Transcending Your Ego Part 6
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Series Title: Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series Part 6 of 6
Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Orin
Contains: 12 Meditations, Online PDF with Transcripts
Music by: Thaddeus
Length: Approximately 5.6 hours

MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.

12 Meditations, PDF with Transcripts
Product Number: DS106
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Download Album $89.00

Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series: Transcending Your Ego

Transcending Your Ego

Message from Orin about this Transcending Your Ego Course
Read more about Transcending Your Ego

In this course you can experience many wonderful states of illumination where lesser thoughts and desires release themselves from you. Darkness and limitation can fall away. Emotions become more balanced, flowing, and peaceful. You are no longer as affected by the energies around you, and instead more easily stay centered in the love and light of your Divine Self.

You can experience what a gift it is, what joy when the clouds of the ego part and the light of your Divine Self bursts forth from within you, as it has been throughout this series. There is a feeling of well-being. It is as if you are lifting out of the darkness into the light of day. You can know and claim more of your true identity.

Note about all six Transcending Your Ego Courses:  All six courses in this series work together to assist you in experiencing your Divine Self in deeper and expanded ways. Each course opens you to a unique quality of illumination that reveals an certain aspect of your ego. Each course is like a piece of a puzzle. When taken together, these six courses assist you in experiencing the illumination of your Divine Self that allows you to step outside of your ego, look into it, become aware of it, and transcend it. From these states of Illumination you are able to transform your emotions, evolve your desires, deepen your connection to your Divine Self, and transcend your ego; birthing a new you.

As you take each course you are opening to new qualities of illumination. The more courses you work with in the Transcending Your Ego series, the greater the illumination and consciousness of the Divine Self you can experience. Each expansion of illumination and consciousness reveals increasingly more about your ego and how to transcend it. Working with all six courses builds the illumination that is Orin's goal with this series, that offers you a profound shift of consciousness to a new level of being.

Journeys by Orin include:
•  Stabilizing Your Emotions
•  Experiencing Desirelessness
•  Receiving Gifts of Consciousness
•  Rising Above Your Ego
•  Freeing Yourself From Attachments
•  Practicing Self-Forgiveness
•  Releasing the Need to Suffer
•  Moving Beyond Needing Approval
•  Letting Things Be
•  Responding As Your Divine Self
•  Allowing a New Consciousness to Arise
•  Radiating Your Inner Beauty

A PDF booklet with transcripts is included with the MP3 downloads.  This PDF booklet is an online product, and there is no printed version that will be sent to you. The PDF for this product will appear in your Member's Area under "My Downloads and Seminars" after purchase for you to view online, or to print.   Guided meditations are approximately 30 minutes each.

Greetings from Orin!
You are far greater than you know or can even imagine. Your true identity is the Divine Self within you. As you have been learning throughout this series, you are not your thoughts, emotions, or desires. You are not your ego!  With the foundation you have set with the previous five courses, you are ready to experience more of the illumination that reveals your ego. You are ready to deepen your awareness of yourself as a Self that is infinite and eternal, the Self that experiences your thoughts, feelings and desires, but knows It is not them. 

Transcending your ego is an important
and significant step to take
on your path of awakening, of Self-Realization. 

In this course you will open to a quality of illumination that, in addition to the illumination you have been building in the other five courses, reveals more of your ego and allows you to continue to transcend it.  You will expand your experience of states of pure awareness and knowingness beyond your ego that are not based in thoughts, emotions, or desires. 

As higher awareness unfolds within you, you recognize but do not act upon ego-based desires, thoughts, and emotions.  You are content to love what is and let things be as they are, unless you receive inner guidance and inspiration that propels you into action.  You surrender your desire to control things; you are peaceful and in the flow.  As you are becoming aware of, through all the journeys you have already experienced in transcending your ego, letting go of ego-based thoughts, desires, and emotions brings a major transformation of consciousness. It swings the door to your Divine Self open wide. It allows you to touch upon states of consciousness that are not possible to experience until you begin transcending the ego. 

You will awaken the seed
of your transcended ego. 

In the beginning this seed might appear as a small dot of infinite light that emerges from the center of your being. This is a seed of awakened consciousness.  It is the consciousness of the Self that lives beyond the ego, coming into manifestation. You welcome this unfolding seed of light that brings you a greater, deeper, and richer experience of awakened consciousness. 

This growing seed of light facilitates your ego in becoming more transparent and opens the way for your Divine Self to emerge more fully from within. It reveals that which is ready to go. In its light, darkness and limitation begin to fall away. Thoughts that show you a lesser and more limited world release themselves from you. Desires that have kept you in bondage start dissolving.  Emotions become more balanced, flowing, and peaceful.

You can transfer your identity from
that of an ego-based self
to the Divine Self within you.

