Exploring the Interdimensional Network of Light:
With Your Ring of Light Vision
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Series Title: Interdimensional Traveling with Your Jeweled Vehicle (5 Volumes)
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Sanaya Roman and Orin
Contains: 12 Orin Meditations, PDF transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
Prerequisites: JV351 , JV352 , JV353

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12 Orin Meditations, PDF transcripts
Product Number: JV354
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Interdimensional Traveling with Your Jeweled Vehicle

Exploring the Interdimensional Network of Light
With Your Ring of Light Vision
(Volume 4 of 5)


Welcome to volume four of Orin’s Interdimensional traveling series. Many wonderful experience lie ahead as you listen and travel. You will be visiting many uplifting places and interacting with beings who will sponsor you in exploring their worlds. You are becoming an experienced traveler!

With the completion of the first three albums, you have built and refined your jeweled vehicle, allowing you to explore higher worlds, realms, and dimensions. You now have many special tetrahedrons in your personal field of tetrahedrons. These are giving you energy and assisting you in becoming conscious of higher dimensional light and energy. This energy is also available to use in your daily life as well as in your travels.

You will be sponsored by many high beings as you travel interdimensionally.

You have navigated through the void-like realm of infinite possibilities, learning how to create the energy and light needed to sustain a presence there. You have explored worlds of intense Source light wearing your cloak of tetrahedrons.

Throughout your travels you have been sponsored by three very high beings, who will continue to sponsor you as you explore the network of light. In addition, you will be joined by a special tetrahedron guide, who will also assist you in navigating the network of light.

The network of light is like a neural network that connects beings from all dimensions.

What is the network of light? It is a neural network, made of bands of energy and consciousness that connects beings from all dimensions. It is used for communication and for sending and receiving energy among many other functions.

As you hook up to the network of light, its energy is immediately available to you. You might get a sense of being a part of something bigger and vaster, connected to a network filled with the light, consciousness, love, and the energy of all the beings who are part of it.

You will create a home base in the
network of light, a sanctuary.

You will create a home base in the network of light from which to launch your travels on the network of light. Your home in the higher dimensions will be a special place of light and beauty you can come to often.


You will be exploring the network of light
with your ring of light vision

You will learn how to create a “ring of light vision” to be able to look out into the network of light. It will shine like a headlamp out of your jeweled vehicle, lighting up the neural network so you can travel upon it. Your ring of vision will allow you to see or perceive more of the higher realms and the beings there both in your travels and in your daily life.

You will learn how to travel in the fourth and fifth dimensions and experience the beauty and clarity of the light there.

Each journey in this course will assist you in expanding your consciousness, from having more awareness of your purpose, to releasing boundaries that are too constricting and opening up places your energy has been too contained. You will explore the beauty of the fourth dimension, and learn how to travel in the fifth dimension that expands your mind and brings creative, inspiring thoughts.

Throughout all these travels you will be continuing to refine your Jeweled Vehicle as your Interdimensional traveling vessel. You will receive special tetrahedrons from the places you will visit that carry much light and consciousness. Your personal field of tetrahedrons will grow and become even more potent and useful.

As is the case in all these Interdimensional traveling journeys, the places you will visit have been selected in advance and the beings have been contacted to prepare for you to visit them. Orin spent over two weeks developing each journey and opening up the space being offered to you. These journeys can be listened to over and over and will offer continual new experiences.

Orin and I look forward to our travels together!

Orin's Exploring the Interdimensional Network of Light with Your Ring of Light Vision

Program 01 Introduction to Course
Program 02 Activating Your Ring of Light Vision
Program 03 Your Welcome to the Interdimensional Network of Light
Program 04 Receiving Interdimensional Light from the Fourth through Eighth Dimensions
Program 05 Establishing Your Home Base in the Network of Light
Program 06 Customizing Your Home Base
Program 07 Creating More Connections to the Network of Light
Program 08 Bringing Source Consciousness into Your Home Base
Program 09 Receiving Consciousness in the Interdimensional Spheres of Light Image result for image geodesic polyhedron
Program 10 Traveling on the Network of Light
Program 11 Traveling in the Fourth Dimension
Program 12 Traveling in the Fifth Dimension
Program 13 Expansions and Openings with Miniature Jeweled Vehicles 


JV354 Twelve journeys by Orin with music by Thaddeus, plus introductory talk and welcome. Journeys run from 25 to 30 minutes each. Download/streaming format. Comes with PDF booklet containing transcripts of the journeys. Courses must be taken in sequence as you are building your jeweled vehicle in each course that allows you to experience the energies being presented.