain higher states in ordinary reality, to bring the joy and flow of the light body and luminous body into your daily life.
  • Open up your personality self, so higher energies can be expressed in more appropriate forms that better match who you are.
  • Gain more physical body ease, use light body energies to experience more freedom from muscle aches and discomfort.
  • Increase your ability to shift physical energy.
  • Explore having more physical vitality, recharging at core.
  • Gain more awareness about your choices with food, diet, and lifestyle and how to shift patterns.
  • Experience greater emotional flow to stay centered and balanced around any kind of energy.
  • Live your life as it matches your vision of who you are.
  • Expand your ability to express your creativity in everything you do.
  • Take the consciousness you have gained in your light body experiences and use it in practical ways to transform your daily life.
  • Increase your sense of abundance.
  • Transform problems into opportunities, find inspired solutions.
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20 DaBen meditations, talks, PDF with transcripts.  Download format. Courses in this series can be taken in any order.

Expanding Your Role in the World:Part 3 Living the Light Body

 product imageOther Courses in this Series: DaBen's Living the Light Body: Part 3 Expanding Your Role in the World. (LB703)
DaBen will guide you to experience making a contribution at an energy level, what that means, and then to use that to find the forms that match who you are. He will lead you on journeys to:

  • Explore getting your work out to the world and being more inventive about what forms your work might take.
  • Look at the ways you might shift energy and make a contribution through your current work and activities.
  • Increase your ability to be creative and use your imagination to look into the energies for new forms of expression that might emerge.
  • Learn more about the shifts you can create for others and the world, explore ways to enhance this and to match your service even more to who you are.
  • Connect on the inner with students, clients, and groups that may then appear on the outer.
  • Attract more students, clients, and business.
  • Become more magnetic, working from higher to draw people to your work and service.
  • Move out into the world in a larger way, handling greater flows of energy.
  • Find larger, more powerful flows so you can express your purpose in larger ways.
  • Move into or increase your role as a teacher, healer, and leader and what that means.
  • Find the forms and next steps to express your higher purpose and world service that are compatible with who you are and what you like to do.

19 DaBen meditations, talks, 1 Orin Meditation, PDF with transcripts.  Download format. Courses in this series can be taken in any order.

LB968Companion Luminous Body Course
Dynamic Perfect Harmony Within and Without (LB968)
Expand your consciousness with luminous light, then use these expanded spaces and apply them to your daily life to recognize who you are and be true to yourself.  READ MORE

Question: Should I take the Luminous Body course in addition to this one?
You can take this course as a stand-alone course, or take it together with the Luminous Body: Portals to Your Consciousness course, LB968. They work together. What you learn in the Luminous Body course will expand your consciousness and your ability to know who you are, at more levels of your being. This will assist you in making even more shifts in your daily life as you will learn to do in this Living the Light Body course. You will apply the light body and luminous body energies you know, from the basic and up, so that you can transform your relationships and daily life to better reflect your innermost, true Self.

 Awakening Your Light Body Path InformationClick on the small color graph "Awakening Your Light Body Path Information" for information on the light body levels and how the graduate courses relate to each other to help you determine what light body courses might be next for you. 

Note from Sanaya and Duane to Light Body Graduates

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