This seed of light of your Divine Self beams light into every nook and corner of your mind, emotions, and personality. With the illumination and consciousness you have opened to throughout the preceding five courses, your vision of who you can be and what you can accomplish continues to expand. You are ready to move past old limits, release outworn identities, and open up the roles you play.

Step by step you can let go of attachments and old ways of being as you transcend your ego and know your oneness with your Divine Self.  Your connections to others grow more rewarding.  Fresh opportunities present themselves.  Doors open.  Synchronicity happens. Things seem to just work out. 

As you shift into divine consciousness beyond the ego,
it is important to forgive the past. 

As your consciousness of truth grows, you will recognize better ways to be.  You cannot continue to expand your consciousness if, when you have more awareness, you are hard on yourself for what you did in the past.  You can release guilt, shame, denial, and other aspects of the ego that cause you suffering and that can keep you from wanting to experience more light.  You will work with your Divine Self to forgive the past, let go of attachments, and release any patterns or habits of growing through pain and suffering. 

You release the need for others to appreciate,
approve, or recognize who you are.

Deepening your contact with your Divine Self assists you in releasing the need for others to appreciate, recognize, or approve of you.  You can reject expectations others have for you.  You know who you are, you know what is right for you, and you are able to set boundaries with others.  You no longer give up what is good for you to win other people's approval or appreciation.  You love and accept yourself for who you are, and turn within to receive guidance.

As you set your intention to be true to your Divine Self with your actions, behaviors, and words, you reap rewards beyond anything that the approval of others can bring you. Your path opens up and wonderful opportunities appear. Potential that has been latent is activated. As you connect with your Divine Self, Its qualities of courage and understanding flow through you, opening the way for you to take action and speak words that reflect the truth of who you are.

You can learn to embody
the high states you experience
as you contact your Divine Self.

In this course, as in the other five courses in this series, you will reach high, transcendent states that reveal your ego, and to also to embody and live the consciousness of these states in your daily life.  You will let the illumination that arises from within you shine through various areas of your life to transform them. 

As you have been able to perceive in each of these six courses, you can experience what a gift it is, what joy, what delight, what an incredible experience when the clouds of the ego part and the light of your Divine Self bursts forth from within you.  There is a feeling of well-being, a smile in your heart.  You feel buoyed up. It is as if you are lifting out of the density and darkness into the light. You know something wonderful is happening. A new light is dawning and appearing in your life–a light that allows you to transcend your ego and know your true identity as your Divine Self. 

When you transcend your ego-transforming your emotions, evolving your desires, illuminating your mind, and deepening Divine Self consciousness-all the riches of divine consciousness can be yours. As you have experienced all the transformations of consciousness that are possible throughout the six volumes of this courses, all that you can allow and open to is yours. You have everything you need within you.  You are continuing to deepen your awareness of you as the Divine Self within, and claim more of your true identity.

You live in an unlimited universe!

Brief Overview of all three of Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self download/streaming albums:
Becoming Your Divine Self series work together to lift you into the higher consciousness of your Divine Self.

In this series of three courses you will explore your Divine Self connection as a doorway into higher awareness that Orin calls 4th dimensional consciousness. This is awareness of who you are beyond the ego, beyond your body, emotions, and mind. This is not a higher or lower step than transcending your ego; both enhance each other and both are important steps on your journey of self-realization.

product imageIn Part 1, Knowing Your True Identity, you will connect with your Divine Self to experience your self as a non-physical, eternal, invisible, infinite, unlimited, pure, illuminating light. Knowing your true identity can be one of the most life-changing, transformative steps you can take. Knowing your true identity clears the way; opens doors; and brings you energy, answers, opportunities, solutions, and all that you need to move forward into your highest future.

product imageIn Part 2, Awakening Spiritual Power, you will explore the nature of spiritual power that reveals the truth that there is only one power, that of the Divine Self.  When you are in contact with your Divine Self, no thoughts, beliefs, memories, people, feelings, obstacles, situations, or outside circumstances can have any power over you or can stop you from creating a life that reflects more of the unlimited potential of your Divine Self.  

product imageIn Part 3, Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self, you will open to the illumination of your Divine Self that clears any energy that veils your inner light, such as fears, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, stories, memories, and energy from mass consciousness and other people.  Learn how to recognize when you are not clear, and return to clear states where you can be hear your inner guidance and feel more joyful, insightful, inspired, focused, confident, and optimistic. 

About Orin's Path of Self-Realization Series that this set of 3 courses is a part of:  Orin says that each album in his Path of Self-Realization series (consisting of the six Transcending Your Ego courses, and the three Becoming Your Divine Self courses at this time) contains some of the major steps, understanding, and realizations that will assist you on your path of awakening and Self-realization.  Orin is mapping out for you some of the steps and understandings that will carry you forward into the higher light of greater freedom, the light of initiation, revelations, and new understandings.  The courses in this series are to assist you in learning to viewing your daily life and the world around you from a spiritual awareness, rather than a personality-based awareness.

