Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Duane and DaBen
Contains: 24 DaBen Meditations, Talks, Transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
Prerequisites: LB976
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
24 DaBen Journeys, Duane Talks, TranscriptsProduct Number: LB501
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Just for graduates of DaBen's Seminar, Inventing Avenues of Expression for Light seminar
All four parts are now available
This DaBen online seminar event Light Expressions is for graduates of DaBen's seminar, LB976, Inventing Avenues of Expression for Light. Originally taught as a four-part seminar, the entire seminar, all four Parts are now available as streaming and download. All journeys contain DaBen's transmissions of light just for you as you listen as DaBen is aware that you are participating.
The feedback we have had about this four Part course, now available as one course, has been that people are having wonderful experiences in the spaces offered. You can read more about their experiences on the FB page link below.
sustain the high states you learned for longer periods of time.
These online events will be a combination of high spaces, building skills, and increasing your abilities to use the new senses you have been acquiring throughout your experiences of high light body spaces. You will explore experientially more completely your connection to the group energy of those taking these courses, and by extension to other "like attracts like" groups and individuals. We will continue to play with the very loving beings you joined with before, as well as continue to open the portal to higher dimensional light.
without dropping back into old patterns.
You will explore how to continue to expand and develop your light senses. You will have opportunities to go further than the Inventing Avenues of Expression for Light seminars in some very valuable ways, including continuing to discover ways to deepen your inner connections with others.
Note: You can join in at any time, even after the event has been presented. Whenever you enroll you will have access to all the DaBen journeys and talks in this series.