In all of Orin's courses in this series you will work with your guides and inner teachers who are here to assist you in your continuing transformation from a personality-based consciousness to having an awakened spiritual consciousness.

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Brief Overview of all six of Orin's Transcending Your Ego albums:
These are part of Orin's Path to Self-Realization series.

The six courses in Orin's Transcending Your Ego series are part of a comprehensive series of Orin courses called Orin's Path of Self-Realization series, offering you who are ready an accelerated course in higher consciousness that assists you in becoming an awakened, realized Self. All six albums in Orin’s Transcending Your Ego series work together to connect you with your Divine Self. It is only through contacting your Divine Self that you can transcend your ego.

Experiencing the spaces and transformation Orin offers in these journeys expands and deepens your connection to your Divine Self, creating the illumination needed to transcend your ego. The synergy of all six albums in this course is powerful and builds, and the wonderful changes in your consciousness will continue for many years past the immediate insights you experience as you listen. These six courses accelerate your growth and offer you the foundation necessary to transform your life and consciousness in magnificent ways.  You come to know yourself as the Divine Self, rather than your ego, release the causes of pain and suffering, and open to greater inner peace, joy, and love.

Orin’s guided meditations in these courses have layers of transmissions and energy in them. You can listen to these journeys over and over. Whenever you listen, you are listening with a more illumined consciousness that makes it possible for you to move into states of even greater illumination and have many new insights and shifts.  All albums contain 12 Orin journeys, and online PDF with written material and transcripts.

product imageIn Part 1, Birthing a New You, you will connect with your Divine Self to awaken your spiritual power, trust your inner wisdom, release limiting thoughts, tap into infinite supply, receive Divine Self guidance and inspiration, enjoy harmonious relationships, and to feel the peace of your Divine Self.  Rise into divine consciousness and birth a new you as you open to your Divine Self.


Transforming Your Emotions DS102In Part 2, Transforming Your Emotions, you will experience the Divine Self illumination that reveals the nature of emotions, an aspect of your ego. Open to divine love, stay clear around negative emotions, clear obstacles to knowing infinite supply, free yourself from repeating the past, move beyond pain and suffering, deepen and sustain inner peace, and accept more joy, love, and freedom into your life.   

product imageIn Part 3, Evolving Your Desire Body, you will evolve your desire body—the part of your ego that is composed of desires.  Align your desires with higher purpose, free yourself from unfulfilling desires, become pure awareness without desire, release old desires, and allow your desire body to transform into a new field of awareness that responds to your Divine Self rather than to mass consciousness or the desires of people around you. Experience greater contentment, gratitude, and appreciation for the richness of your life just as it is.  

product imageIn Part 4, Illuminating Your Mind, you will experience the light of your Divine Self that reveals the mind and takes you beyond the mind into pure awareness. Love your thoughts and respond to them in new ways, rise above mind chatter, release worry thoughts, free yourself from limiting beliefs, and open to divine ideas as you enjoy new ways of thinking. Strengthen Divine Self guidance, connect with the Divine Self of others, and experience greater abundance. Release negative thoughts about aging, health, and your body.

Deepening Divine Self Consciousness DS105In Part 5, Deepening Divine Self Consciousness, you will deepen your Divine Self connection so you have the illumination and consciousness to transcend your ego. Break through to a new consciousness, come into resonance with your Divine Self, let go of old identities, update the roles you play, release identification with form and know your formless Self, free yourself from past labels, clear the storms of emotions, strengthen your ability to be true to yourself, and embrace your new identity of being your Divine Self.  

Transcending Your Ego DS106In Part 6, Transcending Your Ego, you can experience high, transcendent states as you open to the illumination of the Divine Self that reveals more of your ego-personality. You open to the sun of light within you and let it move out through every area of your life to transform it. You can move beyond needing approval, practice self-forgiveness, release the need to suffer, learn to love what is and let things be, free yourself from attachments, respond with love as your Self, and radiate your inner beauty. 

Teaching courses from Orin's Transcending Your Ego, Becoming Your Divine Self, and Unfolding Divine Consciousness Series:

Note about Orin's Transcending Your Ego, Becoming Your Divine Self, Unfolding Divine Consciousness and Interdimensional Traveling with Your Jeweled Vehicle Series:

Orin has asked people not to teach any of these courses (DS101-DS106, DS201-DS203, DS204, JV351-JV355) by leading or teaching the meditations in your own voice at this time.  Orin asks that you present these courses to others by playing his audio journeys for them. Orin does not feel that people are able to transmit from the spaces beyond the ego that Orin is transmitting from during the journeys. We just ask that you not lead the guided meditations for these courses in your own voice, record them, or teach classes based on similar meditations given in your own voice. 

If you want to teach others these courses, you can hold classes or get together with one or two friends and play your journeys for them. You can also purchase multiple download courses and receive a discount. (Email our office for details).


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